Thursday, November 19, 2009

Adik Kodek..


This entry is for my lil brother named Husnul Hakim Bin Othman. Today, he got his UPSR result ady.. Not too bad yet not too good. He got 2A's and 3B's. Okey la.. kan??

He is very playfull and energatic and notti and talkative and decipline. He like to play football and also like to eat. No wonder can see he put on weight so fast. The picture below is taken when we celeborate his b'day during Family Raya Gathering last year. Kind of surprise b'day party jugak la..sbb actually hari jadi dia fall during fasting month and we had celeborate is on the day itself within our family la.. Tp dia cool j.. x mcm surprise pon.. Geram tol!! cett..

Thats Hakim.. I like him sbb dia sangat save. Maksudnya dia akan jaga barang2 dia elok2 n simpan elok2 n sometime he hide it to avoid other ppl using that. Huh, sooo haji bakhil. Tp kalau belikan dia barang2 best la..sbb dia akan jg lek lok n sayang brg, we will feel appreciated. ( walaupon sebenarnya dia ni kedekut. Hehe )

Dia jugak sangat pengemas. Baju tight-in. T-shirt mostly berkolar..n butang sampai atas, rambut belah tepi n ada remous sket kat depan tu, n specky..hehe ( look sooo skema )
But but but, he sangat nakal. Suka sangat usik orang lain...usik barang org lain ( remmbr point yg kat atas tu..dia suruk barang dia xmo kasi org guna, tp dia sangat suka guna brg org..haha..sangat save kan??).

So, imagine this... gaya skema nakal. Ouh...dun u think he's cool??
hehehe...lap u adik kodek..

( haa.......this is gambar terbaru adik ms raya baru2 ni. Montok kan?? haha.. )

Nota little lizzy : Macam la dia baca blog ni..haihhhhhh

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