Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Golden Rule of problem solving.....


Hye all...I just finished my 2 days training today and I really find it interesting to share with you all here.

Our topic is " Critical Thinking and Problem Solving".. It was very fun and informative. Beside the trainer, the participant are also very participate and we like knowing each other well for very long long time..even it was the very 1st meeting for many of us. Some of them comes from SD industrial, GHO Procument, R&D plantation and CTM. Maybe some of them I ever had bump each other in WSD, since they are working at the same building like me..Okey, that not the point that i want to share. Should stop here before I 'membebel' more..


Do you know..there are many solution for one problems. So the Golden Rule that everyone should have in mind set is... "FIRST SAY CAN, THEN THINK HOW".

It was like..when you having a problem that u think it is impossible to settle off..first thing first to come to your head is to say or think..

" Yes....you can solve this!!" or " Surely i can!!".

By that, u will set your mind and makes your adrenaline hormone to be ready to face the problem gently. ( wooops...better not to used the science term here. Actually I also not really know what is the adrenaline hormone is. Kah kah kah.. )

With the positive mind..then only u can make or decide or think a better solution for that particular problem. Of course, I did learn on several steps to adapt for problem solving, but the first and foremost..u must set your mind into a positive manner, then only your other body parts will interact well with your mind to make it done wisely. What do you think??

It was amazing...we even did a several activities that at first we think it was impossible but later on..it proves that the thing was actually easy to do.. One of the example is to break the wood pencil into two with one finger. I myself with many participant in the class did not believe that we actually manage to break that pencil using our own little cute finger in front of our own eyes. Believe me, I did it and it was a fantastic feeling..Wehoooo!!

So, better not play2 with me. Even using 1 finger I manage to karate and break the pencil. Imagine if I fully utilized all of my fingers.. hahaha..

Then, we also have to solve the impossible questions like :

1. How to make the underwater hair dryer?
2. How to make the solar touch light? ( When u know that the used of touch light is at night.. )
3. How to make the safety life concrete raft? ( by concrete!! howwww?????)
4. How to make the waterproof tea bag?

Do you think you be able to answer all those question? Finally we did!!! even some group give extraordinary logic and futuristic suggestion. That is because the rule.."FIRST SAY CAN, THEN THINK HOW".

Other things that count are like, brainstorming, critical thinking, to be creative, positive and yeda yeda.

Okey..that for now.

Notes : For those who interested to know our suggestion/solution for that questions above, please not hesitate to ask me. See ya!! Left u to think 'bout it.. Daaaaaaa... ;P

1 comment:

Nota kaki kamu kamu