Friday, January 15, 2010

Solar Eclipse in 15.01.2010

Solar Eclipse in 15.01.2010

Today ada gerhana matahari. We, ( which is me, kak zura n kak pidah) cam excited j nk tunggu n tengok.
But sadly speaking, from my ofice..the angle did not allow us to see the sun. Cess..but we still can feel it by looking at the weather outside which is mendung suam2 kuku gitu.
Tp..penat gak tinjau2 kat langit..xnmpak pon "gerhana cincin" nya. haha..

Apepon..salah satu bukti kebesaran Allah..


Noted : Opps...its just gerhana separa. So xde la bentuk cincin tu yeh? keh keh keh

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