Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dublin, Ireland preview - Day 9



We woke at 3am to prepare some breakfast and some meal to bring along to Dublin.

Today, we gonna have one day trip to Ireland. Wehooo.. ( Tp x best sangat since not all of us will join the trip this time..Mak, Anne, Luqman & Ernee wont join us, but they will continue shopping at Junction 32. ;P ) Our flight from Leeds to Dublin at 8am. So, after prepare egg sandwich and chicken burger, we get ready ourself and things to brings. Mcm biasa, efi will arrange for the transport. We naik kereta n park at airport since this is only one day trip kan.. ( mahal jugak park kereta kat airport Leeds tu. Kalau x silap..around 24-30pound per car approx 13-14hrs )

We depart from house around 5am. Tempreture is below 10'c. Very cold plus got wind. Awwwwwwwww...sejoooookkk. Cakap pon keluar asap kat mulut n bibir pon menggeletar. Hehe..jakun kejap. Like Damia said..."here we have air cond all over the place". Hehe..yes dear. Kat sini sejuk..we no need air cond..but need hitter. To the max! Boleh dikatakan..hitter kat bilik tu on 24hrs. Hahaha...

We reach Ireland after 1 hrs fly from Leeds by Ryan Air..sampai saje airport we took bus to the city. From there we take the tour bus ( the hip on hip off bus )to round all over the Irish place to take a break in Ireland. I can say, it a small place which is very quiet and romantic breaks for us. Hehe..the reason i say that is..there so many park in Ireland. And we saw many couples having their romantic precious time in most of the place in the park.Beside, not so much thing in Ireland..but we did enjoy "lepaking" in the park..with the pegions and eat our meal there. Its like having the picnic in the park. I like it!

After that, we have a side walking to the town..and continue to ride with the tour bus.For your relaxing city break I would say it's Dublin calling. Its more to "country feeling" culture..People there are so nice.. and we can see that some local are playing and singging the country song along the road..and they are also have many of country or local festival there.

We also did explore one of the shopping mall there and not forgotten to have a quick visit to hardrock cafe of Dublin. Ekekeke.. ;D

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