Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oreo Cheese Cake recepi simple and easy to serve



1 cup Oreo cookie crumbs

2-3 tbsp. butter, melted


1/2 cup whipping cream

250g Pheladelphia cream cheese, softened

1/2 cup caster sugar

12 Oreo cookies chopped or crushed for decoration

1 egg

50ml milk

1tbs lemon juice

1tbs geletine


Combine cookie crumbs and butter. Press into a loose bottom pie pan. Place in freezer while preparing filling.

Whip cream until stiff peaks form. Whip cream cheese until smooth and put 1 tbs of the lemon juice in it. Mixed whip creme and cheese together and blend well. On the other pot.. Add sugar, egg and milk in the pot and hit on the stove ( medium hit ).Stir well around 5 min or until the egg cooked. Add in 1tbs geletine while it still hot. Stir well and rest it a while to let it cool.

Add the egg into the cheese mixture and blend them together. Lastly coarsely chop 12 Oreo cookies and fold half of it into cream cheese mixture. The other half to sprinkle on top of the cake as decoration. Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours. Loosen cheesecake by running knife around edges. Release sides of pan.

~~~Double up the ingredient if you like the thick cake.~~~

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