Hehehe...we are now changing our HP's casing to this one. Cool tak??
Yg sebenarnye, I just wanna change my HP battery. Since it was not working anymore, I've been borrowing my En.Suami's 2nd HP then. So, bila ada masa nk g cari battery, gatal2 la tgk2 accessories yg lain. Pastu rasa nk tukar casing pulak la kan. Kalau beli dua dapat la murah sket.. tu yg "TERPAKSA" tukar dua2 skali.. Hahaha.. Ape2 j la. Sekian, cerita sang kancil pd hari ini. Ekekeke..
I Likkeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Hihihihihi ;D and I called them " Our Albino HPs "... ;P
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