Friday, December 11, 2009

Sape nak pegi Disneyland HK, angkat tangan!!

Win a Family Trip for 4 to Disneyland Hong Kong with Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out


Just upload a photo of your children and arm them with the proper defense through our widget. Then download the photo and write a blog post with the theme “Curious Kids Need to be Tough Inside” and tell us how you can help boost your child’s immune system.


Once you’re done with the blog post, just submit your permalink and details through the contest form (Click cepat) and you’re all set to go! You’ll be in the running to win your family a trip to Disneyland Hong Kong, Toys ‘R’ Us cash vouchers for your children or a cash prize worth up to RM1,000!

Okey...sape2 ada anak tu cepat2 la join this. Senang j kan?? I have no kids..too bad!! tp sangat teringin nk g HK disneyland. ;( xpe time. So, ape tunggu lagi?? cepat la!! Ish...x reti2 lagi.. haha..

Hmm..okey..sape yg x bape clear lagi..or still blur2, 1st cobit2 pipi tu.Lepas tu sepak2 sket..sepak manja2 j tau. Kalau nk sepak sampai lebam..mak tak tanggung ye nyah!!

Okey...kalau da sedar, ini bukan mimpi ye kawan2.. dan juge bukan cobaan.. Nah..tgk sini. ( Sinilah.. ).

Psssssttt...kalau da menang nnt, jangan lupe kan diriku ye.

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