Holaaaaaaa... Ahlan wa sahlan..
Ni la hasil 2nd attempt macaroon Cik Lyzz.. Boleh la. Tp x perfect lagi. Ada lagi sikit experiment perlu di buat. Hehe.. Terutama masa nk assemble macaroon yg da siap bakar tu. Aduhai..xtau la mana silapnye. Kalau Cik Lyzz baca2 google reading, if macaroon tu perfectly cooked, it will easily realease from the baking paper tu. So, kena gali lagi Oven Cik Lyzz tu.. x abis berkenalan lagi dgn Oven baru tu. Haha.. Sbb Cik Lyzz punya Macaroon susah betul nk tanggalkan dia dr baking paper tu. Silap2 dia pecah. So, sape2 ada clue? sila kongsi sama2 ye.

Actually ni 3rd time la Cik Lyzz buat. Mula2 buat sdr2 kat rumah.. Mmg la x menjadi sangat. X gebu. Permukaan pon mcm x licin j.. sbb Cik Lyzz banyak derhaka jugak pada resepi masa mula2 attempt tu. Sukatan pon main agak2 j sbb xde scale. Hihihi.. 2nd time buat with my SIL kat Manjung. Still x jadi jugak. Dia punya Oven canggih sangat. Siap merekah2 Cik MakAron tuh. Ni 3rd time... boleh la ada rupa. Tp x perfect. Nnt cik lyzz try lagi dan lagi.. hehe..
Bahan2 :
80g ground almond
140g icing sugar
2 egg white ( gred A ) - I separated them at least 24hrs before used and kept in refridgerator
65 granulated sugar
Color ( Ikut suka )
Filling ( Ikut suka jugak )

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Cara2 :
Mixed the ground almond and icing sugar in one bowl. Then, finely grind them for 1min and sieve the mixture. ( To ensure smooth batter and get rid of the remaining bigger bits )
Make sure the white egg at the room tempreture when u are about to used it.
In another bowl, start beating the white egg until fluff...add the granulated sugar and continue beating until stiff enough. ( Beat at high speed for about 5 min or bila you terbalikkan bowl..dia x jatuh..)
So, now its time to mixe the dry ingredient into the white egg. ( guna kaedah kaub balik )
Masukkan 1/4 almond mixture dan gaul rata dgn spatula. Ulang sampai habis mixture tu. Kalau nk bubuh pewarna, this is the right time to add the color.
Prepare the baking sheet. Seeloknye buat bulat2 pakai duit 20sen supaya dapat bentuk yg evenly... ( bukan mcm sy punya tu..hihi )
Fit the pastry into the piping plastic bag and start piping. Let them rest for at least 30min - 1 hour or until the cap dry. ( bila you sentuh permukaan dia, it not sticky )
Hit your oven..and bake at 150c for about 20min.
Cool them before assembled and sandwich them with your favourite filling. DONE!
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