Monday, October 3, 2011

Blueberry Cheesecake. ;)

~~~~~~~~~"Blue Blue Blue!!!"~~~~~~~~~~~

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Cik Lyzz mula2 blajar buat cheese cake dr Kak Maz. Kawan baik Cik Lyzz kat opis. Dia la mula2 skali ajar Cik Lyzz buat blueberry cheese cake ni. Got the recipe from Mak lang's recipe book. Masa tu we all ( me, Kak Zura n Kak Maz ) nk buat cheese cake ni untuk B'day Cik Lyzz. Kitaorg pegi beli bahan2 dari BWY during lunch time..then balik keje terus g umah Kak Maz buat project Chizkek. Hehehe.. Excited sangat tau! ;D

Masa tu fun time la...sambil tengok buku..sambil buat. Kak Maz jadi mentor. Cik Lyzz and Kak Zura jadi protegie. Tp mentor kami ni sesumpah. Sampai separuh jalan...tiba2 dia terperasan dia terbaca resepi dari muka surat sebelah. Aiyaa... Tersalah resepi la kiranya ni. Ahahaha...kan Cik Lyzz dah time. Nasib baik akhirnya we all back to the right path balik. Kembali kepangkal jalan. Masa ni jugak 1st time Cik Lyzz blaja buat cheese cake. TQ Kak Maz sebab tolong ajar tutorial ajar beli bahan2 dan kasi pinjam dapur untuk class masakan kami masa tu. ;P

Then dah lama2 resepi yg Kak Maz kasi tu pon dah hilang. Ehehehe... maklum la. Tulis kat note book ofis. Sekali ofis Cik Lyzz asyik pindah2.. tu yg terhilang tu. Cik Lyzz masih ingat bahan2nya, cuma x berapa ingat sukatan yg dr buku resepi mak lang tu.

Jadi setelah round2 kat alam sana sini...Cik Lyzz dapat la sukatan yg Cik Lyzz rasa ok la untuk selera Cik Lyzz. So, jomm kita zasst tgk resepi pulak. Asyik membebel j kan..

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Base ingredients:
1 cup of crushed Digestive biscuits ( Add on if you like thick base )
1/4 cup melted butter
2 tbs icing sugar

Filling :
500g cream cheese
250ml whip cream
3/4 cup custer sugar ( you may want to less it if you like )
1tbs lemon juice + 1tbs lemon zest
3 tbs gelatine
1/2 cup hot water

Topping :
1 1/2 cup blueberries in syrup ( Optional. Cik Lyzz tambah untuk nampak dot dot di permukaan cheese tu and bila kita tergigit buah bluberry tu masa makan..rasa lebih puas. )
Blueberry filling

1. Make your base first by combining all the cheesecake base ingredients together. Mix it well with your fingers until the biscuit crumbs can form a ball.
2. With that greased pan, press the biscuit crumbs on the base of the pan to form a nice base. Once that’s done, let the cheesecake base chill out in the fridge while you prepare the filling. ( Chill at the frozen part )
3. Now to make the filling; Using an electric mixer , cream the cream cheese and sugar together until it all comes into a thick creamy spread. Add on the lemon juice
4. In other bowl, beat the whip cream until fluffy. Fold it gently into the cheese batter until it is incorporated.
5. Prepare the gelatine : Combine the gelatine with hot water. Mixed it well then double boiled it until the gelatine is well melt. Add into the cheese mixture and continue beating until all well combined.
6. Add in 1/2 cup of drain blueberries in syrup in to the batter. Fold it until well blended.
7. Pour the mixture on top of the crust. Chill until set - at least 4 hours.
8. Top with Blueberry filling and sprinkled with the remaining Blueberries in syrup. Chill.

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P/S : Cik Lyzz gunakan sukatan yg sama untuk Oreo Cheesecake jugak. Cuma tukar Blueberry topping tu kepada Biskut Oreo and the crust pon oreo jugak la kan. Untuk Biskut oreo yg dah sedia manis.. sila omit gula masa buat base tu ye. Lemon zest pon cik Lyzz tak bubuh for Oreo Cheesecake. Nanti rasa pelik pulak kan. Tp Cik Lyzz still bubuh lemon juice sikit untuk potong rasa muak biskut and cheese tu.

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