Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mister Psyco and the hacks sweet..


This is just happen to me during lunch time today. At first, i thought to buy some fruits from the fruit stall behind my office. But notice that I have only RM50 note in my purse make me change my mind to buy mee goreng basah from the restaurant. Thinking of nt abg jual jambu tu kasi duit balance total of RM48 in RM1 note pulak. Hehe.. tak mau!!!
After place the order...I just stand near the casher waiting for my mee goreng. Sambil2 tu tgk2 gelagat pekerja kat dlm restoran tu. Cepat tol en.mamak ni buat keja. Berdesup2 aku tgk..

Man : Nak ni?
I was surprised and see HACKS sweet on his hand..
Tp sempat jugak jeling kiri kanan...to make sure he is really talking to me. ( nnt org kata perasan pulak.)Sambil trying to digest his face..kot2 I kenal ke mamat ni..BUT, yes..i do not know him.

Me : geleng kepala..sambil buat muka terkejut.

Man : ambik la..

Me : - Silent - ( then pandang muka dia n geleng kepala.)

Man : Ambik.. ( kali ni lebih keras sket...nada dia )

Me : its okey.. ( sanyum tawar & still geleng kepala. Sambil tu..pusing badan sket.. menghadap casher. Apa2 jadi nnt mamak casher tu boleh tolong. Hehe.. )

But...x lama lepas tu, the Man, shouted at me..

Me cepat2 ambil that sweet and say thanks. Psyco betol mamat ni...
Before he left...i hear him laugh with his friend who already waiting outside..
His friend pon puzzeled him of main2 kan I sbb I dengar kawan dia tanya.."siapa tu?" tu jer sempat dengar as he went off from the restaurant.

Rasa hebat ye...sbb boleh paksa aku ambik gula2 hacks ko yg seposen dapat dua tu. Cett!!!!!!!!

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