Friday, November 19, 2010

Shame on you NOKIA.. what a fecking so-called smartphone N8 did u sell huh??

( W.A.R.N.I.N.G : This post is on the angry mode. And you might not like to see me when i'm angry. Roarrr. )
Shame on you NOKIA.. boooooo hooo!

Remember my blog last month where I mention, dd n me brought a new HP's for us? I'm here glad to announce to all of the reader here that my husband's NOKIA N8 already dead and have been send to the NOKIA service center for 2nd times. Big clap to NOKIA.. bravo!!

Looking at the advertisement of Nokia N8 which claim to be a powerful combination of internet, video, photos, music, maps with Symbian^3 operating system. With a large capacitive, good looking in shape..yeda yeda yeda..make me want to puke on it.Sigh. The new N8, damn too bad, awful, ghastly, terrible,and dreadful handphone I ever see and ever had in my life.

Our 2 weeks old Nokia N8 phone just went dead due to no reason. And when we start googling about it, we know that we're not alone.Users around the world are starting to show their disappointment with Nokia’s Symbian3-powered flagship smartphone. Heyyyy NOKIA, if you really sooo stupid and dont know the technology how to make a smartphone like other competitors did..then please step-back and dont waste your customer's money for your "try and error" SUCKS N8 like this. The worst part is..when we send it to the NOKIA service center ( which is terrible and damn fecking slow ), we have to que for more than 2 hours..even during weekdays. Can you imagine, how many peoples are there queing, claiming, complaining, and frustrating about their NOKIA HP's. And after that, they will take your HP to "repair" and claim to call back their customer when it done.

Boleh blahhh...sampai mati pon xkan ade sape2 yg akan call since you yourself need to call them and following up with them about the phone.. Mind them.. they have a lot of cases to be settle off. Remember, did i told you that the service center are crammed with people who can’t turn on or charge their newly bought mobiles and also many more problems beside its?? So, to pick up the repaired HP also need to que for more then 2-3hours. OK long as you got the good condition HP is it?

But this fecking phone which already repaired from the NOKIA service center, only can last 2 days. and after that it happen again, the phone is suddenly death due to no reason as well. Ha! Oh, Nokia! Silly silly Nokia. Anyway, the N8 put us on head ache. Imagine, we buy it less than a month.. and it has already go to service center for twice. What the HECKS! And I start wonder, do they aspect customers to come over and over again and let their phone in the service center at least 3 weeks in the service center and a few days on customer's hand in a month? What about if the customer took a monthly contract package from a local operators like Maxis, Digi, Celcom or what so ever. They still need to pay the monthly bill while they cannot enjoying to use the gadgets. Its not fair to them right? And..what about they don't have a second handphone to used while that fecking HP in the service center? What laaaaaa??? That’s serious trouble, of course, but dont understand what Nokia would do about it. Please do something.. unless you are really dying.. and we as a customer..had enough for it. We really really want to get replacement for it and make sure the replacement is the really worth it for what we had paid for the fecking N8..If not, please pay back our money. We dont want to wait another week to repair the gadget..and waste our times queuing in the center anymore.

Not really sure what are they thinking right now, but if I were Nokia, that wouldn’t be the way to launch the company’s flagship smartphone, and more importantly, not the way to handle such an issue. Those are actual broken devices that people paid real money for. Please do respect other people's money, feelings, times, emotional and so on especially the people that you hurt is your own customers.

So, to NOKIA.... really shame on you. Booooooooo hoo..!! And for those who plan or eyeing to have a smartphones, please please and pleasssssseeeeeeee don't ever think to choose this NOKIA N8 unless if you want to trouble urself and feel the same like what we feel right now. And....if you like an adventure thriller, do choose others than this NOKIA model. It might have some other fun problems as well. Ahaha... remember i told u.. theres a loooooooootttttssssss of ppls in the service center complaining about their NOKIA HP.. and I swear to God. This is real!

Note :All pictures taken from

Little Lizzy Note : I'm sure will report this to Tribunal for Consumer Claims Malaysia if this really2 can't solved or they dont want to give me new replacement or return my money back.
And I am not going to waste my time at the service center. NO, not again!! a big NO.

Click here for more info regards to TRIBUNAL TUNTUTAN PENGGUNA MALAYSIA

NOKIA's upset customer


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