Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Influence Of The Pituitary Gland On Your Body


The Influence Of The Pituitary Gland On Your Body

The pituitary gland, through the little-known hypothal-amus that lies directly above it, is also the appetite center and the sleep center of the body. Loss of appetite, and insomnia! Two universal complaints found in thousands of the past-forty group who have strayed from the rules of good nutrition.Exhaustive research has discovered that the pituitary is extremely sensitive to diet. If you do not eat enough high-protein foods (meat, especially, seems to have a stimulating effect on this gland), then your pituitary cannot produce a normal supply of its own dozen or more vitally needed hormones which, themselves, are made of protein. In addition to protein, the pituitary is stimulated by vitamin E (richest source is wheat germ); and increased amounts of vitamin A either in foods or in concentrated form, have directly beneficial effects on the entire endocrine group.

Also essential to a healthy pituitary gland is the mineral manganese. Foods rich in this mineral are citrus fruits, outer coatings of grains, green leaves of edible plants, egg yolk and all fish, especially those from salt water.It might be well to mention here that a derangement of the posterior (back) lobe of the pituitary gland always causes an abnormal craving for sweets. And again we see the old vicious circle beginning to form-too many starches and sweets, and too little protein resulting in a starved, deranged pituitary gland; and then a still greater craving for more and more of the same high-starch foods that caused the trouble in the first place.

Understand Pituitary Detox

When you eat foods that are not good for your body, waste accumulates in various parts of your body. This is the theory behind detox: you need to cleanse your body and get rid of toxic influences in order for your body to perform better. Understand that detox is not a once-in-a-lifetime event. It's more of a maintenance measure to protect your body from harmful substances, some of which are unavoidable.

Fasting is one of the core components of pituitary detox. In order to detoxify your body, you need to stop putting contaminants into your body, and the surest way to do this is to fast. When you fast, your pituitary gland releases growth hormones, which repairs damage all throughout your body because the pituitary gland has influence in many different body systems.

Drink Fresh Raw Fruit and Vegetable Juices
Drink fresh raw fruit and vegetable juices during your fast. These juices provide your body with essential vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants while your body is releasing toxins. The fruit juice also keeps your blood sugar levels constant during your fast so you don't get tired or uncomfortable.

Dry Brush
While your pituitary gland is releasing healing growth hormones during your detox, give your skin a helping hand by dry brushing before you shower or bath. Your skin releases toxins through your pores when you sweat, but dead skin can clog those pores. Buy a dry brush at a health food store, and brush your skin before every shower. Remember to brush toward the center of your body.

Drink Pure Water
The more water you drink, the quicker your pituitary gland and the rest of your body will be free from harmful toxins. Be aware, however, that not all water is pure water. Water that comes in plastic water bottles acquires phthalates from the plastic. When the plastic gets warm, these harmful chemicals leach into the water. Phthalates act like estrogen in your body. Because your body already makes its own estrogen, extra estrogen throws of your hormonal balance. Drink filtered water from glass or stainless steel glasses or bottles.

Ayurvedic Herbs for a Healthy Pituitary Gland

Commonly referred to as the "master gland" of the body, the pituitary gland, or hypophysis, is an endocrine gland residing at the base of the brain. Occupying the space of a pea, the pituitary regulates bodily functions from water regulation to sexual organ and thyroid gland functions. Considering its bodily importance, it comes as no surprise that maintaining proper function of the pituitary gland is a priority in Ayurvedic health.

Consult an Ayurvedic physician or guidebook for determining the particular needs of your condition. If you are experiencing a slight defect to your pituitary gland functions, a small supplement of Ayurvedic herbs may occasionally correct the gland weakness. For more serious malfunctions, however, your best place to start will be with your personal physician.

Visit your nearest herb shop or health food store and inquire the availability of the following herbs: comfrey, kelp, Punarnava (sometimes called "Boerhaavia diffusa Linn") and Kanchanara (Bauhinia veriegata). Comfrey and kelp are considered among the most consistent herbs for nourishing the pituitary gland, as well as the bones and skin. Buy these loose-leaf herbs in bulk. Often coming in a pill or tonic form, Punarnava is an Ayurvedic diuretic herb and functions as a remedy for treating swelling or inflammation, as well as numbness (symptoms of hypothyroidism and other pituitary malfunctions. Kanchanara, known as Purple Mountain Ebony, is one of the most powerful herbs in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia and comes in a pill or tablet.

Develop a regimen for taking your herbs. For kelp and comfrey, a daily tea or infusion can be drunk three to five times per day. If using comfrey, fill your jar or container with a handful of herbs and pour in the boiling water. For best results, leave out overnight until the liquid is dark and murky before straining and consuming the infusion. When taking the more powerful herb extracts, such as Punarnava and Kanchanara, carefully follow the directions on your product label as to the proper dosage and potency, as well as possible reactions to other

For more info for Ayurveda Herbs click HERE

Nota Cik Little Lizzy Me : Dear Allah, please make me strong..

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