Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pineapple Muffin..

1st time rasa pineapple kek. Bunyi macam pelik..dunno la...maybe i'm not muffin's enough. Mcm x pernah dengar j muffin pineapple. So, last month Mak Ngah kirim mixture ni..x sabar2 nk bakar. Ada 3 sebenarnye.. perisa oren + seed, blueberry and pineapple. So, i bake this one 1st sbb x pernah rasa..

Layan gambar j la ek.. Sbb yg ni guna mixture readymade given by Mak Ngah. Cuma campur2 telur, margerin, and air j da siap..


Sedap yet eazy too..!!

This one fresh from oven.. ( Owh..abaikan jari jemari yg besar tu )

Ada lagi dua packet mixture tu x try.. nyum2..Sape2 nk dtg rumah, sila angkat tangan.. boleh sy hidangkan muffin. Tp kena inform at least 1/2jam awal ek. Hehe.. Kalau ad-hoc nnt dpt makan biskut lutut j la.. ;P

Time taken to prepare : Less than 10min.

Baking time : 20min

Note : Rasa dia Cik Lyzz yg penggemar chocolate ni..x berapa suka sangat kek2 selain cheese cake n chocolate cake. So, Cik Lyzz sprinkle choc chip atas dia b4 bakar tu.. end up...Cik Lyzz makan atas dia j. Haha.. tp ok la..boleh buat breakfast DD pagi2 sblm g keje.

(Next time kena add on choc chip into the batter. So, choc chip tu berada di keseluruhan kek. Ohhh nyumm..)

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