Thursday, October 17, 2013

My korea budget travel.. ~~ Less than RM2K per pax ;)

Hi peeps... i know i know... been so long since my last post in here.
Tiba2 Cik Lyzz rasa mcm nk update blog plak. Sesaje j nk simpan budget ni kat that boleh buat future reference and also mana tau boleh manfaat untuk those yang plan to go to korea too.

Cik Lyzz and husband selamat pegi dan balik ke Korea actually in end of January.. Hik hik hik.. malu pulak nk update sebab da lama sangattttsssssss.  Issokey.. better than nothing. So, those yg nk plan bercuti ke Korea can get something from this post too.. We all pergi that time masa akhir musim salji. End of winter.. but still ada jugak a few days yg cecah -12'c. Gigil la jugak sebab ingat kan sejuk2 manja j kan. xde la beli winter coat yg beria2 tu.

So, for today, Cik Lyzz share dulu budget for overall trip sekali dengan itinerarynye.. later in next post Cik Lyzz share pulak preparation list especially those yg nk pegi during winter. ( bare in mind.. ini percutian ekonomi yek.. so, budget ekonmi la.). So, sape2 yg nk pegi levish2... duit berterabur.. x payah la skodeng post ni. Hehehehe...

Meh layan gambar dulu.... sorry gamba x tersusun.
Dah upload, susun..dia random balik... haih..lantak pi lah.

Namsan tower
Gambar atas ni kat Namsan Tower. Kalau pegi siang.. boleh la naik cable car mcm dlm cerita Boys Over Flower tu. Dlm cerita My Girl pon ada kot.

Itawon city.. For muslim advisable to stay in here. Sbb banyak halal food.

Being crazy in Nami Island

Fall in love again

J A K U N 
Fun time at Lotte World. Jangan risau, at Lotte World ada indoor park. Sila study cerita Stairway to Heaven. Kat sini la depa buat. Ingatkan outdoor.. rupenye sume tu indoor k.

Must try.. fefeeling comel.

Our first time skiing... and awesome.
For those yg nk try skiing, don't worry... senang j. For us, adik guide tu ajar kami mcm mana nk move, nk turn, nk break. lain2 kami survive sdr.. Orang2 korea pon baik2... ramai jugak yg dtg beri bantuan n tunjuk ajar pada kami masa main tu. huhu.. walaupon sorang cakap bahasa ayam.. sorang lagi bahasa itik.

First kena main kat kid's slope j hokeyy..
Slopes pon ada banyak level... kalau da teror.. boleh la main kat slopes yg mencabar sikit.

Another locsl food bibimbap... dapppp... ni mkn kat depan istana

Here we goes.. Budget for 2 pax 5D4N: ( Total K Won 1,351,000 bersamaan RM3,742.27 atau RM1,871.14 sorang ). Itupon sebab kami pegi ski.. teringin sangat nk ber ski bagai.. yelah, sekali sekala jumpa salji kan. Lagipon pikir ntah bila la pulak nk sampai lagi ke korea ni. Alang2 da sampai, kite try semuanya. So untuk ski j kami habis nk around RM200 sorang untuk rental equipment and entrance fees. main sampai lebab dari pukul 10am sampai pukul 3pm. Best experience and we both enjoy it to the max. :) weee.........

Lain2, budget burst sket sebab kami x control makan. maybe sebab sejuk, jadi perut pon lapar j manjang. Lagi satu kat sana makanan agak pricey jugak bila convert kena times 3. Tp we had try most of all the local food yg halal, dessert and coffee.. yay!

Contohnye harga air mineral sebotol KWON1,000 = RM3 ( buang 3 kosong kat blakang tu...then times 3 )...

                                                                                       1 pax                    2 pax

Arrive Incheon 4.30pm - 23 jan Wed( Day1)
check in & dinner

Namsan Tower7000 14000
Teddy Bear museum. 8000 16000
24 jan ( Day 2 )
gyeongbokgung palace 3000 6000
Bukchon Hanok Village                Free                      Free
cultural museum                Free                      Free
25 jan ( Day 3 )
ski place. 67000 134000
Coffee prince café / Hello kitty café
26 jan ( Day 4 )
Nami Island 23000 46000
Lotte World 30000 60000
Return to KL 27 jan  ( Day 5 )
Last minute shopping
Airport transfer
Hotel Accomodation       55000/night 225000
Transport (Subway,taxi & bus~T money )              50000
Meal halal food, korean, malay,arab  200000
Tour guide ( neesa ) = 97usd per day 400000
suvernir 200000
TOTAL KWON1,351,000 MYR 3,742.27

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