Monday, July 4, 2011

Girls Day Out To Cameron Highland ~ 02.07.2011



Holla.. nak story about my last weekend activities yg sangat ad hoc yet wonderfully best. ( Ad hoc since no proper plan, tomorrow go, and tell you its really enjoy bila sekali sekala u buat day trip mcm ni. )

Recently we had a very hard time in the office. ( not to mention why la.. ) So, we always complaint to each other how stress we are and it com
e to the idea of going for holiday together. Due to the tight schedule and we cannot take leave during the closing time, Kak Zura and Cindy had plan to go somewhere near KL only. Later on they come out to go a day trip to Cameron. just one day trip.. no need to overnight ~ backpack.

Hearing of that, makes me interested to join. After get permission from DD, here we go.. Cameron.. here we come.!! Hehe..

We start our journey as early as 7am ( Wake up call start from 6.10am by Kak Zura, hehe...TQ kak..). Luckily my house and Cindy's is nearby. So, after pick me, we go to Cindy's apartment to pick her. Then we heading to Sg Buluh to take highway from there. But we are too excited and chit chatting until we "terlepas" simpang to enter highway from sg buluh. So, we plan to take Highway Guthrie somewhere at Ijok. ( not to mention we terlepas because we happily singing together in the car..haha ). From Guthrie, we heading to Tapah and stop by at R&R Rawang, had our breakfast. Kenyang perut hati pon senang..

Us with the waterfall background..

It was long time ago since i used Tapah Road to go Cameron. As far as I remember,the last time was during my secondary school.

The last time I go with DD Last 2 years to Cameron was using Simpang Pulai road.

So, I was excited to see the scenery with Perkampungan Orang Asli and the water fall. On our left and right side along the journey was sooo greeeenn and fresh.

An impressive views, I really like it!! :D

Cam whoring at the waterfall

We reach Tanah Rata around 10am. Our first checkpoint is Teh Boh Center. Along the way to the Tea Boh Center we already furnished with the freshly breathtaking scenery the natural environment of Cameron Highlands.. pokok2 teh yg ditanam di atas bukit2..sambil tu ada kebun2 sayur di kiri kanan jalan.

At the view point Teh Boh Centre

Me with Cindy

The Boh Tea Center is located at the end of the small road. We are so eagerly to stop by and took picture in the middle of the tea hill, tp sbb jalan sempit..susah la sikit.. Pokok2 teh tu looks soo gebu. It was also fun since we need to press the hon in every corner to let the car from the other side know that we are about to cross it.. And finally, we manage to reach there around 10.30am. From the entrance, we can already see peoples walking on top of the hill. There have a view point where we need to climb the stairs for about 175m to see the scenery of the teh plant from the top. And then there also a tea-making factory where they process the tea. But we didn't visit the factory since it has a specific time schedule for visitor to come in. After come down from the view point ( even we manage to climb half way only..haha ) we straight away to their tea-cafe.. We had some fresh tea and light meal. Cindy and me are having the Lemon Lime Ice Tea with the strawberry tart. Yummy... Kak Zura was having the Lemon Cheesecake with Hot Tea. ( i dont know the name..mind me.)We lucky to get a strategic spot at the balcony side, with an open air with megical view of the hill full of tea plants. Just like we are floating on the air whilst sipping our cups of tea. Whoaaa.... its about 11.15am. Cuaca memang panas tp angin sepoi2 tu rasa nyaman j.. Life is good! Then, i went to have a "small" shopping to the tea shop. They do sells a big selection of teas as well as a gift and souvenirs.

The view..

Our next checkpoint is the Bee Farm. Inside the Bee Farm also a flower garden and the strawberry farm. We can self plucking the strawberry ourself if we want. We are just enjoying our camwhoring session there..nothing much since all of us are afraid of the bees. hihi... During the Bee Farm tour, we saw the worker is cutting the bee comb to take out the honey.It was my 1st experience to see the bee's comb with full of honey still in it. I'm soo jakun and later i did bought a piece of it for RM16 ( for about 4inch long square shape ). It taste yummy tho... just suck the honey and throw away the shell.

We continue our journey to Brinchang. On the way from Tanah Rata we stop by to had lunch at Nasi Kandar. It was raining while we eating and the rain stop right after we finished our lunch. Good timing isn't it? heh heh heh.. Lepas kenyang...we heading to Brinchang town, to go to The Big Red Strawberry Farm, or also known as Taman Agro Tourism. Its offers a one-stop garden and farm center to relax and unwind.

We are three cute little Strawberries..hye!

There are flowers, cactuses, strawberries garden, grapes plant just right on your was plant along the walking area, huge lettuces farm where you will straight away feel hungry when see its ( Oh, the Lettuces is plant hydroponically ), tomatoes garden,capsicum garden and many more..

at Tomato garden

We are really enjoying our tour to this place and yet we still did not finished all area. Kak azura bought the baby cactus there..6pc's for RM10. and all of us bought the lettuces, capsicum, tomatoes, lobak putih, pumpkin and many other.. 3pc's for Rm5 ( very cheap yet sooo fresh. The worker even get down to the farm and cut the lettuces for us since we said we want the fresh one. hehe.. ;P ) lepas penat jalan2..we heading to the cafe.. ( haha.. jalan2 makan2 ).

We had try the strawberry icecream, strawberry waffle with cream, and strawberies with chocolate fondue. Yumm.. The strawberries here was and big and sweet and yummy.

With the lettuches.. looks fresh and

If you want to buy the strawberry, RM20 for 5 small packets, around 300g per pack. Big packets is RM8. But worth to buy at Brinchang's Market, much cheaper than here. If you want to self plucking the strawberries, here also have the package, minimum pluck is 1/2 kg for rm20.

Later we plan to go back to KL using Simpang Pulai road. Since on the way raining again. We did stop by at the souvenirs shop along the road.. ( there are many shops along the road from Brinchang to Simpang Pulai, those yg x sempat nk beli apa2, dont worry much. You still can buy it here.. ) After that we stop again to the market..Here we continue buying some fresh vege. They have a lot of package like 4 pack for RM10 or even 8pack for RM10. And you can always mixed whatever kind of vege that you like. Shopping here is much cheaper but you need to bargain. I did buy the honey ( Madu Tualang ) and the sweet corn too.. It soo cheap for the honey big bottle RM25 from RM35. Then the corn you can get as most as 9pc's for RM10. ( for the jagung, you can even eat it as it is.. no need to cook and it's taste sweet. )

Then we continue our journey back to KL. We stop at R&R Simpang Pulai around 6.30pm to have some rest and have tea time. Huhu.. We reach our home around 9pm and we really had a wonderful day. Should do a day trip more often in future.. Weee...

Little Lizzy Note : That day we have had manage to round to 4 state in Malaysia. Hahaha.. Had breakfast at Selangor ( Rawang ), eat our lunch at Pahang ( Cameron ), and Tea time at Perak( Simpang Pulai ) and dinner in KL (KLCC)

That night, after had a day trip with the girls..Cik Lyzz g dating with DD pulak. We go for a midnight movie 3D Transformer 3 at KLCC. Nasib baik Ck Lyzz x tido sampai movie habis..Cik Lyzz x nak buat muka penat atau x bersemangat.. Not fair to DD pulak. Siang jimba2 dgn the girls..happy2 lompat2...xkan nk dating dgn DD da lemau pulak kan. Tp excited nk kuar dating.. n jumpa DD mlm tu..terus hilang mengantuk. ( padahal da sental Long Black Coffee @ Dome KLCC. Cerahhh mata.. haha

Super bionic la Cik Lyzz hari tu.. balik tu jalan pon da terhoyong hayang mcm org mabuk la

Ini lah hasil nye... dari sayur2 dan buah2 yg Cik Lyzz dapat tangkap dr CH.. Super healthy fresh salad..

Juge berjaya menculik dak 5 ekor nih... hihi ;P

Last but not least..... Yummieyeahh!! Strawberry Choc Fondue. Sinfully delicious... Dang!

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