Friday, August 13, 2010

Leed Preview - Day 8



Mak and Yeop Kay going back to London. Settle off the missing passport thing at embacy.

At 9am, we going to Castleford Junction 32. Shopping time lagi..kat sini mcm kota shopping. Semua ada..As a consummate bargain hunter I love any opportunity to have a nosey around places that offer good quality goods at bargain prices. Junction 32 is the more shopping oriented venue or can say it is a shopping village offering an array of discounted shops, in the form of Christy's, Gap, Clarks Factory shops, Gaggie, Whitard's, Nike Factory Outlet, Rockport, LaSenza, Next,Sports items, Monsoon,Choclate factory outlett, Mango and Mexx to name but a few.

Best..cume sedia duit bnyk2 j..all branded stuff and perfume is much much cheaper than Malaysia. Yummyy kan?? hahahaha.. So, here, we did shopping dgn lazatnye.. En.Suami yg b4 this da beli kasut kat Paris, at Leeds beli Converse pulak, then at Junction 32 beli another one..Hehe..xpe la. The price is sangat cheap compare to Malaysia and the quality is superb too. Why not kan..??

In the evening, we have a sight seeing and site walking nearby our house. Actually we try to find the Laundry shop and to buy some food for dinner as well.. Again..Leeds is wonderful. Sukeeee Leed. kalau ada rezeki nk further study at Leeds la..Amin haha

Night - no program. So, we had a good time to rest.

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