Wednesday, March 19, 2014

No Rice day Menu - Spaghetti Bolognise beef

Salam everybody...

Would like to share my all time favorite.. Absolutely delicious! 
If you have bacon..just add to the recipe, it will boost the taste. hence, boleh dapat 5 bintang dari En Suami. ;P
Hope you like it as i did. Check it out!!


Cili boh
Sos pergo
Daging cincang ( Lagi sedap kalau beli daging n cincang sendiri. )
2 biji Tomato ( dadu)
1 biji Bawang besar ( dadu)
3 ulas Garlic ( cincang )
Cili padi ( optional )
Cendawan butang ( hiris )
mix vege ( Optional )
Origano/Rosemary/ any herbs of your choice
Parmesan cheese.
Salt and sugar to taste

Tumis bawang besar n bawang putih sampai naik bau, masukkan cili boh dan masak hingga terbit minyak.
Masukkan tomato dan masak lagi sehingga tomato layu and hancur.. masukkan daging dan goreng sampai daging masak. Masukkan sos prego secukupnya, cili padi, garam n gula. Masak hingga sebati n kuah jadi pekat. Lastly masukkan mix vege, cendawan and herbs pilihan. My secret is.. Just as the sauce is nearly ready, Add the parmesan and season to taste...

Serve with mozzarella cheese and parsley..Beautifully Yummmm.. ;D


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