Monday, March 31, 2014
Sambal taun jawa style....
Salam sayang semua...
Weekend semalam Cik Lyzz balik kg tgk ayah and adik2. Kesian pulak cuti sekolah seminggu xde sape nk masakkan derang. Cik Lyzz masih ingat zaman Cik Lyzz sekolah dulu2... time cuti lah masa yg kami semua tunggu2... selain dari nak releasekan stress study..kat kg dpt la diversion sket..dpt tgk tv, dengar radio, buat suke hati, bangun lambat dan paling best dapat makan masakan Ummi.
Masa cuti ni la boleh requst macam2 kat Arwah Ummi.. dari breakfast, lunch, minum petang sampai la supper. Silap haribulan da set dah menu utk seminggu..sepanjang musim cuti tu. Wakaka.. ;P Ummi Cik Lyzz memang suka masak. You named it.. dan2 tu boleh siap. Setiap kali dia masak, jelas sekali wajah kepuasan bila anak2 suka dgn masakan dia.
Tp itu semua kenangan.. sebab arwah dah pon pergi menemui Pencipta buat selamanya. Semoga Ummi dicucuri rahmat, dan ditempatkan bersama2 kekasih Allah. Semoga Ummi tenang disana.. Alfatihah. Terima kasih Ya Allah.. pinjamkan Ummi kepada kami walaupun sementara. Miss you Ummi.. ;,(
Okey..xmo sedih2. Back to the topik. Masakan ni masakan terkenal org jawa. Sekali sekala ayah request utk mkn lauk ni. Sian jugak kat ayah sy yg comel. Moh kitew tgk resepi dulu:
2 genggam kulit lembu yg sudah diproses. Boleh tukar dgn pedal ayam.
1kg kerang ( rebus dan ambil isinya)
1 biji Lengkuas hiris halus2
2 genggam cili padi kisar
1 genggam ikan bilis kisar
5 ulas bawang merah kisar
2 ulas bawang putih kisar
1 asam keping
2 cawan santan pekat
2 cawan air
garam dan gula
sedikit minyak untuk menumis
Rebus lengkuas dgn 2 cawan air sampai air rebusan berkurang jd satu cawan. Dlm kuali lain, tumis bahan kisar sampai naik bau. Campurkan bahan tumis dalam air rebusan lengkuas td. Masukkan santan pekat 1 cawan, garam, gula, dan asam keping.
Gaul sebati dan renehkan sekejap. Kemudian boleh la masukkan kulit lembu dan isi kerang. Kalau terlalu pekat, boleh tambahkan sedikit air.
Sebelum tutup api, taburkan cili api dgn tangkainya sekali. Petua dr makngah cik lyzz, letakkan sekali cili padi dgn tangkainya supaya kite x sakit perut bila makan pedas lauk ni.
Wallahualam.. sila la cuba. Pasti sedap tau sesekali tukar selera.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
DIY project - Upcycle old t-shirt
If you have old t-shirt that you don't want to used anymore, please don't throw it away.
Selalu Cik Lyzz akan buat kain lap lantai di dapur. So, kirenye sebelum buang tu kita buat la dia jadi kain lap pakai buang. Lepas lap..then buang terus. Sebabnye, t-shirt material nye menyerap air. Senang la sikit kan.. kalau pakai tuala or mop..kena cuci pulak towel n mop tu.. Kalau pakai t-shirt lama ni..kita buang j terus tanpa ragu2. Brilliant tak idea malas tp smart Cik Lyzz? huhuhu..
Selain boleh buat kain lap lantai di dapur.. ianya juga boleh di upcycle kan sepeti gambar di atas.
Hehehe... actually baju ni Cik Lyzz amik baju En suami. Not reallyy old t-shirt.. but he seldom used it.
So, mcm dia tak suke la kan?? So maksudnye dia xnak la kan..kan.. kan..
Tanjat boboi a.k.a en suami bila tgk baju dia da bertukar sekelip mata. Tp lepas dia tgk Cik Lyzz pakai.. terus dia ok j.. ( Mesti diriku nampak sexy in the new design baju tu.. Ok perasan. )
Sesekali buat keje gila mcm ni best jugak. Walaupon baju tu lama.. tp rasa mcm baru lepas shopping baju baru j. Sehari suntuk pakai baju tu.. Hamek ko. Yg penting x susah pon... potong2.. pintal2..simpul2.. da jadi. yay!!
Apepon..Cik Lyzz lupa la mana Cik Lyzz amik design ni. Errkk.. sorry. Lepas ni, kalau Cik Lyzz terjumpa, Cik lyzz paste link kat sini k.. Jangan marah haa..
Friday, March 28, 2014
Homemade playdough ( Play doh ) - Chemical free..
Hi dear...
Today Cik Lyzz nk share on really cool DIY project. Anak dara Cik Lyzz ni suke sangat.
Beria2 menggelek, mengunting, menggentel the dough. hahaha.. Habis semua baking tools Cik Lyzz jadi mangsa. ;P
But, its ok.. They are kids kan.. they need to explore the world. Lets them exploring. However, as an adult, we must always ensure that they are exploring it safely. And thus, Cik Lyzz makes this DIY project Homemade Play dough. Kakak Tina now is 5 yrs old. I mean this coming sept, she will turn 5. Now she understand most of the instruction well enough. She know how to measure, how to calculate, write and read. Of course the simple one la..
So Mommies.. lets experiment this with your kids. As for kakak, she always like to help me in the kitchen. Sometime we not allow them to interfere just because we are cooking a food and not something to play. For example, when i making a doughnut,she would like to help and not only "help", she also expect that we actually cooked whatever she did with the piece of dough that she had. For kids, everythings in the worlds are toys for them. So, while making this playdough... i ask kakak to help me up. Since i am cooking a toys for her.. so, its ok if she picit2 the dough, kena seluar, baju, badan, jatuh lantai masuk balik periuk.. ok! Do whatever u want with it dear..
I ask her to measure it herself. Yes, with my supervision of course. Otherwise, habis dapur aku!!
Since the ingredient is simple. She can follow it easily. Beside, there is no right or wrong with this recipe. If the dough too sticky.. u can add more flour to it. So don't worry kalau salah baca resepi ke apa key..
Masa ni u can see the proud face of your kid because you trust her. ;)
Colored Playdough
- 1 cup water
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 1/2 cup salt
- 1 tablespoon cream of tartar
- Food coloring
- Saucepan
- 1 cup flour
- Combine water, oil, salt, cream of tartar, and food coloring in a saucepan and heat until warm.
- Remove from heat and add flour.
- Stir, then knead until smooth. The cream of tartar makes this dough last 6 months or longer, so resist the temptation to omit this ingredient if you don't have it on hand.
- Store this dough in an airtight container or a Ziploc freezer bag.
Kami buat 3 adunan and divide it with 6 portion and color it with diff color of your choice.
You can also teach your kids how to mix a colors to become another color. Example, mix red and blue for "purple".. mix yellow and red to makes " orange", blue and yellow to make " green". She will be more than happy kids to learn those.
Okey.. when ready to play, u can teach her motor skills. Ask her to make a round shape, square shape, star, etc.
And you can see how that can develop her creativity from round shape become burger, cupcakes, human face and even a doughnut. ( nampak sangat balas dendam sebab aritu x kasi main doughnut doh ) Hehehe..
And also you can teach her big bigger biggest, long longer longest, small smaller smallest.. Interesting huh??
Some of the masterpiece. So, this is our experiment together.. She loves it very much. After playing, you can keep the dough in fridge for 3-6 months. Most important, it chemical free and also cheap.. so you don't have to worry if your kids accidentally eat it. Enjoy the rest of the pictures peeps..
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Kakak selfie with your truely... |
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Vanilla Cup Cake with Swiss Maringue Buttercream.
Hai.... I am trying on this recipe from Pastribella, Dr Ezani Masterchef. Happy with the cuppies, taste good and looking good too. So, those who like to try on the recipe can copy the recipe and the hands on video from youtube. Click Here.. checkitoutt!! Pastribella
Once again... Thanks doc.
Swiss meringue buttercream:
** Those yg nak tgk more video to make this Swiss maringu buttercream, can also watch this video.
Hope it helps. Happy trying.. ;D
Hai.... I am trying on this recipe from Pastribella, Dr Ezani Masterchef. Happy with the cuppies, taste good and looking good too. So, those who like to try on the recipe can copy the recipe and the hands on video from youtube. Click Here.. checkitoutt!! Pastribella
Once again... Thanks doc.
Love it!!
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Meet my humble Vanilla Cupcake with buttercream Swiss Maringue. |
Resepi Cupcake Vanilla dengan Swiss Meringue Buttercream Lemon ( copy paste from Pastribella Youtube )
1 1/4 cawan tepung gandum/tepung kek
1 1/4 sudu teh baking powder/ serbuk penaik
1/2 sudu teh soda bikarbonat
1/2 sudu teh garam
2 biji telur
3/4 cawan gula
Biji vanilla atau 1 1/2 sudu teh esen vanilla
1/2 cawan minyak (sayur-sayuran, canola atau minyak zaitun)
1/2 cawan buttermilk (atau 1/2 cawan susu campur 1 sudu teh cuka putih atau jus lemon. Tambah asid kepada susu kemudian diketepikan selama 5 minit, kacau, dan jadilah buttermilk! :) )
1) Panaskan ketuhar kepada 180 darjah C.
2) Ayakkan tepung, baking powder (serbuk penaik), soda bikarbonat dan garam. Ketepikan.
3) Menggunakan pengadun elektrik, pukul telur 10-20 saat. Tambah gula dan terus memukul pada kelajuan sederhana. Tambah vanila dan minyak dan pukul lagi.
4) Perlahankan pemukul dan masukkan separuh daripada campuran tepung. Tambah separuh daripada buttermilk. Ulang dengan tepung dan buttermilk selebihnya. Jangan terlebih pukul, bila sudah sebati sahaja berhenti mumukul. Adunan kek ini memamg cair.
5) Tuangkan adunan ke dalam tin pembakar muffin yang dialas dengan kertas cupcake sehingga kira-kira 2/3 penuh.
6) Bakar cupcake di dalam ketuhar selama 12-14 minit sehingga keperangan dan bila dicucuk dengan lidi sudah tidak melekat.
1 1/4 cawan tepung gandum/tepung kek
1 1/4 sudu teh baking powder/ serbuk penaik
1/2 sudu teh soda bikarbonat
1/2 sudu teh garam
2 biji telur
3/4 cawan gula
Biji vanilla atau 1 1/2 sudu teh esen vanilla
1/2 cawan minyak (sayur-sayuran, canola atau minyak zaitun)
1/2 cawan buttermilk (atau 1/2 cawan susu campur 1 sudu teh cuka putih atau jus lemon. Tambah asid kepada susu kemudian diketepikan selama 5 minit, kacau, dan jadilah buttermilk! :) )
1) Panaskan ketuhar kepada 180 darjah C.
2) Ayakkan tepung, baking powder (serbuk penaik), soda bikarbonat dan garam. Ketepikan.
3) Menggunakan pengadun elektrik, pukul telur 10-20 saat. Tambah gula dan terus memukul pada kelajuan sederhana. Tambah vanila dan minyak dan pukul lagi.
4) Perlahankan pemukul dan masukkan separuh daripada campuran tepung. Tambah separuh daripada buttermilk. Ulang dengan tepung dan buttermilk selebihnya. Jangan terlebih pukul, bila sudah sebati sahaja berhenti mumukul. Adunan kek ini memamg cair.
5) Tuangkan adunan ke dalam tin pembakar muffin yang dialas dengan kertas cupcake sehingga kira-kira 2/3 penuh.
6) Bakar cupcake di dalam ketuhar selama 12-14 minit sehingga keperangan dan bila dicucuk dengan lidi sudah tidak melekat.
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Ready to bake |
5 biji putih telur
200g gula kaster
227g mentega pada suhu bilik, dipotong kiub
1) Masak putih telur dan gula di atas double boiler dengan api sederhana, kacau hingga gula larut dan apabila dipegang tak rasa butir-butir gula
2) Masukan ke dalam pemukul electric, dan pukul sehingga putih telur menjadi meringue yang kembang, gebu dan kental, serta apabila dirasa suhunya sudah sejuk ke suhu bilik.
3) sekarang bolehlah masukan kiub mentega satu demi satu. Pastikan anda biarkan mentega sebati lebih kurang kiraan 20 saat sebelum memasukkan kiub mentega seterusnya. Jangan risau jika nampak meringue kempis dan nampak berketul selepas memasukkan mentega. Teruskan memukul sehingga mentega habis dimasukkan. Buttercream anda akan sebati dan licin.
4) Untuk cupcake ini saya ingin perisakan buttercream saya dengan sedikit lemon zest. Parutkan kulit lemon dan kacaukan ke dalam buttercream.
5) Paipkan buttercream ke atas cupcake dan hias mengikut kreativiti anda :).
200g gula kaster
227g mentega pada suhu bilik, dipotong kiub
1) Masak putih telur dan gula di atas double boiler dengan api sederhana, kacau hingga gula larut dan apabila dipegang tak rasa butir-butir gula
2) Masukan ke dalam pemukul electric, dan pukul sehingga putih telur menjadi meringue yang kembang, gebu dan kental, serta apabila dirasa suhunya sudah sejuk ke suhu bilik.
3) sekarang bolehlah masukan kiub mentega satu demi satu. Pastikan anda biarkan mentega sebati lebih kurang kiraan 20 saat sebelum memasukkan kiub mentega seterusnya. Jangan risau jika nampak meringue kempis dan nampak berketul selepas memasukkan mentega. Teruskan memukul sehingga mentega habis dimasukkan. Buttercream anda akan sebati dan licin.
4) Untuk cupcake ini saya ingin perisakan buttercream saya dengan sedikit lemon zest. Parutkan kulit lemon dan kacaukan ke dalam buttercream.
5) Paipkan buttercream ke atas cupcake dan hias mengikut kreativiti anda :).
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Perfectly baked |
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Swiss Maringu with Crenberry's flavor. Sangat owesome when adding the acidic from crenberries. Yumm.. |
Hope it helps. Happy trying.. ;D
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Getaway to Pangkor Island
Hai... Salam, Ibu2 bapak2 kakak2 dan adik2 sekalian...
Hows life? Hope everything will be fine, sweet and steady.
Today, Cik Lyzz nak throwback our percutian singkat ke Pulau Pangkor January aritu. Yeahh... sudah sedikit basi. Tp tetap menjadi kenangan terindah buat Cik Lyzz. Lihatlah wajah2 kesayangan hamba dibawah ini..
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Masa ni inside Ferry from Lumut to Pangkor Island. |
This short trip ni mcm sudden vacay.. x plan pon. Sebabnye selalu kalau plan2 ni..susah sangat nk jadi kenyataan. Senang2, bila terasa nk pegi tu.. terus rodger adik2 n ayah. Pastu booking hotel kat Agoda. Cik Lyzz booked Coral bay Resort Apartment 3 room. best banget. Kami booking 2 apartment. Jadi xde la pax sangat. Buat mcm rumah sendiri. Yg penting sume happy.. yeehaa..
Day 1 kami lepak2 hotel, usha2 line.. survey harga2 pakej snorkerling and island hopping.
Selebihnye.. lepak kat hotel, makan, mandi swimming pool and sauna. haa... best nye Coral bay Resort ni sebab dia ade sauna room. And sauna tu private, x campur2 dgn org lain.. and lagi satu, they also have sauna for men and women. Haa.. suke tak? suke tak?
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The pool view at Coral bay Resort |
Kami2 semua dalam 11 org... lepas mandi swimming pool, kami terjah sauna tu pulak..
Balik apartment makaannnn.. yg penting lepas bersauna, selera makin bertambah.. Motip?? ;P
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Selfie dalam ferry |
Kadang2 rasa jugak mcm x stabil. Tp boat driver tu kata ok.. tawakkal j la. So overall, short vacay kami ni sangat2 release and the most important it makes my Ayah smiling all the times. To ayah, i know you had gone through another hard time in your life. Please be strong and move on.
We love you so much... and always do. :x muaahhhh to my family. Lets enjoy some of the pictures.. Enjoyss..
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This picture remind me to Bangkok tuk tuk, no? |
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Sauna room for men |
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Group photo depan lobby hotel before say goodbye |
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OTW to island hopping |
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Budak kecik ni x suke pasir laut.. geli katanye |
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Us.. being sardine inside pink van to jetty'stransfer |
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Kakak Tina excited with this pink van.. |
Monday, March 24, 2014
Shepherd's pie homemade.. how to make your shepherd pie crust.
Hollaaaaaaaaaaaa...... howaayuu??
Another "No Rice" day recipe for you to try on.
This is throwback post for my shepherd pie using australian beef. Its yummmsss maybe because Australian beef is more juicy than local.
1 1/2 lbs ground round beef
1 onion chopped
1-2 cups vegetables - chopped carrots, corn, peas
1 1/2 - 2 lbs potatoes (3 big ones) - I'm using russet potato
8 tablespoons butter
1 cube beef stok
4 spoon sauce pergo
Mozarella cheese ( optional )
Salt, pepper, other seasonings of choice
Peel and quarter potatoes, boil in salted water until tender (about 20 minutes).
While the potatoes are cooking, melt 4 Tablespoons butter (1/2 a stick) in large frying pan.
Sauté onions in butter until tender over medium heat (10 mins). If you are adding vegetables, add them according to cooking time. Put any carrots in with the onions. Add corn or peas either at the end of the cooking of the onions, or after the meat has initially cooked.
Add ground beef and sauté until no longer pink. Add salt and pepper. Add pergo sauce. Add cube beef srok and cook, uncovered, over low heat for 10 minutes, adding sugar as necessary to keep moist.
Mash potatoes in bowl with remainder of butter, season to taste.
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( for this round, i rough up potato with scissor.. randomly cut the edge of the potato to make the peaks dramatically crust.) |
Place beef and onions in baking dish. Distribute mashed potatoes on top and add cheese. Rough up with a fork so that there are peaks that will brown nicely. You can use the fork to make some designs in the potatoes as well.
Cook in 180'c oven until bubbling and brown (about 30 minutes). Broil for last few minutes if necessary to brown.
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Ready to eat.. yummm |
Looks yummm huh??? It is... Yummeah,
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Kimbap homemade.. how to make shushi roll.
Ingredients:Dried seaweed (nori)- 4 sheets
2 cups cooked rice
2 tsp sesame oil
2 tsp salt
1-2 spoon veneger
1 carrot, cucumber, cut into long strips
2 eggs beef (bulgogi 1/2 pound of spinach, parboiled pickled radish, cut into strip simitation crab (optional)
fishcake (optional)
ALTERNATE POPULAR FILLING SUGGESTIONS:smoked salmon and cream cheesekimchi and cheesespam, mayo, and veggiesham and cheesetuna salad with romaine lettuce and cheesefresh or seasoned vegetables for vegetarians
When rice is almost cooled, mix with sesame oil, veneger and salt.
Stir fry cucumber with a dash of salt.
Whisk eggs until evenly yellow and fry into flat omelet.
Cut cooked egg into long strips.
Cook bulgogi according to recipe directions.
Using a bamboo sushi roller or a piece of tin foil, lay the dried seaweed shiny side down.
Spread about ½ cup of rice onto 2/3 of the seaweed, leaving the top 1/3 bare (if you moisten your fingers or a spoon to pat down the rice, you'll get less of a sticky mess).
Lay the first ingredient down around 1/3 of the way up from the bottom of the seaweed.
Lay the other fillings down on top.
Roll from the bottom (as if you're rolling a sleeping bag), pressing down to make the fillings stay in.
As you continue to roll, pull the whole thing down towards the end of the bamboo mat.
Spread a tiny dab of water along the top seam to hold the roll together.
Set aside and continue with other seaweed sheets.
Cut each roll into 7-8 pieces.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Potato Cheese.. With Bacon. Must try!
Anniyong hasayooo....
Assalamualaikum... selamat sejahtera.. Amacam wiken ni? best tak? Muka ada sinyumm takk?? Apepon let chills and relax during weekend ni guys.. sebab weekdays nanti nk berjuang membanting tulang empat kerat. Cari makan.. mcm tu ler. Ntah bila nk keje sendiri.. Kadang2 Cik Lyzz pon rasa penat tak tertahan. Faktor usia gamaknye.. bila stress teramat tu badan pon lemau. Kepala pon migraine.. Now ada penyakit baru.. bila stress, Cik Lyzz akan cirit birit.. ditambah dengan migraine. Puurrrrfeccttt sangat. X bermaya you ols.. lembik terus bila sampai kat rumah. En suami pon selalu kesian dengan Cik Lyzz.. Kadang2 balik rumah, lps mandi n makan.. x sempat nk sembang2 pon.. da padam. Hahaha.. Apepon, semoga Allah tunjukkan jalan yg terbaik untuk Cik Lyzz.
Okey, panjang sangat opening ceremony. Mari kita lihat resepi cik lyzz ari ni. Ape ke hey asyik update resepi j kan. Entoh ler.. layan j la ek. Pada Cik Lyzz, cooking is my passion. So, whenever I cooked, I release my tense. Buat mende yg kite suke.. hati pon girang.. ;) Selain lepas masak dapat makan...and dapat gemok bersama2 en suami. yeay!! ( okey.. gemok tu tak mau )
Actually Cik Lyzz dan En Suami telah pon buat new year resolution aritu as we declare weekend is our "No Rice" day. Nak diet la konon.. tp nampak gayanye.. bila no rice, ade banyaaaaaakkk cheese, cream and whatnot. Apepon, this is some of our menu for our "No Rice" day.
For those would like to try other ways to eat your potato, can try this. Bahan2 nye simple.. senang nak buat cuma tedious j sikit sebab process nye kuar masuk oven. But no harm trying and of course worth to try on.. sebab sedap. Especially for cheese lover like my husband. He loves it!!
1. Cuci bersih kentang.. kelar2 kan kentang. Make sure jangan sampai putus. Cik Lyzz pakai Russet Potato.
2. Gambar no.2 tu letak keju chesdale..sblm tu drizzle potato dgn butter, salt n a few drop olive oil.
3 and 4. Lps bakar 30min letak beef bacon in each slice gamba no.4..
5. lps tu bakar lg 30min then
6. letak white souce n mozarella.. bakar lg sampai keju cair sket..
7. then tabur fresh parsley gamba no.7. Last skali bakar sampai golden brown. ;D
Siappp.... Enjoy the pictures kawan2. Selamat mencuba. :x Muaahhhhh...
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