Bahan2 untuk Inti :
Sementara tu..boleh buat kulit dumpling. ( your truely beli readymade kat carefour saje.. But make sure ada tanda halal tau. hehe )
Then..cara2 berikutnya boleh tgk gambar kat bawah ni ye.
- 1 large chicken breast and 5-7 prawn ( buang kulit ). Minced well.
- 1 Tbsp olive oil
- 1 large onion, chopped into small chunks
- 2 bay leaves ( me x bubuh ) and 1/4 cup minced fresh parsley leaves
- 4 medium carrots, potong dadu
- Garlics cincang halus
- Soy souce, sos tiram and kicap cair ( sesedap rasa )
- 1-2 tbs Tapioca floor
- Ground black or white pepper
- 1tbs cili boh. ( optional.. )
Sementara tu..boleh buat kulit dumpling. ( your truely beli readymade kat carefour saje.. But make sure ada tanda halal tau. hehe )
Then..cara2 berikutnya boleh tgk gambar kat bawah ni ye.
Jika suka goreng boleh la goreng mcm Cik Lyzz.. Kalau nk stim or rebus pon boleh.. Mkm dgn clear sup.. Nyum2..
Selamat mencuba!! ;P
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