For those who enjoy watching or reading "Detektif Conan" series.. you must not missed to watch this movie..
Its quit late to promote this tho..haha. I know I know i'm kinda late.. maybe movie ni pon suda tak ditayangkan lagi di cinema.
So, cerita "wajib tonton" ini harus lah ditonton ya.
Beside Avatar..this is another 'cool' movie that I enjoy to the max recently. I have a thought to post this movie review long ago..tp asyik lupa jer.
Sorry peeps..next time I promise to update my movie review soonest possible.
P/s : Sherlock Holmes is another movie character that I admire most selepas Si kekasih gelapku Captain Jack Sparrow. Mereka sangat "COOL" hokeeeyy..
Tp bab yg busuk2 x mandi tu..alergic sangat. Suka yg wangi2 saja especially yg bau "Dunhill Blue Desire". Lalala...
For those who enjoy watching or reading "Detektif Conan" series.. you must not missed to watch this movie..
Its quit late to promote this tho..haha. I know I know i'm kinda late.. maybe movie ni pon suda tak ditayangkan lagi di cinema.
So, cerita "wajib tonton" ini harus lah ditonton ya.
Beside Avatar..this is another 'cool' movie that I enjoy to the max recently. I have a thought to post this movie review long ago..tp asyik lupa jer.
Sorry peeps..next time I promise to update my movie review soonest possible.
P/s : Sherlock Holmes is another movie character that I admire most selepas Si kekasih gelapku Captain Jack Sparrow. Mereka sangat "COOL" hokeeeyy..
Tp bab yg busuk2 x mandi tu..alergic sangat. Suka yg wangi2 saja especially yg bau "Dunhill Blue Desire". Lalala...

Nah, tgk ni..Howwttt kan kan kan??
Nota little lizzy : Next movie that I am looking for is.."Tooth Fairy". Nak tgk abang body kental2, tegap2 Mr.The Rock berkaraktor ala2 "cute" and "kelakar".
Tgk iklan kat tv mcm besttttt jer..
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