Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Resepi Croissant


I found this recipe from and one of the blog. Could'nt remember the name of the blog. Mind me.. and credit to those owner of the recipes. I mixed up the recipes into this one. Lepas tengok several resepi dan cara2 nak buat.. sambil tgk gambarajah kat bawah ni.. baru rasa confident sket nk buat. Tp tunggu la ada oven besar sket baru la syok sket buat baking mem-baking ni. Hehe.. ( simpan j resepi ni sampai masa nk buat nnt.. senang da. kannn?? )

250 g butter ~ divided into 3 portions, softened
2 tablespoons flour for dusting

2 cups all-purpose unbleached flour
1/2 cup cake flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon instant yeast (or 1/2 packet instant or active dry yeast)
1 cup very warm milk (120-130 degrees)

1 egg plus 1 egg yoke and a pinch of salt

How to make:

Flattening the butter
1. Roll out 2 sheets of aluminium foil sized of an A4 paper and place 1 sheet on top of your work surface. Sprinkle flour evenly and place butter in the middle.
2. Dust rolling pin with flour and press the butter to make a cross and slowly roll out the butter to slightly flatten it down.
3. Fold aluminium foil into thirds ( macam buat dough apple pie ) wrap the butter nicely with the other aluminium foil and roll to give it and even thickness. Place in fridge for at least an half hour.

Mixing the dough

1. Combine the flours and salt in a large bowl. Combine the warm milk, sugar, and yeast.
2. Make a well in the flour, pour in wet ingredients, and stir them into the flour. Add additional flour or water as neccessary to make a soft dough (it will stiffen when chilled).
3. Kneaded for 5 minutes or so to prevent the dough from toughening up. Chill it in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

Adding the butter the dough
1. Take out both butter and dough from the fridge and let it stand in room temp for about 5 minutes. Dough should be thoroughly chilled and butter should be stiff but not stiff enough to crack when rolled later ( Part ni yg tricky sikit: The butter should be cool, not greasy BUT not rock-hard )

2. Stretch dough into a large square and place butter diagonally. Fold sides to wrap butter. Make sure that the sides are nicely covered and pressed.

3. Turn over the dough and roll it into a a long rectangle. Again, fold in thirds ( macam buat dough pie ), turn over and repeat the process again.

REMEMBER, if the dough starts to get a bit warm, and you can feel the butter starting to melt, put it in the fridge for 10 minutes and continue to roll-fold the dough.

4. Wrap the package of dough in a cloth that has been soaked in cold water and wrung dry overnight.

Slicing and glazing

1. The next morning, roll the dough into a large rectangle.Make sure that the dough is rolled out thinly, about 0.5cm. Cut the dough into triangles and roll from bottom to top, sealing the tip under the center and slightly stretch and curve the ends to make the crescent shape.

2. Leave to proof for 1-2 hours and just as the dough has doubled it size, glaze the top of the croissants gently, with the egg wash.

3. Bake at 200degress C for 20-25 minutes.

p/s - Resepi ni banyak guna tepung utk dusting, specially masa nak canai. Make sure kita brush away the dusting before kita kita chill it dalam fridge.

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