Sunday, January 30, 2011

DIY Facial scrub


This is what happen to the wifey when her husband not around during weekend. Hehehe..
En.Suami has started his class this weekend. So, to kill the time and bored, I decided to pampered myself with facial treatment. But, its a homemade beauty treatments! I could just easily whip up some natural ingredients and it'd work just as great as the commercial ones and even better i think.

Here's a facial scrub recipe for dry skin which I've made some days ago:

Since my face got a lil bit of scars here and there.. I used Banana since banana help in cure the "parut"

A cut/1 1/2 inch long of banana, 1 tbs milk powder, 1tbs brown sugar.

You can ever change the ingredient if you like. The one that I always do is a mixed of honey or olive oil or grounded oats or white egg or avocado or walnut or tomatoes etc

Mixed the banana and milk together.. keep the brown sugar until the time u want to scrub ur face. Dont mixed too early since the sugar will melt away. Thus, it won't help u in scrubbing.. ;))

Put a few drops of water and mix them well.
Then apply on your face and scrub scrub scrub
!.. and wait for 5 minitues b4 rinse with cold water.

And while you're at it, apply soaked teabags on your eyes.

Okey.. memang muka rasa macam cekodok masa ni.. Hahaha.. But i likeeeeeeee the result bery the much.

My skin feels incredibly soft and smooth after that!

The great thing about homemade beauty products is that it's loaded with wholesome goodness and not to mention, super cheap! There are a lot of natural ingredients you can use to make your own facial scrubs and masks including plain yogurt, strawberry, lemon juice, ground almond, baking soda and cucumber, besides the ones I said above.

Selamat mencuba. ;D Its worth trying.. In fact, kalau rajin buat selalu..muka nampak lebih berseri2 even without make up. Since u used the natural ingredient with no camical added, believe me, its superb!

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