Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cermin Hiasan Rumah


Woot wootts...rajin pulak nk update blog ni tiap2 hari kan.

Kali ni I nk share about Cermin Hiasan rumah. Me and hubby plan nk cari satu cermin besar untuk letak kat dinding rumah. Memandangkan ruang tamu rumah kami agak kecil, maka sesuai la letak cermin kat salah satu sudut kat dinding tu so that the 'transformed image'will make a room appear larger, reflect ambient light and provide a last-minute appearance check before you walk out of the house. Brilliant kan?? Appearently we all sedang survey2 reka bentuk cermin yg sesuai untuk rumah kami tu. My hubby paint the wall with dual effect color, dark choc and light choclate. So, I think I prefer to use the theme in styling point for decorating the mirror as well. By that, in my head, I terfikir nak beli cermin yg ada bingkai kayu la. Tp xnak yg nampak classic sangat.. old school pulak. Haha..

Tp bila da ada mirror..it should be better if the mirror is focusing on the right area at your house like for example, if I have other deco area, would be best to face it opposite the mirror. Kann.. So, mcm nk kena beli satu almari kaca comel or satu kabinet kecik to replace the existing computer table on our living room. Hoyeh..!!

' . ( I like this type..simple j. )

' .( I like this one too!! Wow..suke.. Elegant look yet simple)

' . ( this one too!! )

' .( This one is elegant..tp mcm x sesuai with our house. Our theme is simple and sempoi2 j..)

I just don't want a large home as at now. Small is beautiful! And easy, and practical, too. hehe.. Lagipon kitaorg tinggal berdua j. So, enuf said.. for me our house is enuf for us now.Kalau ada anak pon ok lagi. xde la kecik sangat. Tp nanti da tua, bila nak settle down, I hope we will live at a bigger house than this. Masa tu da tua, so bnyk masa nk stay kat rumah. Boleh la feel proud of hasil titik peluh bekerja berpuluh tahun. Aceceh..X mcm skang ni..pegi subuh, balik keje mlm..esok pg bangun subuh..mlm baru balik. Weekend balik kg..or g outing n dating. hehe..

Ok..back to the topic. For the small living room like we had, by added a mirror and make some decorating changes it might make the area look and feel larger and most important our space won't feel so cramped. Hee...x sabar nye nk buat make over. kan best kalau deco bersama eric tu dtg rumah I. Ekeke..

Alamak, panjang nye merepek.. better off by now. Nnt bila da beli cermin baru..i'll post it here okeh?? hehehe...tunggguuu..!

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