Dari At-Tarmizi dengan sanad-sanadnya dari Anas ra. dia berkata, “Nabi saw ditanya apakah bulan selepas Ramadan yang terafdhal berpuasa”. Nabi saw menjawab bermaksud, “Bulan Syaaban kerana untuk mengagungkan Ramadan”. Nabi saw ditanya lagi, “Sedekah apakah yang terafdhal?”. Nabi saw menjawab, “Sedekah dibulan Ramadan”. Kata At-Tarmizi, hadis ini hadis Hasan Sahih.
26 July 2010 malam nisfu sya'aban
Hari Nisfu Sya'aban akan tiba pada hari Isnin malam Selasa ( sebaik saja masuk maghrib), 26hb Julai, 2010(selepas magrib pada hari 14 Sya'aban 1430H)
Oleh itu, marilah kita sama-sama mengambil saat keemasan ini untuk menutup catatan amal ibadah kita kpd Allah dengan baik dan sempurna dan seterusnya berazam untuk memperbaiki diri kita untuk catatan yang baru.
Hari nisfu sya'aban adalah hari dimana buku catatan amalan kita selama setahun diangkat ke langit dan diganti dengan buku catatan yang baru.
Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. menggalakkan umatnya untuk bangun malam dan berjaga serta beriktikaf sepanjang malam kerana tidak mahu amalan diangkat dalam keadaan tidur atau lalai.
Catatan pertama yang akan dicatatkan dibuku yang baru akan bermula sebaik sahaja masuk waktu maghrib, (15 Sya'aban bermula pada 14 hb sya'aban sebaik sahaja masuk maghrib)
Berikut adalah antara amal ibadah di hari Nisfu Sya'aban:
1. Selepas solat maghrib (15 Sya'aban, malam = 26 Julai 2010)
Solat sunat nisfu sya'aban, 2 rakaat
Rakaat 1 : baca Al-Fatihah & surah Al-Qadar 1x
Rakaat 2 : baca Al-Fatihah & surah Al-Ikhlas 3x
2. Membaca Yasin 3x selepas solat Maghribnya (15 Sya'aban, malam = 26 Julai 2010)
i) Selepas Yasin pertama : mohon dipanjangkan umur di dalam kebajikan
ii) Selepas Yasin kedua : mohon dimurahkan rezeki yang halal
iii) Selepas Yasin ketiga : mohon ditetapkan iman dan Islam & mati di dalam iman & pohonlah segala yang baik....
Kemudian baca Istighfar 11x & selawat 11x
Baca doa nisfu Sya'aban
3. Berpuasa pada siangnya (hari Selasa 27 July)
4. Mengadakan Qiammulaial
Antara kelebihan bulan sya’baan ialah:
1. Sesiapa berpuasa sehari dalam bulan Sya’baan maka Allah haramkan tubuhnya dari api neraka dan dia akan menjadi teman kepada nabi Allah, Yusof a.s. di dalam syurga;
2. Pada malam nisfu sya’baan setelah berlalu 1/3 malamnya, Allah turun ke langit dunia lalu berfirman:
"Adakah orang-orang yang meminta maka Aku perkenankan permintannya, adakah orang yang meminta ampun maka aku ampunkannya, adakah orang yang bertaubat maka aku terima taubatnya dan diampunkan semua orang mukmin lelaki & perempuan , melainkan orang yang berzina atau orang yang berdendam marah hatinya kepada saudaranya." - Riwayat dari Osman Bin Abi Al-As, sabda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Double choc and snowey doughnut.. Yummyy!!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Resepi donut gebu dan lembut
Bahan-bahan ( 18 biji - saiz besar )
* 1 paket yeast ( jenama Mauripan)
* 1 1/2 cawan air suam
* 1/2 cawan susu segar, pada suhu bilik ATAU dipanaskan sedikit
* 1 sudu Susu pekat
* 1 sudu kecil garam
* 1/3 cawan Margerin/shortening
* 4 cawan tepung gandum
* Minyak untuk menggoreng
1. Masukkan air suam dan yis ke dalam mangkuk yang besar (mixing bowl), biar 5 minit atau sehingga berbuih.
2. Masukkan susu, gula, garam, shortening/margerin dan tepung.Gaulkan sebati hingga jadi berderai(jd ala-ala breadcrumbs.Masukkan bancuhan air dan yeast sedikit demi sedikit sehingga menjadi doh. Uli doh sehingga permukaan ia jadi licin dan tidak melekat pada tangan.
3. Tutup mangkuk dengan kain lembab atau plastic wrap dan biarkan pada suhu bilik sehingga naik dua kali ganda. Bagi yg ada breadmaker, boleh sediakan doh dlm bread maker macam buat roti.
4. Taburkan sedikit tepung di atas papan canai, canaikan doh tadi kepada ketebalan 1/2 inci. Potong 'donut' dengan donut cutter. Bagi yg takde dunut cutter (macam sy), bahagikan doh kepada 18 bahagian yg seimbang. Bulatkan doh, buat lobang ditengah-tengah degan jari.
5. Tutup donut dengan kain kering dan rehat selama 30 minit atau sehingga naik dua kali ganda.
6. Panaskan minyak. Goreng donut dengan api kecil atau sederhana sehingga perang keemasan. Jangan guna api besar, nanti doh kat dalam tak masak.
7. Toskan minyak. Salut degan icing semasa donut itu masih panas.
Ready to eat.. kalau suka boleh letak topping ikut kegemaran masing2.. Disebabkan your truely n en.suami tinggal berdua j..malas pulak nk deco donut tu. Haha.. Tgk la next time pulak. ;D
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Backstreet boys-no one else comes close (lyrics)
And this is the BB version... Like it too!! ( But the one song by Joe, ada lebih JIWA... hehe )
And this is the BB version... Like it too!! ( But the one song by Joe, ada lebih JIWA... hehe )
No One Else Comes Close..by Joe
This song is so pretty, so soft, so sweet...I wish every woman in the world could find a man that would feel like this towards them....And for the women out there that has found that special man, may Allah bless u....Hold on tight to ur special boo boo.... For he is a gift from HIM.....
Dear Allah, thanks God for giving me a man in my world that is this song to me I love u in every way and i always will do. HAPPY!
When we turn out the lights
The two of us alone together
Something's just not right
But girl you know that I would never ever let another's touch
Come between the two of us
Cause no one else will ever take your place
No one else comes close to you
No one makes me feel the way you do
You're so special girl, to me
And you'll always be, eternally
Everytime I hold you near
You always say the words I love to hear
Girl with just a touch, you can do so much
No one else comes close
And when I wake up to
The touch of your head on my shoulder
You're my dream come true
Oh, girl you know I'll always treasure
Every kiss, and every day
I love you girl in every way
And I always will cause in my eyes
[Chorus (2x)]
No one else comes close
No one else comes close
Damn I love you
P/S : i so love his singing here. great great!!love it..
This song is so pretty, so soft, so sweet...I wish every woman in the world could find a man that would feel like this towards them....And for the women out there that has found that special man, may Allah bless u....Hold on tight to ur special boo boo.... For he is a gift from HIM.....
Dear Allah, thanks God for giving me a man in my world that is this song to me I love u in every way and i always will do. HAPPY!
When we turn out the lights
The two of us alone together
Something's just not right
But girl you know that I would never ever let another's touch
Come between the two of us
Cause no one else will ever take your place
No one else comes close to you
No one makes me feel the way you do
You're so special girl, to me
And you'll always be, eternally
Everytime I hold you near
You always say the words I love to hear
Girl with just a touch, you can do so much
No one else comes close
And when I wake up to
The touch of your head on my shoulder
You're my dream come true
Oh, girl you know I'll always treasure
Every kiss, and every day
I love you girl in every way
And I always will cause in my eyes
[Chorus (2x)]
No one else comes close
No one else comes close
Damn I love you
P/S : i so love his singing here. great great!!love it..
Saturday, July 17, 2010
A new limited edition fragrance..White Musk White Hot Summer by Body Shop
The Body Shop White Musk White Hot Summer ~ new fragrance
" Our new Limited Edition fragrance for summer radiates sunshine, warmth and confidence. A lighter interpretation of our classic fragrance this sparkling fruity floral scent is warmed with musky base notes which makes for a luminous fragrance perfect for summer days and nights.
The fragrance notes feature pink pepper, bergamot, violet leaf, rose, carnation, heliotrope and orris ( Iris root ).
The Body Shop White Musk White Hot Summer is available in 30 ml Eau de Toilette or in 100 ml Chiffon Body Mist. A matching lotion is also sold. " - The Body Shop
I could say whoaaaaaaaaaahh. It was lunch somewhere in last year but I only saw it yesterday and cannot help to have both of its the perfume n lotion. Hehe... and OMG, I'm in love with its especially the body lotion. For me, the smell smell luxuriously and most important is its creamy and silky.. I plan to buy another one since it is limited edition..so I can put one in the office ane another one at home. Huhu..
LIKE IT SOOOO MUCH!! As for the perfume, it still have the smell of classic White Musk base, plus it has a twist of light floral musky and fresh. It suit my tase..as I always choose fragrance with a fresh & floral smell. But I could prefer if it also comes with EDP type. However,the Eau de Toilette never smells cheap despite its modest price-point. Okeyyyyyyyy....but I really like the body lotion the most.
Hari2 x sabar nak mandi n sapu losen. Yee..saya wangii!!
Klip Video Adira AF8 - Ku Ada Kamu
Suka lirik dia..!!
" Kau berikan jawapan,
Melengkap semua kekurangan...
Engkau menyambut tiap kali aku terjatuh,
Andai hari esok langit akan runtuh,
Tabahlah menjunjung bersamaku,
Andai hari esok dunia gelora,
Takkan ku gemuruh selagi ku ada kamu.
Tidak mungkin diri ini mampu,
Hidup tanpa doronganmu,
Andai hari esok langit akan runtuh,
Tabahlah menjunjung bersamaku,
Andai hari esok dunia gelora,
Takkan ku gemuruh selagi ku ada kamu. "
Cheers!! ;D
Suka lirik dia..!!
" Kau berikan jawapan,
Melengkap semua kekurangan...
Engkau menyambut tiap kali aku terjatuh,
Andai hari esok langit akan runtuh,
Tabahlah menjunjung bersamaku,
Andai hari esok dunia gelora,
Takkan ku gemuruh selagi ku ada kamu.
Tidak mungkin diri ini mampu,
Hidup tanpa doronganmu,
Andai hari esok langit akan runtuh,
Tabahlah menjunjung bersamaku,
Andai hari esok dunia gelora,
Takkan ku gemuruh selagi ku ada kamu. "
Cheers!! ;D
Kek Pisang Kukus Special
Kek Pisang Kukus Special
Da lama buat ni...tp x post2. Hehe...actualy your truely baru blaja buat kek pisang ni. 2nd time buat ni baru jadi.. B4 this try resepi lain, so x berapa jadi. Kali ni baru jumpa resepi yg senang dan sedap.. Buat terus menjadi pulak tu.. tu yg rasa semangat nk post kat sini. Sila lah cuba, garenti puas hati. hehe..
8 biji pisang-dilenyek
2 cawan tepung
1 sdk baking powder
1 sdk soda bikarbonat
3/4 cawan minyak jagung
1/2 cwn gula kastor
1/2 cwn gula perang
4 biji telur
1 sdk esen vanilla
secubit garam
coklat cip utk hiasan. (optional)
1.Panaskan air kukusan.
2.Ayak tepung, baking powder, soda bikarbonat dan garam.
3. Pukul telur dan gula sampai sebati. Masukkan minyak, esen vanilla dan kacau sebati.
4.Masukkan tepung yang telah diayak bersama bahan-bahan lain, dan kacau secara kaup balik sampai rata.
5. Masukkan pisang yang telah dilenyek. Kacau sebati.
6. Taburkan coklat chip dalam mould dan kemudian masukkan bancuhan kek.
7. Kukus selama 1 jam.
Cadangan Hidangan:
Sedap dimakan pada waktu petang bersama air teh panas. Selamat mencuba...sedap...
Resepi Laksa
Laksa for this weekend. Dah lama your truely x masak special2 over the weekend. This week, en.suami awal2 lagi da oder laksa. Simple j buat laksa ni.. anybody can try sbb dia main campak2 saje.. hehe
Bahan - bahan:
1 kilo laksa (dicelur)
1 kg ikan kembung - Lebih kurang 8-10 ekor size kecil
2 batabg bunga kantan
5 keping asam gelugur
10 biji cili merah ( Dibuang biji )
1 tangkai daun kesum
2 sudu besar otak udang ( optional )
air secukupnya
1 biji timun
sedikit daun salad
2 biji bawang besar
2 sudu besar cili kisar
4 biji telur rebus
garam secukup rasa
Cara membuatnya:
1. rebus ikan kembung hingga lembut. buangkan tulangnya dan kisar isi ikan hingga halus ( sebaiknya kisar isi ikan dgn menggunakan air rebusan td. )
2. Blend bawang besar dan cili merah. Masukkan bawang + cili blend, bunga kantan, daum kesum, cili padi, cili kisar, asam gelugur, otak udang dan air ke dalam periuk. biarkan mendidih selama 20 minit.
3. kemudian masukkan isi ikan, garam dan masak lagi selama 10 minit.
Cara menghidang
1. masukkan laksa ke dalam mangkuk.
2. tuangkan kuah panas hingga penuh, bubuhkan salad, timun dan telur rebus
Siap!! ;D
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Our Albino Henpon..
Hehehe...we are now changing our HP's casing to this one. Cool tak??
Yg sebenarnye, I just wanna change my HP battery. Since it was not working anymore, I've been borrowing my En.Suami's 2nd HP then. So, bila ada masa nk g cari battery, gatal2 la tgk2 accessories yg lain. Pastu rasa nk tukar casing pulak la kan. Kalau beli dua dapat la murah sket.. tu yg "TERPAKSA" tukar dua2 skali.. Hahaha.. Ape2 j la. Sekian, cerita sang kancil pd hari ini. Ekekeke..
I Likkeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Hihihihihi ;D and I called them " Our Albino HPs "... ;P
Congrates Espana...and well done Uruguay!!
I would say that Uruguay played well in 3rd/4rd place World Cup this session.
But just not their luck to won the 3rd place..With the last kick of the game, Forlan's free-kick cannoned off the crossbar and Germany held on to win 3-2. Well done well done!!
Yippiesssssssssss especially to all Spain fan. Spain vs Netherlands Prediction is not a guess based on Paul the Octopus. ( Sorry bai...sotong tu masak kicap pon sodap!!)
The two new teams first met in the World Cup tournament in 2010. And also the first time Spain won the World Cup. However, no doubt that there are many stars in Spain team compared to Netherlands. Bravooo bravoo.. ( x banyk sangat ulasan untuk final World Cup nih..gara2 team kegilaan your truly x masuk final. kah kah kah.. menci seh.. )

( Letak gambar sket.. nampak x Bang Beregas yg sedang gumbira tu?? Main lek lok camni kat Arsenal kan bagoooss.. Huhu )
Note : Liverpool terus dgn semena mena nya tanpa rasa bersalah naikkan harga Torres GBP100juta. Xpe la babe...simpan j la Bang Torres tu kat Liverpool sampai tua.
I would say that Uruguay played well in 3rd/4rd place World Cup this session.
But just not their luck to won the 3rd place..With the last kick of the game, Forlan's free-kick cannoned off the crossbar and Germany held on to win 3-2. Well done well done!!
Yippiesssssssssss especially to all Spain fan. Spain vs Netherlands Prediction is not a guess based on Paul the Octopus. ( Sorry bai...sotong tu masak kicap pon sodap!!)
The two new teams first met in the World Cup tournament in 2010. And also the first time Spain won the World Cup. However, no doubt that there are many stars in Spain team compared to Netherlands. Bravooo bravoo.. ( x banyk sangat ulasan untuk final World Cup nih..gara2 team kegilaan your truly x masuk final. kah kah kah.. menci seh.. )

( Letak gambar sket.. nampak x Bang Beregas yg sedang gumbira tu?? Main lek lok camni kat Arsenal kan bagoooss.. Huhu )
Note : Liverpool terus dgn semena mena nya tanpa rasa bersalah naikkan harga Torres GBP100juta. Xpe la babe...simpan j la Bang Torres tu kat Liverpool sampai tua.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Wednesday 7.7.10 at 2.30am
Tau tak??
Hari rabu jam 2.30am adalah 2jam sengah selepas hari Selasa.
Bukan tunggu malam ni ye.. Hak hak hak ;D
I missed last night game. Nasib mlm ni Spain vs Germany.
Tau tak??
Hari rabu jam 2.30am adalah 2jam sengah selepas hari Selasa.
Bukan tunggu malam ni ye.. Hak hak hak ;D
I missed last night game. Nasib mlm ni Spain vs Germany.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Sotong kurita world cup..
Nak cakap sket j..Skeeetttt jer.
Tp dalam news, si "Sotong Kurita" yg bernama Poul tu meramal Espana will win against Germany lusa.
Okey la..since David Villa sangat cool this time..I pon rasa Spain patut menang. Betw, ramai pemain2 star kat sana compared to Germany player yg bnyk pemain baru yg x berapa nk kenal pon.
And..dont forget..David Villa juga berjaya singkirkan Portugal dlm Piala Dunia this time.. Ngeh ngeh ngeh. ( ala...1-0 jer.. Germany lagi cool, belasah Argentina 4-0)
Dah Dah Dah...
Enjoy the game nnt..kita lihat sapa yg kenaaaaa..
2010 FIFA World Cup Schedule (Semi-finals) :
Uruguay vs. Netherlands - 7 Jul - Wed 2:30am
Germany vs. Spain - 8 Jul - Thu 2:30am
Notes : Ada sikit mengharap..Germany will go to Final. Kalau x..sia2 saja beli baju Germany. Haha..

( Err...x leh la tgk si Paul the Octopus nih.. Geleeiiiyyyyyyyyyy )
Nak cakap sket j..Skeeetttt jer.
Tp dalam news, si "Sotong Kurita" yg bernama Poul tu meramal Espana will win against Germany lusa.
Okey la..since David Villa sangat cool this time..I pon rasa Spain patut menang. Betw, ramai pemain2 star kat sana compared to Germany player yg bnyk pemain baru yg x berapa nk kenal pon.
And..dont forget..David Villa juga berjaya singkirkan Portugal dlm Piala Dunia this time.. Ngeh ngeh ngeh. ( ala...1-0 jer.. Germany lagi cool, belasah Argentina 4-0)
Dah Dah Dah...
Enjoy the game nnt..kita lihat sapa yg kenaaaaa..
2010 FIFA World Cup Schedule (Semi-finals) :
Uruguay vs. Netherlands - 7 Jul - Wed 2:30am
Germany vs. Spain - 8 Jul - Thu 2:30am
Notes : Ada sikit mengharap..Germany will go to Final. Kalau x..sia2 saja beli baju Germany. Haha..

( Err...x leh la tgk si Paul the Octopus nih.. Geleeiiiyyyyyyyyyy )
Monday, July 5, 2010
Its not Brasil and Argentina going to final.. Haihh..
I have many things to update..for our Vacation of Euro Trip to my brother wedding.
But,now..tiap2 hari sangat busy.
Year end lagi..my brother wedding lagi..I still havent finished my DIY project of making the pin corsage using RM1 notes for my bro wedding. Duuhhh...tinggal lagi seminggu j.
Later I story mory about the corsage thingy okeh.. haha..
Now i more interested to talk about World Cup yg penuh dengan unpredictable result. Uwaaa.... nangis jap. Actually I did wrote the status on my FB a few days back saying that the 2 team will go to final this time. But I extremely wrong. Chey!
WC was treated to its final, just two games too early.This has been the World Cup full of surprises, and one of the big ones come a few days back, with the Netherlands knocking out five-time winner Brazil 2-1 and the shame loss of Argentina to Germany 0-4.
For “Melo-Drama” and intensity, the spectacle of the Netherlands stunning and bullying Brazil will be hard to outdo at this tournament. Holland played well, but was also helped by Brazil’s Felipe Melo being sent off with a red card for a really stupid and nasty foul. Felipe Melo was the goat of the day. Boo hoooo..
The five-time champions are such soccer giants that there is always an earthquake-like thump when they are brought to their knees. Yet, this time, their 2-1 loss didn’t feel like a massive shock. Dunga blamed a poor second-half against the Dutch. But that was only half the story.
Noe what, when two teams are basically at the same level; it’s not often the one with 10 men is going to win the match. Big clap to Holland who are smart enuf to tackle the opportunity and play well till won the game against Samba team.
But the fault was collective, not individual. And it didn’t help Brazil that Kaka was not at his best in South Africa. Like other stars of world soccer — think C.Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney, Gerrard, or Samuel Eto’o — he failed to live up to his billing. Again, I want to stressed here..that I think C.Ronaldo is too celebrity-ish which also one of the reason he cannot perform at his best in World Cup.
Hahaha...mind me.
Holland were definitely good, but not Brazilian brilliant, and that was their undoing. They let Argentina claim the crown as kings of attacking, inventive soccer. As a result, Diego Maradona is looking like an increasingly good bet to win the World Cup both as a player and coach. You wished Sir!! You undoubtedly one of the world’s greatest players in your day, but has yet to prove yourself as a coach. But still I do beleived that Argentina was the better team than Germany.
But, I was wrong again...another shock happened!! the over-confident-so-called-strong-team Argentina was also kick out from this session with very shameful result of 0-4. Uwaaa...too bad. it’s painful and pointless. Dunno what happen,as I see unlike Argentina, Germans cannot run for a long time. Their game is usually slow paced, focused on technical skill, rather than sweat and genuine effort. Will they slow Argentina down? That night seem like Argentina lose their moral support n spirit to fight. I will blame their lazy-ish defender and unfinished attack by the striker. Back to reality, Messi knocked out…bye bye Argentina..
Bye Brasil..
Regards from Argentina. Huhu..
Little Lizzy Note : Eksyen betul En.suami..mentang2 la penyokong tegar Belanda. Sekalik kena bungkus dengan Uruguay baru tau.. Mana tau kan..bola tu bulat. Dibuat nye Uruguay Masuk Final.. Haa...pasrah j la. Ahaks ;)
I have many things to update..for our Vacation of Euro Trip to my brother wedding.
But,now..tiap2 hari sangat busy.
Year end lagi..my brother wedding lagi..I still havent finished my DIY project of making the pin corsage using RM1 notes for my bro wedding. Duuhhh...tinggal lagi seminggu j.
Later I story mory about the corsage thingy okeh.. haha..
Now i more interested to talk about World Cup yg penuh dengan unpredictable result. Uwaaa.... nangis jap. Actually I did wrote the status on my FB a few days back saying that the 2 team will go to final this time. But I extremely wrong. Chey!
WC was treated to its final, just two games too early.This has been the World Cup full of surprises, and one of the big ones come a few days back, with the Netherlands knocking out five-time winner Brazil 2-1 and the shame loss of Argentina to Germany 0-4.
For “Melo-Drama” and intensity, the spectacle of the Netherlands stunning and bullying Brazil will be hard to outdo at this tournament. Holland played well, but was also helped by Brazil’s Felipe Melo being sent off with a red card for a really stupid and nasty foul. Felipe Melo was the goat of the day. Boo hoooo..
The five-time champions are such soccer giants that there is always an earthquake-like thump when they are brought to their knees. Yet, this time, their 2-1 loss didn’t feel like a massive shock. Dunga blamed a poor second-half against the Dutch. But that was only half the story.
Noe what, when two teams are basically at the same level; it’s not often the one with 10 men is going to win the match. Big clap to Holland who are smart enuf to tackle the opportunity and play well till won the game against Samba team.
But the fault was collective, not individual. And it didn’t help Brazil that Kaka was not at his best in South Africa. Like other stars of world soccer — think C.Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney, Gerrard, or Samuel Eto’o — he failed to live up to his billing. Again, I want to stressed here..that I think C.Ronaldo is too celebrity-ish which also one of the reason he cannot perform at his best in World Cup.
Hahaha...mind me.
Holland were definitely good, but not Brazilian brilliant, and that was their undoing. They let Argentina claim the crown as kings of attacking, inventive soccer. As a result, Diego Maradona is looking like an increasingly good bet to win the World Cup both as a player and coach. You wished Sir!! You undoubtedly one of the world’s greatest players in your day, but has yet to prove yourself as a coach. But still I do beleived that Argentina was the better team than Germany.
But, I was wrong again...another shock happened!! the over-confident-so-called-strong-team Argentina was also kick out from this session with very shameful result of 0-4. Uwaaa...too bad. it’s painful and pointless. Dunno what happen,as I see unlike Argentina, Germans cannot run for a long time. Their game is usually slow paced, focused on technical skill, rather than sweat and genuine effort. Will they slow Argentina down? That night seem like Argentina lose their moral support n spirit to fight. I will blame their lazy-ish defender and unfinished attack by the striker. Back to reality, Messi knocked out…bye bye Argentina..
Bye Brasil..
Regards from Argentina. Huhu..
Little Lizzy Note : Eksyen betul En.suami..mentang2 la penyokong tegar Belanda. Sekalik kena bungkus dengan Uruguay baru tau.. Mana tau kan..bola tu bulat. Dibuat nye Uruguay Masuk Final.. Haa...pasrah j la. Ahaks ;)
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