Friday, November 20, 2009

Wide leg pants - Sumthin' nice to try!!


Look at these pitcha below. dun u think its soooooooooooo sumthing that u rasa mcm teringin sangat nk beli? Since now year-end sales and mega sales dimerata tempat.. I pon google2 la things to ponder and to buy..supaya nnt xde la lost, jalan2 window shopping tp xtau nk beli apa. ( harap2 en.suami x baca entry ni. Kalau tidak, mesti aku kena bebel..heh heh heh)

Lets the picture tell the story.....
if you have to dress up at work, why not try them? They’re great at elongating legs! kan kan kan??

Okey, for me yg mempunyai kaki yg kurus n panjang sometime x cantik sangat utk pakai seluar yg tight or real slim shaddy tu. Ahaks. So, selalunya I akan pilih jenis kain yg x licin n keras. So that it will hide my tiny leg. And of course not too fit. sedang2 j.. For me, kalau jeans ok la if me nk pakai slim-tight cut tu. maybe sbb material dia keras kot then it look nice to me. But kalau seluar ofice, NO. Its make me looked like olive si bini poppye dtg sime darby buat keja. Really..

Then, when I looked all over this picture, I think I like it most.. I x pernah try lagi these type of pant for office attire. So, rasanya kaki saya ni sesuai juga dgn gaya yg mcm ni.

For muslimah who wearing tudung also can try like those pictures. No harm.. Look elegance while cover ur aurah. Pakai seluar loose mcm ni, mak mertua pon mesti suka! Ahaks..

Cantik bukan????? jom beli jom... hehe

Nota Little Lizzy : Beside seluar ni I juga idamkan long lovely dresses yg bnyk dijual nowadays.

Yg ala2 retro tu.. tp nampak still nampak chantek. Aww...naaaaakkk!! leter i post u the picture key.

Little lizzy note : Bnyk betol "to buy list"...... year end sales da start tp gaji lom masuk2 lagi. Camne tu??

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