Friday, September 5, 2014

Hongkong Shenzhen and Disneyland trip 5d4n. ( budget cost trip )

Holla ols.. Assalamualaikum semua,

Sambungan untuk entry sblm ni SEE HERE.. Cik Lyzz promise to share the budget cost for our trip to Hongkong Disneyland and Shenzhen. Yeahh.. Alhamdulillah diberi peluang dan ruang serta berkesempatan untuk Cik Lyzz and DD pergi jalan2 ke negara orang lagi.Kali ni Destinasi cinta kami ke HongKong and Shenzhen pulak. Alhamdulillah.. Kami dua2 enjoy the trip sangat2 dapat melihat dan meninjau bumi Hong Kong yang indah ciptaan Tuhan amat menyeronokkan dan menambah pengalaman kami. For the first time kami ke HongKong and Shenzhen.. and juge pertama kali pergi Disneyland. Melompat kegembiraan Cik Lyzz bila sampai ke Disneyland. Hilang segala stressed dan kekusutan yg ada di jiwa lara... hahaha..

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Today nk share about our trip to Hong Kong and Shenzhen end of April aritu.
Total lost for the trip for two person = Flight RM1400 + Ground RM2730.00 = RM4100 for 2paxs. Okey sangat kann... sebab the ground package is already includes of everything like 4 night hotel accommodation, transport, hotel transfer, meals, visa, tour guide, Disneyland entrance fees and tipping. Hence, you just need to bring pocket money only. ;D Cik Lyzz beli package tu dari Sedunia Holidays.

Untuk makluman, kali ni Cik Lyzz and DD decide to use tour guide. Sbb masalah komunikasi dan juge supaya we ols nnt senang nk cari halal food. Risau la kan.. So jalan terbaik dan selamat is amik Muslim Package.

Those yg nk survey harga boleh checkitout at their website. By Sedunia Holiday u can also custom your itinerary suit to your budget and interest. Tu yg best.. ;) For example kalau u ols nk pergi for shopping.. so boleh skip city tour and program melawat2 floating village, bunga kebangsaan etc. Mintak they all arrange kan untuk u ols pegi shopping j. Tp kan.. shopping kat Hongkong mmg best. ( kalau banyak duit la.. ) sbb barang2 dia up to date and kalau baju or handbag or kasut, design sume yg latest kot. Terbaiikk sangat.
P/s : Now they are having a Matta Fair at PWTC 5th-7th Sept 2014. ( Hall 1 ). Sila lah laju2 pegi melawat sales derang k. Jangan lupe share dgn Cik Lyzz jugak nnt.

Untuk panduan.. when u masuk their website.. u can choose package by select destination or boleh pilih by top holiday package. Kat situ ada list down all top package that they offer.

Contoh mcm kat atas ni.. kita pilih destination = Hong Kong, it will gives you a few option of packages for you to choose. See picture below, nampak tak kat bottom right ada "Our Holiday types".. boleh filter lagi by destination > types. Kalau nk muslim package just add another criteria "muslim package". It will show you all the packages available based on your search.

Actually this is the 3rd times Cik Lyzz takes their package.

So far kami puas hati with the trip and all the arrangement. Semua nye ikut plan and itinerary yg diberi sblm kita deals with the package. Apepon..ade la satu tragedi masa kat sana. Ada miscommunication sikit with tour agency kat Hongkong when we arrive disneyland hotel for check in. So, bila kami nk check in kat hotel Hollywood Disneyland tu, xde pulak nama kami in their booking list. Walau apepon, they are much more kind to substitute us with 5 stars hotel Hotel Nikko with breakfast for 2. Yeay..!! ( tau j la hotel kat Hongkong are super duper expensive.. breakfast j cost them HKD250 per head. Dang!!  rezeki kami la tu namanye..)

So, here are the package:
 Package: 5D/4N Hong Kong Shenzhen + Disneyland
 Package No. of pax: 02 Adult 
 Accommodation:  Newton Place + Disney's Hollywood Hotel 
 Date : 27 April 2014 - 01 May 2014
 Package Price Per Person:
 Twin Sharing : RM 1070.00 x 02 Paxs  = RM 2140.00
 Surcharge Halal Meal : RM 120.00 Per Pax x  02 Paxs  = RM 240.00
 China Visa Single Entry Fee : RM 115 per passport x  02Paxs =  RM 230.00
 Tipping : RM 60.00 Per Pax x 02 Paxs    = RM 120.00 
 Total Amount : RM 2730.00 For 02 Paxs  

 Package inclusive:
 * 4 Night hotel accommodation (1N HKG & 2N SZX+1N DIS)
 * Return airport/hotel transfer on set-in coach basic
 * Hong Kong city tour & Shenzhen tour
 * Services of local Cantonese  or English speaking guide.
 * Tipping

Ok la.. till then, nnt sambung itinerary trip in the next post.

Daaa... ;)

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