Friday, November 20, 2009

Inspiration - Lovely long dress

Another one thing yg ada in my "to buy list" is this lovely dress/ maxi. I sangat teringin and sooo into dresses yg mcm dlm gambar2 ni semua. Awwww...sangat lovely kan?? Mcm trend plak skang ni those dresses. Tp everytime rs nak beli mesti pikir that I ni wearing, xkan la nk beli those dresses utk pakai kat rumah j kan. Yes.. i did buy 1 dress sumthing like that..but knee lengh la utk pakai kat rumah. :P

Then i pikir if I can wear it when i go must b great tho. Cool gila!! Sangat feminin..I x suka pakai skirt labuh sbb my boobs x cukup besar., nmpk x cantik. Flatt jew. Ngess!!
So, kalau I nk pakai skirt labuh tu..i prefer yg kembang2 tu. So, it will hide my lil cute boobs tu la. And help me look great too. haha..apeda merepek.

End up, I always pakai jeans n t-shirt, blouse or kemeja jew for outing. Boring kan?? ( tp, truth be told, i memang selesa pon dgn gaya yg mcm tu..simple me.)

Then one day i jump into one website for muslimah fashion, i noted this. Wahhh... best kan? So, untuk sape2 yg pakai tudung lepas ni, still boleh bergaya dgn dress2 mcm gambar2 kat bawah ni. Yeahhh, we also can go fashion without break the Islamic rule.. Yippies!! and it looks soo sweet juga, izen it??

Lesson here :

1. all u need is cadigan, jacket or inner t-shirt to cover ur aurah. ( now, inner t-shirt pon da ada mcm2 color.

2. Then..kalau dress tu plain..u may need a belt ( i prefer the chain one ). Beli jer kat matrojaya. Cheap and bnyk choices. Sbb kadang2 cutting baju tu tend to make us look mcm preggie mommy plak. So, bila pakai belt tu boleh selamatkan diri dr disalah tafsir oleh org sekeliling ye kengkawan. Skarang pon ada mcm2 jenis belt design..pilih j yg mana berkenan n sesuai.

3. Boleh juga digayakan dgn boot. Cool dowh...This remind me of my roommate from Uzbekistan during my study at UIA, she like to wear somthing like this too with the boot. ( tp jgn la yg high cut tu..ankle cut is fine enuf peeps.)

4. Note, if ur dress tu da bercorak2..please try to avoid wear selendang/ tudung yg bercorak juga. It may result u looked like taman bunga pulak nnt. hahaha.. Seyes ok.

5. Jgn pakai bnyk sangat accessories mcm rantai labuh2 or bangles yg sarat2. Nnt nampak macam..err macam kejutan fashion pulak. Haha...what i learn from rizalman from the "tangkap muat" tv show tu..he says, we have to balance out all the accesories with what we wear. Jgn overloaded suda.. Macam "Pokok Krismas" pon ada.

6. And last but not least.. pakai ikut kesesuaian majlis juga la ye kengkawan. ( paham2 la sdr ) i'm soooo x sabr utk tunggu gaji masuk. huhuhuhu...

Nota Little Lizzy : What say you?? Okey tak kalau I pakai mcm ni?? Kadang2 I ni ada satu penyakit pelik.

Bila tgk org pakai baju lain sket...rasa mcm nk pakai juga. Tp bila da beli, then pakai sekali j..then da x pakai2 da lepas tu. Simpan j kat lam almari.... yes,betol ni!! x tipu.. u ol ada x baju yg u ol pakai just once or twice maybe..then, x pakai2 da? I ada... & bnyk jugaa.. aiyooo.. ( and hope en.suami tidak membaca entry ini juga. Huhu..)

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