Annyong hasayoo!!
Hi ols.. ok today Cik Lyzz nk story lagi pasal trip to Korea. The tips and tricks sebelum pegi..
especially on how to maximized you limited budget. Please refer this to see the previous post about budget list.
especially on how to maximized you limited budget. Please refer this to see the previous post about budget list.
1. Buy promo ticket
Bought Air Asia ticket at that time rm900 return flight per pax. Murah an an an??
So, sape2 yg nk dapat ticket murah kena rajin la survey harga promosi kat Air Asia Website.. we all pon sebenarnye beli about 1 year before depature. haha..
2. No check in luggage upon depature
Lagi tips untuk beli ticket Air Asia..kalau boleh elakkan or jgn la amik luggage masa pegi. kalau boleh xyah check in langsung beg. bawak hand luggage j.. ( Hand luggage masurement 56cm X 36cm X 23cm and must not weigh more than 7kg per bag ye kawan2.)
Selalunye bila kite pegi jalan, kite mesti nk shopping baju2 and seluar kan? So, buat pe nk bawak banyak2, pakai j baju yg kite da shopping tu masa kat sana nnt. For those yg x berniat nk shopping banyak, boleh bawak baju secukupnye.. advisable kite vacoom baju2 tu supaya jadi compact mcm dlm gambar kat bawah ni..( gives more space to you.. wee )
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Selalunye dlm satu cabin bag boleh muat 2 pack of vacoomed bag. |
3. Cost saving on insurance
Once you x check in bag.. tak yah la tick kat insurance tu masa booking flight. Then boleh jimat lagi kan?
Masa balik, kalau pegi 2 org mcm Cik Lyzz, kite book satu bag j utk check in. kalau boleh, bawak la beg yg bleh extended. So,masa pegi boleh jadi hand luggage, masa balik kita extend kan dia sampai bape kg yg kita pilih tu. Selalu Cik Lyzz akan bawak extra bagpack yg kecik sikit especially utk jalan2 kat tmpt vacation tu kan. Senang bawak backpack sebab boleh sumbat everything dlm tu masa jalan2. Passport, air mineral, makanan, barang2 shopping, telekung, camera, map, voucher ect..Senang kan sumbat sume dlm tu..and yg penting, En DD yg carry. Huhu..
Ha.. contoh bagpack mcm dlm gambar ni.. Selain barang2 berharga, boleh sumbat makanan jugak sebagai bekal ye.. |
Bagpack kecik ni masa balik nanti boleh carry sorang satu as cabin luggage, and the other bag yg boleh extended tu kite check in kan. paham tak ni? Maksudnye.. masa pegi ada 2 bag j.. bila balik, bag beranak lagi satu.. hehe..International check in baggage available –> 20kg/ 25kg/ 30kg/ 40k with different2 charges.
Selalunye untuk Cik Lyzz and husband, we all amik yg paling murah, 20kg j.. Sebab nnt hand luggage kite dapat sorang 7kg kan.. total for both of us da 14kg.. then campur check in luggage 20kg.. ok la tu. "Jimatt"..!! Nak jimat, kena la susah2 sket.. carry j la bag 7kg awak tu masuk dlm flight ye. X susah sgt pon, trolly kan banyak kat airport tu.. ;)
4. Find good ground package suit your budgets and needs with cost saving
Yg ni paling penting.. masa we all pegi Korea, Cik Lyzz banyak buat survey on the ground package. kebanyakannye sume more than or at least RM2K per pax. Tu belom includes pocket money and shopping lagi. jadi, lepas buat survey and study lebih kurang, Cik Lyzz decide hire j student malaysia yg study kat Korea utk jadi our tour guide. Bagusnye.. selain murah, we all dpt tau banyak tmpt2 makan yg murah, tmpt2 shopping yg murah2, and the best part kita selalu dpt student price for entrance fees sbb adik tu pakai student card dia. Yey!! Lagi bagus, bila kita da hire "private guide" mcm ni.. time is flexible.. all trip is at our own sweettime. xde la kena kejar masa or what. In fact, adik guide tu kena follow kitaorg. Disebab kan we all pegi 5 hari 4 mlm saje.. and kami ni kategori tamak jugak.. kami start trip every day at 9am and balik mlm sampai pukul 11pm.. gunekan peluang masa kat sana sehabis baik hokey. Siang2 kita jalan2 visit tour tmpt2 menarik, mlm2 xtvt shopping, go to theme park ( Lotte World dia buka sampai 11pm tau ) and siteseeing town. And then, kita boleh pilih tmpt mana yg kita nk pegi, and tmpt mana yg kita nk skip.. Semuanye at our own choice and of course adik guide tu pon banyak kasi suggestion. kamsahamnida adik! ( sape2 yg berminat, boleh mintak contact number adik ni dari Cik Lyzz k.. )
On the -ve side, Penat la sikit travel sbb we all guna all the public transports. Airport transfer pon guna public transport j..sbb adik ni xde kereta nk amik. (That y masa pegi jangan bawak beg banyak2 ye.. ). But don't worry, kat korea all the publis transport are very tip top. Cepat, efficient and convenient. Not to mention, x mcm Malaysia's public transport ye.
Dlm trem |
Dalam bus |
Dalam Subway |
5.Stay at guesthouse
Tmpt tinggal pon boleh mintak tolong adik ni pre-book. We all choose to stay at guesthouse j. Saje nk experience the local lifestyle. Cool jugak.x perlu la nk stay kat hotel sbb kat sini pon boleh stay hotel and sama j lebih kurang kan. Then, why not sekali sekala pilih guesthouse kat korea ni. All theese budgets list, Cik lyzz ada letak kat post INI. Check it out!
6. Buy travel life insurance
Penting ni especially when u travel more than 5days. Takut la kan kot2 sakit pening kat tmpt org, or anything happen, at least you are covered by your insurance. Selalunye x mahal pon, dalam RM50 j sorang.
Ok till then.. jumpe lagi nanti di next tips and tricks
** Update on 17 May 2014.
Deal promotion for cuti sekolah in June.. ( travelling period up until 27th June 2014 )
RM1800/person ( minimum 10 person ). Price include accomodation, admission fee and food for 6days 5 night.
Don't missed it peeps.. ;)
Bole bg sy contact no utk student travel guide tu x? :)
Alahai dear.. sorry baru perasan komen ni. Boleh kasi email tak.. nnt sy emailkan contact no.
Sy pn nk contact no tu sis..
Plan nk pegi bln 4 ni..
Please, nak contact no. student tu jgk. Saya nk gi korea this coming May.
Tq so much. My e-mail
opppsss sori typo.
Da email both.. sory lambat respond. Anyway.. hv a safe journey and enjoy korea trip.. ;)
Salam dear..i plan nak gi korea may tgh cari tour guide yg murah skit coz btol tu..mane2 i cari guide..sume charged dlm 2k sorang.dah la kiteorg gi ber4..xkan nak byr 8k kan?
bleh x email saye no contact ur guide tu?
ni email saye :
Tq ye..
Okey dear.. nadya zahid check email k.
Dear readers kesayangan hamba.. beside adik student ni.. u ols juga boleh try korea budget travel. Try search kat facebook. They are a group of students yg buat tour guide to korea. Siap boleh pegi jeju island and u also can custom ur own trip. They also have transport to fetch u at airport and bring u everywhere. Advisable to family trip sbb x perlu susah2 naik public transport.. ;)
Waaaa akk.. tq sbb promote neesa.. baru taw.. hehehe.... if sesape nak dtg korea.. sila email sy neesa
Atau boleh check terus ke fb group kami
Mibo sonata travel
Kami menyediakan perkhidmatan pakej tour.. bajet ekonomi... dan yang nak levish skit berkereta... alhamdulillah kami telah upgrade skit ke perkhidmatan berkereta dh dkt 2thn..
Waaaa akk.. tq sbb promote neesa.. baru taw.. hehehe.... if sesape nak dtg korea.. sila email sy neesa
Atau boleh check terus ke fb group kami
Mibo sonata travel
Kami menyediakan perkhidmatan pakej tour.. bajet ekonomi... dan yang nak levish skit berkereta... alhamdulillah kami telah upgrade skit ke perkhidmatan berkereta dh dkt 2thn..
Kalau xdpt get thru sy.. boleh email guide sorang lagi idham
Insyaallah puas hati.. puas jalan... puas shopping (sebab kami ni shopaholic.. pakar mncari sale dan kedai baju, beg murah)
Hi neesa dear.. tq drop by kat blog akak. Hehe.. ok guys, please contact cik adik manis ni for tour package to korea. Confirm best!
And lagi.. suke makan. ;P boleh try makanan yg sedap2 n halal.
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