Monday, October 18, 2010

Credit to Darling Dear..


I remember last week on d way to ofice, I heard one of the topic on Hotfm is "pandai ka Suami membuat kerja-kerja rumah" The truth, i actually draft this post long time ago. Tp arini baru ada masa nk edit, save n publish. Hehe.. I blame my telekom line at my house.. The line has been suspended by Telekom. They claim we have the usage charge that we havent paid. But once we claim we just used the line purely for the internet line..and we never used telephone at home, and we dont even have a house telephone to be used. They said they need to investigate. Haiyaaa... ( ok membebel.. stop it. )

mmm..back to the HotFm's topic which Husband can do housekeeping/ housecleaning as well and as good as the wifey. topik yg bagus gak tu.. suami uols mcmana? dlm kategori mana, Rajin ka atau sebaliknya?

For me, mmg beruntung sbb my "darling dear" mmg rajin tolong buat kerja2 rumah. Pasal urusan basuh pinggan, cuci toilet, vacoom the carpet, lipat baju & ironing..those parts are him. Lucky me, no? Yg lain2 mostly I buat..with his help too. Kadang2 kalau dia tgk I masak kat dapur after work, he come and ask if there is anything for help. Maklum la , kami sama-sama kerja. orang gaji pun xde. Jadi urusan kerja rumah kena buat together2 la. Bukan senang nak jumpa lelaki yang ringan tulang mcm ni kan?

Kadang2, bila buat kerja tu bersama2..bila da siap tu we will get the same satisfaction level. At least for us la. Tak tau la kalau org lain x rasa mcm yg kami rasa. Rasa puas hati tgk rumah kemas dan bersih tu.. Terus hilang penat. Haha.. ( over tau.. ) Selalunye over the weekend j we selalu all out to kemas2 rumah, cuci toilet, vacoom carpet, lap cermin, lipat baju and all.. so, normally after doing the housecleaning, we will treat ourself with makan2 tgk wayang ke..outing jln2 window shopping ke.. So, normally weekend we go dating mcm zaman bercinta2 dulu. I likeee... kalau tak pon, we duduk rumah j la..zzzZZzz.. or i will try some new recepies from internet. ngee ;D

Tapi klu yang ada orang gaji tu xpa la kan? xperlu la pening-pening dan penat2 balik keja nk uruskan rumah plak kan?

~ To my dearest Hubby.. TQ so much for ur understanding & ur help. luv u always.. Muahhhhhh! ~ - wifey

P/S : Haha...tangan sape la yg x berbedung kecik2 dulu tu kan..lukis cartoon mcm cacat j kan.. ;P seriously, it takes a few days for me to finished it. ( Hahaha..ok2, i'm bad.. )

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