Monday, December 14, 2009

SPM fly over..Selamat berehat utk sume student2 yg baru lepas SPM ye..


Sempena berlabuhnya tirai SPM baru-baru ni, banyak budak sekolah 17 tahun yang rasa lega, seksa 11 tahun more or less persekolahan dah habis. Unless lah kalau diaorang nak pursue sampai form 6 lepas ni.

Which mengingatkan I pada zaman SPM I dulu. I have to admit, my SPM result wasn't great, although I was actually a bright student. Alasan biasa, tapi betul punya. Masa tu I target lebih tinggi lg. Tp xpe la..

I got 5As and eligible to enter Matricullation Centre of International Islamic Univ.. largely due to the school environment there. I felt suffocated. By that course is Law. Pheww...and truth be told, i am not good in English. Menyesal x blaja subjek English betol2 masa SPM. I got C4..not to bad huh?? tp masa tu i cannot speak in English..but i am good in understanding and written in English, Haha..I am not used to it..xde sape kat rumah tu nk cakap English dgn I. Setakat perkataan simple2 tu ada la..So, sometime I felt that i am the black odd ugly duckling in the class. Even tho my classmate all are very still i think its very difficult for me to understand the theories, memorised the act, and at the same time to catch up with the English language. In MCIIUM, we also have to take Arabic class as compulsory. Double bang to my head..

Kemudian, I mohon to change my course to accountancy. At that time, I loathed accountancy, for no solid reason.Okey, maybe the main reason for me at that time is I am a technical student..not reading & memorised student. To change the course from Law to Accountancy is a major decision that i have made that time. Even the admin staff masa nk isi borang tukar course tu pon pelik n tanya banyak kali pasal ni. Funnily enough, I excelled in it throughout my 2 years course there.Sampai I manage to hold the Dean's list. Honest to God, accountancy is easy if you really put your head into it. No passion is needed whatesoever. Understand the concept, and you are on fire. Anyways, I absolutely love accountancy. Tak tipu. I enjoy learning it until I proceed my Degree of Accounting at International Islamic Univ. i still love it.

Berbalik kepada cerita SPM tadi, I teringat masa mula-mula I masuk SMKA Slim River tu..I was a very average student in school. B4 that I school kat SMK Khir Johari Sungai Sumun. Dekat2 j dgn rumah I.In family..i sorang j yg x masuk asrama after UPSR. Too bad right?? during form1-form3 tu..cikgu2 bnyk kenal I sbb i ni nakal n involved in sports.Tp bab study..ramai lagi yg lebih hebat dr I..but still la i duduk dalam kelas A. Cuma kalau periksa tu..i x heran sangat pon dapat no berapa. Selalu dpt no tgh2..average la.No belas2..

Than after PMR, I dapat masuk SMKA Slim River. At that time I have a high expectation to that school. I selalu ingat in that school org pandai2 j boleh masuk situ and i was lucky sbb average student mcm i pon boleh dpt that opportunity. So, from the day i masuk sekolah tu, i da pasang niat to change. And that dad is the happiest person. Walaupon dia tak tunjuk sangat, tp i tau..Sbb dia excited sangat beli segala kelengkapan untuk masuk Hostel,dan macam2 lagi la. Masa 1st time masuk Hostel tu la jugak 1st time i pegang duit bnyk dlm my purse RM100.00 untuk duit blanja. ( Rm30 untuk yuran makan, RM10 untuk yuran sukan kat asrama, than lebih tu utk blanja. Still bnyk untuk I masa tu..gila x bnyk...haha..selalu dpt duit blanja RM1-RM2 j sehari untuk pergi sekolah. Ekekekeke..)

I mengaku..I am very struggle for my SPM. Kalau before this I selalu masa SPM i blaja sungguh2. Sampai bangun tgh2 subuh utk study,sbb masa tu i sedar la yg i ni not as smart as students2 yg ada kat sekolah ni. At least kalau x boleh jadi lebih bagus dr derang, i nak la jd setara or selevel dgn derang. I ni kan average student..i suka jadi everage. Nnt kalau jadi extra ordinary..i glamm pulak..Ahaks! Along the 2 years..i am the survival. Until la i dapat result yg mcm tu..ok la..Alhamdulillah dpt masuk Univ kan...

Just a piece of advice to those 17 year-old post SPM babies, result hancur macam mana pun, fret not. There is always a ladder to success. Kalau semua orang nak straight As, tak ada siapa pula yang dapat 1A kan. Sometimes, SPM tak tentukan hidup you pun. Cuma I boleh cakap..SPM ni sket sebanyak boleh push u to get into University. Tp kadang2 I rasa masuk Univ pon ada disadvantage nya. For my course at takes 5 years to complete the degree including the matric la. Lama kan?? tu pon i buat express. Normal is 5.5years = 6years la tu.

Ada jugak Schoolmate I yg I tinggalkan masa form 4 dulu kat SMK Khir Johari..lepas SPM derang terus masuk form 6. Lepas form 6 amik degree 2 tahun j. Express kan?? jimat setahun from me.

and ada jugak yg x dpt masuk masuk kolej for diploma 3 years. Than terus kerja n now their working experience is 2-3years more than me. Lepas kerja 2 -3 tahun they further their study under scholarship from their company. Part time study for degree only took 1.5 to 2 years j. Tak payah pening2 nk bayar hutang PTPTN. damn good huh??

Masa I sibuk2 mintak kerja as freshie..derang da 2-3 tahun kerja n boleh mintak kerja same level as me with the experiences that they have.

So,pokok pangkal whether u want it or not??

I believe in fate.. if u already struggle for it..than u should leave to Him to decide whether u are mean to it or not.

Nota Little Lizzy : Kalau ada kemahuan..pasti ada jalan nya!! Cheers..
Kan dah kata...setiap satu kejadian tu pasti ada hikmahnya. So, tunggu j la..Kalau x dpt masuk Univ nnt, dont be too depress. Tp jgn pulak berhenti dari b'USAHA!!

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