Sunday, October 30, 2011

Aussie Tour : Day 2

Day 2 : Sea World, Suffer Paradise Beach, Repley Believe It Or Not Museum, City Tour

Sea World is a marine mammal park, oceanarium, and theme park located on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. It includes rides, animal exhibits and other attractions, and promotes conservation through education and through the rescue and rehabilitation of sick, injured or orphaned wildlife. The park is commercially linked to Warner Bros. Movie World and Wet'n'Wild Water World as part of the Warner Village Theme Parks division of Village Roadshow. ( Sumber dari Wiki )
We start our journey to Sea World as per schedule at 8am. Luckily we had already booked the Entrance Pass through our Travel agency. That makes us easy by not have to que up so long to get in. Ramai juga pengunjung yg datang pada hari tu. Ingat kan bukan musim cuti sekolah x ramai orang kan.. tp ramai jugak.. cuma xde la pack. Dekat situ.. kami ambil pass tiket untuk ke Movie World and Paradise Country sekali.
For more info tentang Sea World boleh click sini ye. This park caters for just about all tastes whether you are young or old, single or a family you will find something to enjoy at this theme park. And you also can learn about the marine life too and get closer with them.. Polar Bears, Sea World dolphins, sharks, manta rays, seal lions, pelicans, dugongs and much more. Cik Lyzz sangat sangat teruja dapat jumpa polar bear and penguin. Lagi satu.. dolphine kat sini bijak2 dan jinak. Pandai main2 dgn kita dan juga boleh dengar arahan. Wahhh... gitu. Kalau ada banyak duit.. da lama Cik Lyzz terjun ber'snorkling dengan shark. ( I mean baby shark of course.. hehe ), or main2 n meet the dolphine or masuk tmpt penguin tu.. Eee.... rasa rugi pulak kan. Tp xpe la.. next time. Kalau ada rezeki lebih kan. Kat sini juga boleh naik cruise pegi tgk whale. Depend on the time la. Masa kami kat sana mmg time whale tu melawat kawasan laut Aussie no kot. Tp kami x cuba pon.. Mahal jugak. AU$99 per pax.

SeaWorld in Australia is smaller than its overseas cousins! Most notably there are no orca whales but there are polar bears! Beside it's a mixture of attractions including rides, animal exhibits, animal adventures, shows and a water park.Can says its all in one.. Really enjoying this tour to Sea World. We spent almost half a day in here ( from 8am to 3.30pm ) and yet still haven't discover all places and didn't manage to try all rides and watch all shows. But still kami rasa puas dan seronok sangat. Kalau ada anak2.. boleh bawak derang mandi2 kat water park. Kat sini kami hanya main satu roler coaster j.. then tgk show dolphine, sea lion and tgk saseme street show.. Ahaks! Actually masa tu kami penat jalan.. so, nk cari tempat nk rehat, kebetulan saseme street show ni dah nak start. So, kami masuk j la layannn show sambil rehat kan kaki.. hehe.. Free j pon. Enjoy tgk budak2 kecik sume pandai tiru gaya derang menari.. ala tomei tomei..!
Kat sini kita tak perlu risau nak cari makanan.. banyak restoran2, stall makanan ada di jual di sepanjang jalan. Tapi kami dah siap2 bawak bekal sandwich, roti, salmon, buah2, coklat air dsb.. Sebab nak ikutkan makann kat sini pon agak mahal jugak. Lagipon susah sket nk cari2 tmpt yg halal. Boleh la makan Fish and chips. Nak senang n jimat, kami bawak bekal j. Dah tentu x meragukan.. hihi. Kemudahan2 lain seperti komuter & kereta cabel pon ada. Tempat duduk pon banyak kat sepanjang jalan bagi mereka yg nk melepas kan penat seketika.Jadi xde masalah la kalau ada yg x larat nk jalan untuk explore seluruh theme park ni. Tempat solat juga disediakan. Memandangkan kat sana waktu asar pukul 3ptg, jadi boleh la buat solat jamak sekali kat sana. ;)

Lepas balik dari Sea World.. kami balik hotel sekejap untuk solat maghrib. ( Maghrib kat sana pukul 5ptg). Then kami keluar jalan2 sambil cari makan. Kat sana kami sangat enjoy the Kebab yg di jual oleh arabic stall yg bayak kat situ. X jadi masala utk cari makanan halal. Cuma nasi j susah la sket nk cari n mahal. Untuk dinner kami makan kebab n pizza. Harga combo pakej AU$11.50. ( Kebab + 1/4 Pizza + Air ). Ok la kan.. and the kebab is super duper yummiyeh and big portion. So, untuk pizza n kebab tu makan dua org memang sangat membuntat. Hahaha... Then, kami decide untuk masuk Museum Repley Believe It Or Not. ;) Selama ni tgk kat TV j kan... kali ni nk tgk dgn mata kepala sdr. Ok la..jakun jugak bila dapat tgk benda pelik2 kat dlm tu. Tapi sampai satu part.. Cik Lyzz pulak jadi seram.. macam masuk rumah hantu pulak rasanya. Ahahaha... DD bengang j bila Cik Lyzz ajak dia keluar cepat2.
Lepas tu kami jalan2 round2 kat town.. sambil tgk2 kedai suvernir kat situ. Kebanyakan nya barang2 Made in China.. Kalau barang2 suvernir yg local punya tu agak expensive jugak la. Da penat jalan2 kami lepak2 santai kat tepi laut. Wahhh.. best betol. Dalam kegelapan malam tu masih lagi boleh tgk wave dia yg color putih tu. And lagi satu ombak kat sini kuat jugak.. cantik j.. No wonder la tmpt ni di panggil Suffer Paradise.. Memang petang2 boleh tgk org surfing kat sini sambil awek mat saleh2 yg lain tu ber'sun bathing.. hehehe... x baik tau skodeng. Heh heh heh.. Thats why kami pegi malam... xdee la yg sexy banget tu. Kang x dapat beza pulak dolphine dgn orang.. ahahaha... ;D
Lepas balik hotel..jalan2 sambil cari makan... Quarter of medium Pizza yo! It's yummiyehh..
Tmpt nk santai kat tepi laut ni very convenient. Siap ada tempat baring queen size lagi. Pokok2.. kat tepi2 tu... then, tempat of course la bersih kan.. public toilet pon banyak.. dan juga ada tempat bilas or basuh kaki di sediakan. So, lepas mandi air laut tu.. boleh terus bilas kat tepi2 jalan ni j.

Allright, rasanya tu j la untuk 2nd day kami kat sana..

Okey la.. Enjoy te pictures pulak..

Nampak tak gunung berapi kat blakang tu? actually its was one of the roller coaster's track yg melalui air and gunung2 tu. Me and DD x main roller coaster yg ni sbb nnt basah kena air. Looks fun tho.. Next time kalau datang lagi kena prepare bawak spare baju.

The Shark Bay entrance

The main pathway through Sea World

Lets explore what they have inside... yeahh
I am sooo wanna swim wif them....
They got Giant Sting Ray.. i mean really big in size.. as big as tea table.
The baby shark..
The Leopard Shark and many more cute fish and friend.. hehe
Giant Flower Horn
On our way to ride the roller coaster... Weee
Rest while enjoying the Saseme Street's show..
Entrance of Repley Believe It or not Museum
Me, with the tallest person in the world.. 2.72m. Owh kerdil nye diriku..
DD with the skeleton. This Skeleton, can moving u know.. Aaaaaaa Scary...

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