First of all, Cik Lyzz wanna say sorry for the lack of update. Jiwa melara lately.. pasal kerja, pasal family and all.
Second of all.. pasal family tu, Cik Lyzz x leh nk komen sangat. Tau j la kan.. kadang2 org tu kata j x suka tetap stalker kita juga.. Pada org tu..Cik Lyzz nak ucapkan " hyeee org disana... watpe kat sini?? x jemput pon.." hahahahaha... Apepon Cik Lyzz tetap doakan yg terbaik untuk family Cik Lyzz. Sesiapa pon kan, x kan suka kalau orang kacau family dia. Even masa Cik Lyzz g Aussie tu pon.. si Kanggaroo tu pon pandai marah kalau ada orang kacau mak ayah dia atau anak2 dia. Sama la kan konsepnye.. If you doesn't like ppl to hurt your family, dont start to hurt other's.. Easy right? Sebab, mesti ada yg akan x puas hati. Lumrah la kan..
We start off the day with visit to Movieworld. Warner Bros. Movie World (more commonly referred to as Movie World) is a popular movie related theme park on the Gold Coast in Australia. It is owned and operated by Village Roadshow since the take over from Time Warner and is the only movie related park in Australia. The park contains various movie-themed rides and attractions ranging from motion simulators to roller coasters and slow river rides. In addition, costumed character performers also patrol the park, allowing visitors the chance to take photos with them. These include Batman, Austin Powers, Marilyn Monroe, Scooby Doo, The Mystery Inc. Gang and various Looney Tunes characters. Minor street shows including skits and singing performances are also present. The All-Star Parade showcases costumed characters alongside vehicles and movie-themed floats. ( Sumber dari Wiki )
We even had tried the Batman ship ride called Batman Adventure - The Ride and the Scooby Doo Ride which they call it Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster since it was like riding a roller coaster in the Haunted House. Very adventurous and fun.. Even lepas tu we both fening2 lalats.. Hehehe.. Right after that we go to the Stunt Driver Show. In the show, we manage and get the experience to feel and see the stunt movie making. It was really impressive experience and we cannot help to stop screaming to them showing our electrifying expression of the show. Sangat sangat sangat impressive.. tapi bila ada adegan letop2 banggunan tu a bit scary jugak la.. coz the building was just a few meters from the audience's sitting area. So, for those who plan to come here, don't missed this show. Must Go ya!
After that, we don't want to missed to take an adventure trip to the next dimension in the new Journey to The Center of the Earth 4D Adventure. The attraction puts you in action with the earth crack effects as well as discover a fantastic and dangerous lost world in the center of the earth whereby u even can feel the allient/ dinasour's walking, the earthquake and so on.Then, we continue enjoy the fun of Looney Tunes Village and the spectacular Main Street Star Parade. There are many rides that u can try.. even the roller coasters were very adventures to try on. We enjoy walking around the Looney Tunes Village makes u feel just like u were in the cartoon world. Everything was soo excited and pleasurable to be explore. There are also a lot of the Suvernir shops as well as got the chocolate factory like the one in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie. Me like it!! ( even did not buy anything from there.. Hahaha ) There also have a star in it booth and "Be A Hi-5 Star" Studio where u can try the costumes that u like and took picture in it. ;D
We spend almost the whole day in the Movie World. There are many shows which was scheduled from time to times at the center area which makes people there keep entertained. During our time there, we manage to see a Batman show, Marilyn Monroe show, Scooby Doo and friends, Catwomen and Shrek with Fiona. ;D Ada macam2 lagi yg menarik tapi tak sempat kami nk tengok dalam satu hari tu.. like Movie Magic Special Effect Show, Pollice Academy Stunt Show, Western Action Show dan yg paling ralat sebab x try is Young Einstein Gravity Homestead. It's like a walk through attraction which featured a sloped floor to exhibit gravity. Niceeeeee.... tapi x sempat.
After being a "star" in Movieworld we return to the hotel. Hari ni lepas explore satu Movieworld tu.. terus rasa lapar nak makan nasi.. Then kami terus cari kedai mamak kat sana n beli Nasi Beriani.. Sedappp!! Dah shaking sbb 3 hari x makan nasi punya pasal. Ahahaha.. And the price for the rice is AU$26/ pc. Then, we also bought kuah dal sayur on top of it. Nyummmm.... petang tu lepas mandi n solat, we jalan2 pusing2 town.. X puas jalan2 kat situ... It was windy even the temperature were more or less like Malaysia.. Still rasa sejuk especially lepas hujan.. Best. So, even u rasa sejuk, don't forget to wear ur sun block, ok. ;P
At night... we spend our time at the night-market along the beach side. Sambil2 tu shopping suvernir sikit2 kat area2 Suffer Paradise town. Masuk dalam mall dia.. wallaaaa...... kalau la kan banyak duit.. Hehe.. Bila lapar, we mkn kebab at Arab's Restaurant and Pizza before going back to hotel to rest. We need to have a good rest since the next day we had another fun time with the wildlife at Paradise Country. See you in the next post..
4 comments: nya cik liz p makan angin dengan cik dan....bila lah cik zah nak dap p makan angin mcm tu den cik din n cik cah..muahahahaha..anak beruang tak bawa balik ka utk cik cah?
Hehehe...anak beruang x mo ikut naik kapal terbang la mak ngah. Dia kata gayatt.. hihihi
Terlalu kecil bumi tuhan.. begitulah..hidup ibarat roda kadangkala diatas terasa megah..dan kemegahan itu juga yg membuatkan insan sejenis meratap hiba demi mempertahankan sebuah rumahtangga yg retak..hati terguris luka bila ada insan lain yg cuba merampas kebahagian mereka beberapa tahun dahulu...fikir-fikirkan lah..selalunya apa jua perbuatan kita pasti akan mendapat balasana Tuhan..
Ye betul tu.. Cik Lyzz pon selalu percaya dan yakin setiap perbuatan kita yg baik mahupon yg buruk pasti mendapat balasan. Ingat, Allah tu Maha Adil. Tujuan Cik Lyzz bukan mahu bermegah2.. cuma mahu berkongsi cerita. Pada sesiapa yg bakal mengunjungi Gold Coast akan datang, boleh la dapat sedikit gambaran dan idea tmpt2 untuk dilawati. Erm.. Cik Lyzz x paham la pasal rumahtangga yg retak, meratap hiba tu. PM me k kalau ada yg x kena.
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