Monday, December 8, 2014

ATV Adventure at Kemensah, Ampang


 This is really awesome getaway activity that you should try out.
So much fun, thrill and of course the most important element is when we had the chance to experience the mother nature along the journey to the waterfall while riding the ATV. Haaa... terus rasa diriku hensome macam gajah. Hik hik hik

 If you love to try a fancy riding, an ATV through the lush, green forests, nak lari dari hiruk pikuk KL, and taking a dip in the cold chilly waterfall, ATV Adventure Park, Kemensah offers these experiences to those craving for a bit of adventure or just wanting a whiff of mother nature away from the stone forest in the city. Do come here and you will love it!! Xyah jenjalan jauh2, kat KL pon boleh jumpa hutan2 dan air terjun. So, moh terjah.

 There are 25 of us, gather at ATV Adventure park pepagi lagi  around 9am and get ready to the adventurous ride for the day.. Yeahhh.. It was sweet and special because not all of us know each other since most of us just meet on the day itself but surprisingly we can get along very well. You guys are rockings buddies that i've meet so far. Thank u for being so friendly. ;) Hawwweeesomm!!

Mungkin sebab memasing da teruja sgt bila tgk ATV motor tu.. plus mostly first timer gak macam we ols. Jadi keterujaan dan nervourseness yg kami rasa masa tu adalah sama. Hehe..

Activity wajib lepas parking motor untuk ke waterfall. Wefie yaww!!

Present to you the waterfall... my goshh!!

Before ride, of course there are a short breifing about the do's and don't, the safety, the track and etc. And right after that they demo us how to ride the ATV motor. And after that each of us had the chances to try out to ride it ourself. Cool.

Mula2 kami disuruh pusing2 kawasan sekeliling. Masa ni baru la dpt feel macam mana nk break, nk laju, nk slow, nak turning the handle etc. Panic skettt.. Rasa mcm susahnye..bahaya nye, beratnye..susah nk naik bukit.. tau2 j lah, track kat hutan tu, berlecak, berlopak, berbukit semua. Muka suspend j.. But believe me, u will forgot all thise worries right after u masuk dalam hutan.
Keindahan ciptaan Allah..mengatasi rasa risau tu. Then tetiba u akan follow the flow.. and terus rasa hensome sbb bawak ATV motor.
Terus pandai... macam magic!!

Kami dibahagikan kepada 5 group. Each group ada 5 peserta iaitu kami2 ni la. Pastu each group akan di ketuai oleh tracker iaitu ATV expert dr organiser la of course. Jadi, kalau ada apa2 kita follow leader kita j la. And he will help us kalau2 ada masalah nk naik bukit ke.. tayar masuk dalam lopak ke.. etc. Dont worry k.. keselamatan adalah terjamin.

Present to u our organiser of the event.. En Esham Halim.. Adik Beradik KRU yg  xde sape yg tau.. hihihi
Sampai kat waterfall, kami buka makanan/ bekalan memasing. And share among us. Sweet sangat. Cik Lyzz and DD x mandi pon, sbb malas nk basahkan baju. Tp ada a few of us yg mandi2.. makan nasi lemak,aym goreng, kek span and many2 more. Kalau xnak mandi, just lepak2 sambil makan.. dengar bunyi air terjun, celup2 kaki pon dah awesome sgt dah k.

Sbb air terjun tu xde org.. kami2 j.. suci bersih j persekitarannye. Air pon sejuk n damai. Cube engkorang bayangkan.. cer cube cer cube.


Vrooommmm...vrommm... hensome kan? Hensome kan?
Lepas dah puas lepak air terjun, kami pon zaassss balik naik. Sape2 yg rasa nk sambung mandi, boleh sambung kat swimming pool kat bawah.

Among the package that ATV Adventure Park offers are:

 Package B - RM100.00
1 to 1 1/2 hours offroad track up to Waterfall. You get a chance to swim there!

Package C - RM150.00
1 1/2 to 2 hours offroad track up to Sofea Jane. Yes, the famous waterfall where Sofia Jane used to swim. And you can swim there too! Fefeeling Sofea Jane gitew...

Package D - RM200.00
2 to 2 1/2 hours offroad track uphill and downhill to Bukit Tabur/Dam Ride. You will be seeing the whole KL and Kelang Gate Dam, here.

Package E - RM300.00
3 to 4 hours offroad track with rough terrains, river trail, steep hills, and bumpy muddy to Bukit Tabur/Dam/Sungai Liza/Dataran Mas/Bukit Lalang. Well, I guess this is the best of all!

Besides these tempting packages, facilities such as surau, toilets with showers, swimming pool, and ample parking space, clearly offers a good venue for adventurous Family Day. For  More info here at ATV Adventure Park website. They operates on Monday to Sunday : 9am to 6pm (Close from 11am to 3pm on Friday). Sila check their website for the latest update k.

Ok.. till then, ada bran?


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