Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I'm not single.. but available.. Boleyy tak?? Kah kah kah..

Merahsiakan status perhubungan?

I have one thing that I wonder when everytime I ask " you-dah-ada bf?" or "r u single?" question..then the answer that I get is.. "NO.." tp obviously satu dunia tahu betapa closed you with the guy..sampai that guy pon sanggup buat macam2 untuk you sampai gaji pon boleh tinggal -ve semata2 untuk you. Bila tanya lagi..the answer is " we-teman-tapi-mesra-lah". Bukanlah nk busy body kan.. But from my observation there's a few consequences why girl merahsiakan status relationship dia dgn so called bf dia tu..

Firstly, mungkin they are in an open relationship. Ada skeeeetttttttt crush each other but stil not sure. Mungkin lelaki yg ada skarang ni cukup in monetary x berapa establish. Or..ada look, ada attitude kureng sket. And the girl still nk test market. Kalau ada lagi yg lebih "Hot"..maybe dia tidak akan menolak. In other case...kalau x dapat Jans yg Hot pon..she still have so called bf td kan.. Perempuan.. perangai kau hina kerana menyebabkan ramai yg akan patah hati bila terjebak dgn perhubungan try-and-error you tu. Lebih2 lagi kalau you try the innocent guy yg betul2 nk cari pasangan sehidup semati. And after all, you tinggalkan dia sbb ada lagi jans yg lebih HOT muncul dlm hidup you. Where else, you buat mamat innocent tu as your 'spare tyre'. Sbb you tahu, if you fail with other guy, there is 'the innocent guy' yg setia tunggu you kat luar tu. Itu sangat devilish, tahu.

The reason she will answer the status question by "i-am-single-&-we-teman-tapi-mesra-lah".. is mainly dia mahu sweet talk atau sudah aim mana2 guy around you to test her market. Be careful..x semestinya this type come from category yg daring2 saja..kadang2, perempuan lemah lembut, pakai tudung pon ada jugak species mcm ni.

Secondly, the girl memang suka pada this guy. He treat her well, caring her, always give hand when needed..spent most of the time together..but at the same time he also did the same thing to his other girl friends as well..then the girl get confused of what is their r/ship. The guy sometime touches her heart and feeling by naughty joke like imagine if they get married one day, theme color for their wedding and so on. The thing is..there is no declaration betw the two. They still in an open relationship where the guy are free to date any guys out there and vise versa. I might say they have feeling inside each other..but no one want to start it first or afraid of loosing if one of them ask for more than friend relationship. Mcm lagu "main tarik tali" Eliyana tu..hihi..

So, this also another reason why girl answer the status by "i-am-single-&-we-teman-tapi-mesra-lah". Deep inside..there's still a HOPE for the guy to be more than friend r/ship..Believe me. ;P My advice...selidik betul2..jgn sampai jadi minah perasan pulak ye..

There also some cases where when the girl says she is single..but nobody will believe her. This especially applicable to the one who have a good look and good job. When she say.."i-am-single"..people around her will reply ...

" U LIAR..",
" really?? x percaya lah..",
" takkan cantik mcm ni xde bf..tipu lah.."

Kepada org2 diluar sana..tolong lah percaya pada this kind of girl. Kesian mereka. My advice..go socialize more. Get more friends and get your life. Sabar...jgn jadi cheapsales sudah la. Take a depth breath..and enjoy your life.

Psssssttttt.. Orang kata, perempuan HOT mcm you ni..selalu nya org laki takut nk dekat. Kalau ada pon..abg2 misai lebat j la yg berani. Sbb dia juga ada poket yg lebat..Kau ada??? Walaupon abang misai not-single..xpe la. Belasah j la. Sbb takut jadi andartu..Tu la, dulu2 kau kau kau jans yg single mingle tu x mau tackle. Last2...abg misai jugak yg dapat..hehe.

Last but not least.. no doubt. Ramai jugak girl2 out there.. yg mengaku single even da ada bf. Labih worst..yg da kawen beranak pinak pon masih mengaku bujang. Hehe.. Especially kalau body shape..x lari jauh. Malah makin mantap akibat kawen. Kannn.. Kadang2 they give reason..they are not liar, but the guy did not ask their status. So, they keep silent.

Bab tipu menipu ni..memang perangai jahanam. Lebih2 lagi kalau you isteri orang, itu memang doubly jahanam. You x perlu ada concept scandle diluar perkahwinan you. Kalau ada problem rumahtangga, jgn sampai cari jalan penyelesaian mudah like this. No point..kalau you bahagia sangat dgn scandle you diluar, tp rumahtangga u hancur. Please keep in mind..why you marry him at the first place. Kalau x boleh sangat..setle off cara baik..darpd terus tambah dosa berbakul2. Tak gitu??
Kesimpulannya...when girl says, "i-am-single".. at least u ada serba sedikit idea untuk which type she categorised.
Nota Little Lizzy : Hidup ini singkat sebenarnya bila kita cuba lihat daripada perspektif yang panjang. Namun lumpur apa pun yang you pijak, lintahnya juga lain-lain. Jadi, hati-hatilah.
Nota Little Lizzy : Frankly speaking..I pon dulu masa single orang x percaya when I told them I'm single.. Tp I x HOT...tu pasal la xde abg misai lebat dtg m'ngurat. Huhu..

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