Tuesday, November 17, 2009

~Single vs Married, Pen Merah Pen Biru~


These is how our life change after getting married. What i meant was,the routine we’re having..right now..and still going on..it was kinda fun..

( pic at Intai2, Ampang )

My life has changed but into a better form…it was organized thou it was not planned…i think this is the beautiful side of a marriage wc everyone is talking about…

Check it out!!

I am his :
1. Lovely & notti wifey who will cheer up his day and mess up his quiet mode
2. Best tukang masak in his kitchen
3. Do the laundry
4. Clear the mess, sapu sampah, mop lantai, lap cermin tingkap
5. Cleaner who will cuci the toilet & kitchen
6. While his drive..i'll be his eye as his eyes keep looking to me. Aww!!
7. Music as i always sing all the songs play in the car
8. Story teller..will tell everything happen in the office, anything which regards the general issues as well as artist gossip. pheww!! anything will do.
9. Therapist. Do facial & SPA to him at least once a month
10. Do the manicure and padicure
11. Grooming consultant. ;D. At least, nampak hebat dan membanggakan di mata saya sebagai tuan punya.
12. Friend, companion, love, heart/place to pamper & coddle to, little sista to care & heed off

He is my :
1. My barney & romantic hubby
2. my alarm clock, will wait the wake up call every morning with the morning kiss n big hug
3. My kitchen helper. Sometime help me in cutting the vegie & prepare the drink called " air sedap "
4. Help me washes the dishes everyday
4. lipat baju
5. vacoom the carpet
6. Drive me to work and everywhere i wanna go
7. Care & pampered me always
8. Calm me down when i feel depressed and saddened
9. My latest movie supplier..ahhaaaa... grinned!
10. My private IT assistant & advisor
11. My pillow & teddy
12. My everything..... I'm happy to hv u as my hubby, syg..

These are the only things that I think sweet to write off and of course there are many more which it is impossible for me to write all in here. Because they are a lot of sweet memory that both of us treasures in this 5 months marriage life. Huhu..

Saying about this, keep me remind of the pass time where I always wondered how my life would turn out since I was in Secondary school. When my friends and I tried guessing to whom i will be getting married, how was it gonna happen and life I'd be living. I had clouds all over my head back then, imagining things and dreaming. At that time I dream to get married with someone who is elder 4-5 years from me as I think I am kinda childish and need someone to led me to the right path and journey. And also i imagine that I will find my true love when I study in Univ. By that it motivated me to do well in my SPM so that I will have the opportunity to go to Univ and find my love. Haha..

At that time also I dreamed of becoming a lawyer or journalist. But I missed out on both and now I'm stuck with accountancy. At times, I felt I was born to do this.

Apepon, I woke up this morning, beaming, feeling happy, not really, neither am i sad. Truth be told, I feel content, with things moving at the pace. Not too fast, yet not too slow.

Thank to Allah for all of these..Alhamdulillah.

Nota Little Lizzy: If I love you this much, and I'm not the one for you, then the one for you will be everything I am; and everything I'm not..I love you more than any word can say ... I love you more than every action I take ... I'll be right here loving you till the end. Hope yu will love me the same way too!

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