Untuk Day 3: kami da selamat sampai Shenzhen petang smlm nye. So, mlm2 tu xde xtvt sangat selain mkn and rest. Kalau u ols suke.. boleh jugak amik taxi dan pegi ke night market, ala2 macam uptown kat area situ. Alahai.. x ingat nama dia. Sbb di China ni kan banyak imitate barang2 branded. So kat sini boleh beli mcm2 like handbegs, kasut, baju2, seluar jeans, sun glasses, ehmmm even handphone and gedget pon derang imitate tau. So, hati2 kalau nk beli kat China ni. Takut dapat barang x original with the original price. Pitam..
Disebabkan kami x minat nk shopping ( read as xde duit.. haha ) kami stay kat hotel j sambil layan cerita cina and maggie tomyam. Yumm..
Summary : (B/L/D)After breakfast, visit Shenzhen city tour and SZN splendid China; China Folk culteralvillage with Group photo.Shopping at the Museum of Mineral and Jade factory.
Ok, that is the summary untuk hari ketiga. Kami add additional tour to Window of the World. Sape2 yg pegi Shenzhen, rasanye these 2 places wajib pegi. First is " Splendid of China", secondly is " Window of the World". Sumpah x nyesal... and best serta puas hati. Plus our tour guide kat China ni sangat baik hati.
Ok pagi2 lepas breakfast kat hotel kami pergi jalan2 City tour. Kat sini kami ada tour guide yg akan terangkan all the things kat Shenzhen ni. the history la.. the people.. and kadang2 bosan jugak.
Untuk pengetahuan tour guide tu bawak kami berdua j sepanjang hari tu. hehe.. so dia bwk sorang driver n kite jalan2 naik kereta j pusing2 Shenzhen. ;)
Breakfast kat hotel tu mcm seram jugak la.. so, kami kurang yakin sikit, so kami mintak telur rebus j. and minum susu dgn cornflakes. Balik bilik, buat sandwich telur and makan maggie dgn telur rebus. Dappp.. hehe.
Ok lepas dah jalan2 ikut itinerary program, kami terus ke restoran halal utk lunch.
Lepas makan kami ke Window of the World.
Tp sblm tu Cik Lyzz blanjer dulu gambar2 untuk tatapan korang. Enjoy..
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Ginseng shop |
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The city view taken from inside car. |
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Meet our tour guide of the day.. Eleven. Manja j posing.. single and available. hiks. |
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Yeda yeda yeda..... kami malas nk dengar. Si Eleven ni lurus sgt, ada dlm pakej. Dia kata mesti nk explain jugak. |
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Kami suke mcm ni... jalan2, sambil selfie. hahaha... Ni kat memorial park. |
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in the jade and mineral shop.. |
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makan lunch.. |
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With the restaurant waiteres. Derang tersipu2 nk mintak bergamba dgn Cik Lyzz. Dah la asyik usha j kami makan. Tau la kami x pandai makan guna chopstick. Ehehehe.. Happy derang ni mcm dapat tangkap gamba dgn Shila Hamzah j. |
Optional tour : Window of the Wrld tour : RM 100 PER PAX
Window of the World is a theme park located in the western part of the city of Shenzhenin the People's Republic of China. It has about 130 reproductions of some of the most famous tourist attractions in the world squeezed into 48 hectares (118 acres). The 108 metre (354 ft) tall Eiffel Tower dominates the skyline and the sight of the Pyramids and the Taj Mahal all in proximity to each other are all part of the appeal of this theme park.
( sumber dari WIKI )
So, bila kita dah sampai sini.. sama la mcm kita dah round the world in a day..
it is now possible. Datang j la kat sini.. semua ada. MasyaAllah.. pandai sungguh orang China ni kan. Pegi mana2 pon mesti ada jumpa barang made in China. Dah tu kat sini full of replicas of sites of all the world dalam scale 1:15 more or less. Dasyat tau.. kagum Cik Lyzz.
Holland |
Okay.. jom la tgk the gambar's... sebab da masuk theme park ni mmg selain untuk education.. ( read as cover line ) kite boleh baca the historical place all over the world selain dapat tgk the replika. They also used the same material mcm original punya tau. Example Effiel tower Paris tu.. they use the exact besi mcm kat paris tu jugak. Cuma size dia kecik la.
Mari feeling2.. and verangan mcm tgh hanimun.. kat New Zealand |
Tshirt yg Cik Lyzz pakai tu baru beli kat Lady's Market the night before. Its a couple T-shurt, DD punya color black. ;P |
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In front of entrance |
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Korea |
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Jepun |
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Borobudur |
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Angkor wat |
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The route path |
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Jepun |
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Taj Mahal |
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Italy |
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Venice |
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London Bridge |
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Sidney |
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Africa |
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The view |
Tempat ni besar dan luas ye kawan2... Sila la exercise sblm pergi sbb kena banyak berjalan. Tp bestnye x sedar pon jalan jauh sbb best sangat.
Selain jalan kaki.. kita juga boleh sewa scooter kat dlm tu. Kira per hour. Ada jugak basikal and kalau nk naik shutter train pon ada. Jadi xyah risau la kalau nk bawak ayah or mak dtg sini k. Kami choose to jalan kaki j.. eksyen sangat xnak naik train.
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Pisa |
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Niagarra Waterfall |
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Brazil |
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Paris |
Da puas jalan2 cover seluruh Window of The World, kami heading to Splendid of China.
These two theme park.. dekat j. Dalam 2-3 kilometer j kot.

Splendid of China :is a theme park including two areas (Splendid China Miniature Park & China Folk Culture Village) located in Shenzhen, People's Republic of China. The park's theme reflects the history, culture, art, ancient architecture, customs and habits of various nationalities. It is one of the world's largest scenery parks in the amount of scenarios reproduced. The park is developed and managed by the major travel and tourist corporation, China Travel Services.
Time: 9.00 am to 9.00 pm
Entry Closing time: 6.00 pm
1 Day ticket
Ticket Price: RMB 150
Child Ticket: RMB 75 (height 1.2 m to 1.5m)
Small kids; free (smaller than 1.2m height)
( Sumber dari WIKI )
Senang cerita nye.. bila you all dah pergi ke sini, sama mcm u dah pusing seluruh negara china ni. Derang da compile everything history, mercu tanda, banggunan2 semua dalam satu theme park ni. Plus, ada show kebudayaan jugak.
So that, u all can making it possible to visit the Great Wall of China, Forbidden City, Temple of heaven, Three Gorges Dam, Potala Palace and the Terracotta Army in just one day. Best tak?? Hehe...
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Coffee break. penat tau |
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The view.. |
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Kami tumpang solat dlm ni.. Ni sebenarnye tmpt pameran |
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Chinese Muslim Exhibition culture |
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me and Eleven.. Kuruih sgt si Eleven ni. |
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Kali ni kita pusing2 the park naik train ni j.. ;) |
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Dlm ni pon setiap kali stop Eleven x jemu2 kasi explaination. Bagus dak ni. |
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Survenir shop |
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Scooter pon ada.. |
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Petang kita tgk show kebudayaan... |
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During the show.. |
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Us in front of the entrance.. |
Sblm balik Eleven siap tapau kan kami dinner. Lagipon mmg masuk dlm pakej kan. So ni la cerita kami day 3 untuk trip kali ni. Amacam best tak?
Mlm nye kami rest kat hotel j. Sempat la pegi repeat mkn mee udon kat area hotel. Ok pasni Cik Lyzz sambung cerita Day 4, kami patah balik Hong Kong then pegi Disneyland. Wee... nantikan next post about our journey to Disneyland k..
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