Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Bro.. with hugs and love..

To Apis :
On Your Birthday......

Cherist the warm and happy memories of the past year.

Look ahead to newer and happier experiences in the coming future.

There's no end to the surprises that life could spring

But hoping that they all be pleasant ones especially for your study far far away from us.

This comes to fondly wish that exciting things keep happening to you,

and good fortune smile on you.

Wish You A Very Happy Birthday !!

This is a special wish although we're miles apart

Remember dear brother, You're always close in our heart

We may not be together on this very special day

Be happy Today, because growing older means.....

You have more smiles to flash,

More warmth to give,

More strength to share,

More lessons to teach,

More experiences to learn from,

More love to spread,

More good times to cherish.

wish you the best of everything A whole year in advance..

From : f.a.m.i.l.y.

Friday, December 3, 2010

~~~ What IF... ~~~


Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Quran like we treat our cell phone?

What if we carried it around wherever we went?

What if we flipped through it several time a day?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?

What if we gave it to Kids as gifts? What if we used it when we travelled?

What if we used it in case of emergency?

This is something to make you go....

hmm...where is my Quran?

Oh, and one more thing.

Unlike our cell phone,

we don't have to worry about our Quran being Disconnected because Allah already paid the bill.

Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities?

And no dropped calls!

Note : MasyaAllah.. Astaghfirullah..

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sesi mencairkan hati..


In conjunction with DD's favourites football team.. i customised his birthday cake to be a Chelsea's Theme. And DD like it very very very much! Yay..

But not forgotten for my favourite team too.. I request the cake to be a Red Velvet so it represent my football's team which is "The Gunner".. See?? how good the combination of DD's cake this year. Hahaha

Last but not least.. do enjoy the picture.. more pictures to come..

**** But a bit "cacat" sikit kek ni... Patut nya I nk suruh dia cucuk Happy B'day clip before the word "SAYANG" it become HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAYANG..
And the bottom part supposed to be " LUV FR WIFEY"
tapi... at last jadi " SAYANG LOVE WIFEY". Ekeke... ok laaaaa.... nnt i beli clip Happy Bday tu.. n cucuk sdr.
Anyhow.. I do love this cake.. kemas dan cantik. Rasa nya pon sedap.. Nyum2.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Selamat Panjang Umur.. DD - P/S : Luv Ya!


Its your day sayang.. on your birthday today I just want you to know that...

I aM so LucKy to haVe A hUsBaNd liKe yOu.

eVeRy YeAr wITh yOu is BeTter tHan tHe LaSt.

hAPpy BiRtHday DaRliNg DeAr!

HaNgiNg oUt wiTh yOu Is sTilL my FaVoRite tHiNg tO do.

HaPPy BiRtHdAy To My pArTner aNd My bEst fRiEnd.

My loVe fOr You GrOwS aNd gRoWs with eAcH paSSing yEAr.

You aRe StiLl tHe mAn of My DrEaMs.

I cAn't iMaGiNe liViNg wiTHout yOu At mY sIdE.

gRoWing oLd WiTh yOu Is oNe of My fAvOrIte tHInGs to Do.

A hUsBaNd LiKe yOu is tHe fRosTiNg On tHe bIrTHdaY CaKe of LiFe.

hAPpy BiRThDay to tHe LOVE of mY LiFe...

LoVe FRom yOur wIFey..

Bodikini - Swimming suit for muslimah


I am currently in need to find the right swimming cap for muslimah. ( the one with covers the neck part ).

Know what, all this while I used to wear a normal swimming cap, long sleeve swimming costume ( with a turtle neck) and long tight pants for swimming. Mula2 dulu pakai yg scuba suit tu. Tapi En.suami x kasi sbb dia one peace.. and tight serta ikut bentuk badan. Ok..logic jugak. ( No wonder la kalau nk beli yg muslimah punya, derang attached kan skali skirt dekat baju skuba tu untuk cover ape yg patut.. )Saya x suka yg ada skirt, so, saya beli long sleeve swimming t-shirt. Size L lagi. Untuk mengelak baju terselak semasa berenang dan nampak badan, saya pakai one-peace-bikini kat bahagian dalam. ( nasib baik bikini masa zaman study dulu still muat lagi. Alhamdulillah ) Hehe

And noted that I usually go with En.Suami to the public swimming pool. And even though there is certain day that the pool will separately allocate for female only..but still the life saver are always a guys. Jadi, x proper kalau saya pakai normal swimming cap tu. Even the t-shirt is turtle bila swim, nampak jugak leher saya. MasyaAllah...kan..

Baju yg ni consider too fancy for me.. I mean the color. If it is black and gray..its fine.

So, one day I saw one woman was wearing a swimming cap that covers her neck as well. And she is wearing a normal swimming suit like mine but the swimming cap is special. I like!
At that point, me and En.Suami thought that I need to find a Muslimah swimming costume as well.. But, to buy the Muslimah swimming costume is quite expensive. the price at Jusco, Wangsa Maju that I recently check is RM250++. And the most important thing is I really not into the design. Where, it has a skirt attached to it and the colors is always fancy. I'm sooo NOT into it. Try to find the plain color but couldn't, so.. i just forget about it..since I already have a proper swimming suit. The only thing that i need now is the swimming cap which can cover my neck.

I'm sooooooo into this one. Simple j.. janji tutup aurat. X mau yg fancy2 berwarna warni lagi bunga2..

I start google, kebanyakan nye i jumpa tudung renang yg paras dada. And still fancy2.. aiyakk. Kenapa muslimah mesti jual yg fancy2..ber flora2 bagai.. hehe. Saya x suka..nnt jadi center of attraction pulak. kalau boleh nak yg all black. Plain lagi.

Floral design.. I dont know how about u.. but i feel too shy to wear something bunga2 di dlm swimming pool especially in public pool. Its nice.. but maybe too nice..Takut nnt org ckp..baju da berenang mcm siput. huhu.. I know.. I shouldn't have that THOUGHT. Too bad huh..

and lastly I found this. I love it sooo much however, they did not sell it separately. It must come with the whole set.. En suami cakap beli saje lah..nnt baju dan seluar tu boleh jual kat sape2.. Hmm.. x bebaloi rasa nya.. Nak melabur RM190 untuk satu set. Tp hanya nk guna swimming cap j.
Muslimah's swimming cap

So, sape2 yg tau mana nk beli Muslimah's swimming cap seperti gambar dibawah, silalah rodger saya. Email saya di :

Bersama kita menjaga aurat kita sebagai seorang muslim. ;D

More info for topi renang muslimah ni.. sila click sini (topi renang muslimah)
Beside, I found this muslimah suim suit yg sangat sweet. Sape2 yg suka boleh la singgah kat link ni ya. ( muslimah suim suit )

Told ya...sweet right??

Baju ni mcm nk pegi shopping pon ada.. hehe.. just kidding! This design i suka.. ( tp design j..sbb dia xde skirt. Dia ala2 baju kurung moden. Tp ada belah sikit kat tepi. ) But the floral part..emmm.... masih rasa x sesuai untuk bawak g swimming. Kolot betul saya ni.

Info for public swimming pool area Klang Valley,

At cheras.- Bandar Tun Razak- 1.6m deep- entrance fee rm3 (if i'm not mistaken)- open to public (everyday)- weekdays 2 sessions and weekend 3 sessions,morning, afternoon and night- Clean pool with life guard. Weekend Morning 9-11.30am, Afternoon 2-4pm, night 6-9pm.

**Shah Alam Aquatic Centre

**Matsushita Sports Center Pool in Shah Alam

**KKK pool in Subang

**Club Syabas pool (PJ)

**Note : Cik Lyzz x pernah pegi

Kelana Jaya pool - Friday is lady's day. They have 2 pool. But for Friday ( if not mistaken ) they separate betw ladies and guys. Entrance fees is cheaper. RM2-3. Too many people.

Bukit Jalil Aquatic Centre - Please note that the bukit jalil pool water is extremely cold cuz you don't get direct sunlight on the pool hence the cold water. Entrance fees RM5 ( if not mistaken )

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Homemade meatball chenta..


Xtvt cik lyzz during wiken..sebenarnye teringat nk mkn Swedish Meatball kat IKEA tu.. terus cik lyzz bergoogle walk cari resepi yg sesuai. So, jadi la meatball Chenta ni.. sesuai untuk dd mkn time balik dr class nnt. For his tea time.. ;D

Versi goreng untuk minum petang..
Cik Lyzz buat dua versi.. 1st versi rebus.. 2nd versi goreng. Yg rebus tu Cik Lyzz nak masukkan kat dalam sup sayur for dinner nnt.. yebba yebba!!

Versi rebus untuk sup sayur mlm nnt..

Sape2 yg berminat nk cuba..leh try resepi berikut:

500g daging cincang

3tbs tepung jagung

2tbs tepung ubi

1/2 tbs paper

Garam secukup rasa

1/2 ulas bawang besar – ditumbuk halus

Kalau suka boleh tambah serbuk perasa. ( Cik lyzz tambah kiub ikan bilis separuh )

Cara Penyediaan:

1. Gaul rata semua bahan2 dan perap sebentar.
2. Bulat2kan adunan menjadi bebola kecil.
3. Panaskan air hingga mendidih dan rebus bebola.Angkat dan toskan.
4. Boleh di makan begitu saja, di goreng atau di gunakan sebagai masakan seperti spegeti, bakso dll.

** untuk goreng Cik Lyzz..celupkan dgn telur dan golek2 kan dgn bread crumb b4 goreng. Goreng sampai kuning keemasan.. angkat dan tos kan sblm di hidang..

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tiffany blue, Aqua blue and Turquoise


Hehe.. can you spot the difference between the three?

Easiest way, Tiffany is more blueish and Turquoise is more greenish. Aqua in in betw of the two. Aqua blue as you all can easily differentiate..its the color of swimming pool. Eh..theres another color which quite similar to all these three..that is "Cyan". Haha..dont ask me more.. what i can say here is..they are all siblings. That's y looked similar to each other since they are sharing the same mommy and daddy.. ( ok, merepek.. ). If not mistaken.. Cyan is more light and striking in color..

My post today inspired by the wedding picture of Elyana and her husband where they are so sweet mengenakan baju kurung moden biru Tiffany sedondon. Their theme is White-Tiffany. Cool.

Elyana with her husband after the solemnization ceremony

So sape2 nk kawen after this can choose this color as a theme.. Gorgeous you! And not to mention, the color tu nampak mahal, sweet, elegance and the most importantly jarang2 digunakan.. So, nampak exclusive.. Congrates Elyana on your wedding and for the good choice of your wedding theme color. Me like it very much!

So, I try to imagine how will the color suite to our living life.. and when i google, it miracle. And lets the pictures talk themselves. Dont you like its?

"Yummy bedsheet.. gonna grap one like this soon.. Miahaha.. ;P"

" This Wedding Cake sooooo beautiful. No? Sumpah la..sayang nk potong. Its too beauty to eat. "

"Wallaaaaahh Chandelier.."

The Tiffany's Head Clip and Head-Band.

"Tiffany Stilettoes.. what say you?? I said..its awesome!"

Know what?? I think I start to heart this color.. I remember, when I was a lil kid, I used to like "red". Everything must be red... from head to toes. Then I start to love "yellow" when I was in secondary school and in the University. After grad..I love Purple Pink. And still love the color till now. But beside purple pink..i think this is the best color in the world. Haha... sejuk j mata memandang..

See......... told ya.. its soooooooo calm, that y it is the best color in the world. Ekeke..

P/S : Pictures taken from google.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Drooling Dresses from Dorothy Perkin and Top Shop

Jom cuci mata sat di website Dorothy Perkins & Top Shops . Ekekeke..

Love this summer dress.. its a trend nowadays that ppl usually wear this not occasionaly during the summer only. Can even wear it at the casual parties as well. Really heart the abstract design on it ala2 "batik" and the cutting. Its make the person who wore it look simple yet elegance.

Love the cutting.. too bits.

Boleh beli untuk bersantai dirumah bersama dd.. ;P

Soooo suh wiiiiittttttt..No?

Love the contra betw the pink rise rose color with the black ribbon. And not forgotten the best part is it's skirt.

This corsage dress can be wear at the semi-formal event. Looked at the fabrics and the combination of colors... Soo want it since it is too sweet. My fevourite.

Another favourite.. Hehe..

This Cornelli Dress cutting gathered into the waistband of the skirt. So skirt tu nampak mcm kembang..tapi still ade shape. Luv it.. dont cha??

But the color look pale..but still if you balance it with the would turn out, Whoaaaa!! hihi..over kan?

This patern is suitable for simple ladies like me. I actually love the round neck from the front look but V-neck at the back. Make the dress look sexy..


The Baby blue nice. Adore the colors combination betw blue and white with a long ribbon at the side.

The red one is more to formal dress. Its look great since it has a lil tiny cute belt in it. So, the person who wore it will look smart and the effect of the belt will let other ppl to see a beautiful shape of her bodies in it.

Can also change the belt with chain belt if you like. ;D

Light golden brown color make it look very expensive. And this Hanky Hem Dress from Dorothy Perkins with one sleeve design makes it sooo adorable.

This two dresses come from Top Shop's Collection.

Lets the picture talks itselves.

My comment for these two is.. Wow!

See...I save the BEST for last!! hehe

For Muslimah.. u ol pandai2 la sesuai kan untuk pakai all these types of dresses kan.. If only its were long sleves and sesuai for us...kan?? But nowadays there's a lot of inner shirts with various types of color that u can buy and wear inside this dress.. cool kan?

Later..I post long sleves type of dress pulak key.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oreo Cheese Cake recepi simple and easy to serve



1 cup Oreo cookie crumbs

2-3 tbsp. butter, melted


1/2 cup whipping cream

250g Pheladelphia cream cheese, softened

1/2 cup caster sugar

12 Oreo cookies chopped or crushed for decoration

1 egg

50ml milk

1tbs lemon juice

1tbs geletine


Combine cookie crumbs and butter. Press into a loose bottom pie pan. Place in freezer while preparing filling.

Whip cream until stiff peaks form. Whip cream cheese until smooth and put 1 tbs of the lemon juice in it. Mixed whip creme and cheese together and blend well. On the other pot.. Add sugar, egg and milk in the pot and hit on the stove ( medium hit ).Stir well around 5 min or until the egg cooked. Add in 1tbs geletine while it still hot. Stir well and rest it a while to let it cool.

Add the egg into the cheese mixture and blend them together. Lastly coarsely chop 12 Oreo cookies and fold half of it into cream cheese mixture. The other half to sprinkle on top of the cake as decoration. Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours. Loosen cheesecake by running knife around edges. Release sides of pan.

~~~Double up the ingredient if you like the thick cake.~~~

Friday, November 19, 2010

Shame on you NOKIA.. what a fecking so-called smartphone N8 did u sell huh??

( W.A.R.N.I.N.G : This post is on the angry mode. And you might not like to see me when i'm angry. Roarrr. )
Shame on you NOKIA.. boooooo hooo!

Remember my blog last month where I mention, dd n me brought a new HP's for us? I'm here glad to announce to all of the reader here that my husband's NOKIA N8 already dead and have been send to the NOKIA service center for 2nd times. Big clap to NOKIA.. bravo!!

Looking at the advertisement of Nokia N8 which claim to be a powerful combination of internet, video, photos, music, maps with Symbian^3 operating system. With a large capacitive, good looking in shape..yeda yeda yeda..make me want to puke on it.Sigh. The new N8, damn too bad, awful, ghastly, terrible,and dreadful handphone I ever see and ever had in my life.

Our 2 weeks old Nokia N8 phone just went dead due to no reason. And when we start googling about it, we know that we're not alone.Users around the world are starting to show their disappointment with Nokia’s Symbian3-powered flagship smartphone. Heyyyy NOKIA, if you really sooo stupid and dont know the technology how to make a smartphone like other competitors did..then please step-back and dont waste your customer's money for your "try and error" SUCKS N8 like this. The worst part is..when we send it to the NOKIA service center ( which is terrible and damn fecking slow ), we have to que for more than 2 hours..even during weekdays. Can you imagine, how many peoples are there queing, claiming, complaining, and frustrating about their NOKIA HP's. And after that, they will take your HP to "repair" and claim to call back their customer when it done.

Boleh blahhh...sampai mati pon xkan ade sape2 yg akan call since you yourself need to call them and following up with them about the phone.. Mind them.. they have a lot of cases to be settle off. Remember, did i told you that the service center are crammed with people who can’t turn on or charge their newly bought mobiles and also many more problems beside its?? So, to pick up the repaired HP also need to que for more then 2-3hours. OK long as you got the good condition HP is it?

But this fecking phone which already repaired from the NOKIA service center, only can last 2 days. and after that it happen again, the phone is suddenly death due to no reason as well. Ha! Oh, Nokia! Silly silly Nokia. Anyway, the N8 put us on head ache. Imagine, we buy it less than a month.. and it has already go to service center for twice. What the HECKS! And I start wonder, do they aspect customers to come over and over again and let their phone in the service center at least 3 weeks in the service center and a few days on customer's hand in a month? What about if the customer took a monthly contract package from a local operators like Maxis, Digi, Celcom or what so ever. They still need to pay the monthly bill while they cannot enjoying to use the gadgets. Its not fair to them right? And..what about they don't have a second handphone to used while that fecking HP in the service center? What laaaaaa??? That’s serious trouble, of course, but dont understand what Nokia would do about it. Please do something.. unless you are really dying.. and we as a customer..had enough for it. We really really want to get replacement for it and make sure the replacement is the really worth it for what we had paid for the fecking N8..If not, please pay back our money. We dont want to wait another week to repair the gadget..and waste our times queuing in the center anymore.

Not really sure what are they thinking right now, but if I were Nokia, that wouldn’t be the way to launch the company’s flagship smartphone, and more importantly, not the way to handle such an issue. Those are actual broken devices that people paid real money for. Please do respect other people's money, feelings, times, emotional and so on especially the people that you hurt is your own customers.

So, to NOKIA.... really shame on you. Booooooooo hoo..!! And for those who plan or eyeing to have a smartphones, please please and pleasssssseeeeeeee don't ever think to choose this NOKIA N8 unless if you want to trouble urself and feel the same like what we feel right now. And....if you like an adventure thriller, do choose others than this NOKIA model. It might have some other fun problems as well. Ahaha... remember i told u.. theres a loooooooootttttssssss of ppls in the service center complaining about their NOKIA HP.. and I swear to God. This is real!

Note :All pictures taken from

Little Lizzy Note : I'm sure will report this to Tribunal for Consumer Claims Malaysia if this really2 can't solved or they dont want to give me new replacement or return my money back.
And I am not going to waste my time at the service center. NO, not again!! a big NO.

Click here for more info regards to TRIBUNAL TUNTUTAN PENGGUNA MALAYSIA

NOKIA's upset customer
