Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sesi Berkenalan dgn Atria Shopping Mall & Papa's Cafe



Pagi tu masa at office ( Friday mood ) got sms from Kak Anna regards the sales clearence stock for Branded stuff at Atria. Wow, nak pegi!! mata da blink blink blink and the pocket says kching kching kching... $$$

Padahal aritu patutnye me n hubby planned nk balik kg terus after work. Tp, we decide utk pg catch the sales 1st because it end 1st Nov which is on Sunday. So, we proceed to go shopping after work and balik kg on Saturday morning.. ( that is another reason i love my flexible hubby soooo much!) ;P

This is our 1st time pegi that shopping mall. X pernah dengar pon about Atria at D'sara Utama before..One Utama tau la. Memula a bit fed up with the terrible trafic at da'sara plus it is raining and Friday..Urghhh!!! Last2 we sampai sana around 8pm after 2 hours stuck in traffic which spoiled the excitement of shopping mood ady. Too bad. ;(

After pray, we go straight to the sales hall at level 3. Yeahhhh!! there are a lot of branded clothes, hanbags + clutch, shoes,dress, accesories like sun glasses, rings, office attire, t-shirt, perfumes and etc with offer the best price ever. The sales is up to 70-80%. Cant imagine that..But but but..the hall will closed it sales on 9pm. Means that we only have approx less than 1hr to pick and decide. By that, we faster decide to seperate. I let him go find his own stuff and i find my one myself.

When the times up..i only manage to grab the handbags Sacha at price after less RM99. ( It is hard for me to shopping within the limited time, where i normally like to scanned all 1st, then only make a decision what to buy. Ches!) My hubby on other hand manage to grab a shoes, belt and baju keje. ( pandai jugak laki ku bershopping) The price is so cheap and berbaloi baloi.. I sangat ralat sbb x beli baju kemeja/ t-shirt POLO at price after sales 70% less (RM26++ to RM30 only). Demm...!! I blame the store la..why la closed so early. Ramai lagi org time tu...tp sume kene keluar after 9pm. too bad and sad..!!

En.Suami dr dlm kereta lagi da ckp dia lapar sbb x mkn lunch. Ala syian..then masa jalan balik towards parking tu, we passed by the restaurant named " Papa's Cafe" and we decide to have our dinner there. Its a western cafe with the interior and the woody design makes it look elegant and cool. And we are lucky also to have the monthly special that time "Papa's Cafe Chicken Chop" and "Sizzling lamb Shoulder" at a special price less than RM10 each with the drink. Hoyeh!! and not forgotten the taste is yummy too.
The Papa's Cafe Chicken Chop is serve with nasi goreng and salad. While the Sizzling Lamb Shoulder is serve with Mashed Potato, Chips and salad.. We both like it and planned to go there again some day.

Overall..we happy that night as i says to K.Anna, go shopping is like mkn antibiotik masa demam. lepas mkn, badan terasa cool, otak rs ringan and hati girang! Kah kah kah..

Little Lyzzy Note : Wanna thanks Kak Anna for the sales info. Len kali rodger lagi ek.

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