Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wiken oh Wiken siri ke-2

Last weekend...a lotsa program we plan.Some jadi..some of its..lain pulak jadinya. Haha..

At first, on Saturday tu..me have Sime Darby Netball Inter-Department tournament in the morning while En.Suami got his mid-term from 10-12pm. After that we plan to go to Melaka for kenduri.. and went back to KL before maghrib since Ayah n Ummi want to come and give us a visit. Beside, they also want to buy some stuff for abang's wedding. Compared to in Perak, here got more choices and the price is slightly cheaper izit?

After the netball ( which my team got 2nd place, wehooooo..!! ), I iron baju n siap2 nak pegi melaka while waiting my En. Suami balik dr exam. He said..there is terrible jammed out there. His exam held in Bangi, so, from Bangi to Ukay Perdana, it tooks almost 2 hours to reach home. Pity my baby. Da la I x masak kan..sbb beside letih balik dr netball, I was plan to eat at the kenduri j. ( luckily I already prepared quit heavy breakfast for him nasi goreng and telur separuh masak 2 biji n nescafe. ) Then, we know that beside Ayah n Ummi, Mak Long n Mak Usu with the whole family pon nk datang mkn2 kat rumah we ol. Since Qistina in KL, everybody is happy where they can easily meet the little Qis more often now. ;D Me like it too!!

So, En.suami ask me to clean the house first before going to the kenduri. Perhaps he also want to take his time after tiring stuck in jammed and having a tough exam. I 1st swept the floor, lap2 lantai, basuh baju, sidai kain n lipat the clean laundry while En.Suami also help me in vacuuming the carpet. After all..I feel so terrible tired and cannot further go to the kenduri. probably because of the side effect of madecine that I have to take recently. I read the effect are I will be easily get tiring and will have a big appetite to eat. ( I can control my apetite, but cannot control the tired part ) I was so upset cause cannot make it to the kenduri. But I know..I dont have much left energy to go there. Thinking of..after a long journey to Melaka, I have to rushly back to KL and prepared for the guest that coming to my house. So, I decide not to go to the kenduri. En.Suami was upset with my suddent decision not to go, since I was sooo excited a few days back. He tought, I was upset with him or what, tp I really2 xde energy da masa tu...letih sangat sampai shaking nk sidai kain n lipat baju pon. Thingking of nk pergi Melaka, then nk rush balik n prepare for the guests who want to come..ohh, x larat. lagipon, with the unexpected jammed, risau x sempat pulak nk sampai rumah awal. Now kan da start school holiday.

Luckily, Ummi pesan not to cook anything. They will buy the food for all of us. So, I prepare air saja. Haha..suka suka suka..

Malam tu..abang datang with the eggs and fresh milk to make the "puding telur". Aiyoo..jemu la mkn puding telur tu. But since, permintaan ramai...we make it. 2 biji puding skali buat mlm tu..Actually abang did it with my supervision. He insist to make it by his own...lantak kannnn!!!!!!!

Ohh...not forgotten, that night was abang's birthday. Sblm makan, ayah baca doa selamat ramai2..and since there is no cake...we substitute it with puding telur td. Hehehe..ok la tuuuuuew! It was fun bila dapat kumpul ramai2, chit chatting together. Rindu nak buat family days Haji Salleh's family.

Alaaa......rugi x sempat nk take picture of abang's birthday puding. 1st time dia buat tau...terus jadi. Haaa....tengok la siapa cikgu nya kannnnn. Wink wink..

Ahad tu..after breakfast, we go to Nagoya. Ummi nk beli langsir. Lama jugak kat Nagoya tu..rambang mata nk pilih langsir yg mana satu. Lepas tu mkn2 kat food court sblm window2 shopping. Ummi beli blouse labuh n Adik sempat beli DVD Adnan Sempit..ok jugak, I pon belom sempat tgk lagi cerita tu. Boleh la...lawak jugak but still stereotype. Lebih kurang mcm cerita lain2 jugak. Hero jatuh cinta dgn this girl..mula2 x suka.pastu lama2 bercinta betul2. Mcm cerita "i'm not single" mula2, x suka, lepas tu..lama2 hero tu buat sumthing2 yg touching sket...pompuan tu suka la. Terus hero biasa2 tu jadi mcm Mr.Charming. Aksi2 rempit x bnyk sangat. Bnyk cerita side mcm percintaan kawan kpd hero n heroin ( Along raja lawak n sape ntah pompuan tu )...dan juga side story of matcha n family ( Cat farish n Julia Hana ). That my point of view.. kepada fanatik cerita ni..sila jgn marah I key. I rate cerita ni as biasa2 jer. At "par" la..ok what?? dari I rate it below par.. Tp the rate is at par for all the malay movie. Kalau campur2 dgn international movie, dia bawah sket dr cerita Padayappa! Ahaks..

Lepas tgk cerita Adnan Sempit, Ayah n Ummi balik kg. Abang still at my house..tertidur tgk cerita Adnan Sempit tu. Haha... Then, Kak Anna plan nk buat small surprise for abang's birthday. Kesian kat abang sbb arijadi dia xde cake. Jadi, Kak Anna pon beli la cake untuk abang debab tu. So, bila abang bangun tido jer..terus we surprise kan dia. Hehehe... ( even he not look like surprised..but he look lost or "mamai"...sbb baru bgn tido kan..)

We having the cake together with keropok lekor n air sirap bandung. Keropok lekor tu da seminggu kat dlm our fridge. I beli kat Keramat AU. 3 packets RM10. Tp x goreng2. Duduk berdua j kat rumah kan..baik beli j kat tepi jalan keropok lekor rm1 dpt bnyk suda. Hahaha... ( ok2...sy memang si pemalas. I blame the hormone.. ) ;P

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