Weekend aritu...on Sunday En.Suami start his first class from 8am to 2.30pm.
Hehe...I saw him lazily think about his class since a few days before. Tp I gelak2 jer la..and sometime I saje kacau2 dia sbb terpaksa sacrifice waktu tido di hari ahad yg permai..ahaks.
Lagipon my MIL ans SIL is coming to our house for attending wedding ceremony at Gombak.
Sabtu malam.. My BIL and his family datang berkumpul at our house. Kebetulan it is Harris b'day. So, petang tu, we teman mak pegi beli present untuk Harris, Dina and Diya. Sungguhpon B'day Harris, hadiah b'day kena beli sampai 3. kalau x nanti..bergaduh la adik beradik tu kan..berebut mainan.
We pegi Jusco jer..then, we singgah kedai survenir kat Tmn Melawati untuk survey barang kawen my BIL.
Can say it was tiring weekend but it was fun. Bukan selalu mak datang rumah kami kan.
So, bila ada mak..baru la terhegeh2 nk prepare breakfast in the morning..and think what to cook for lunch. ;P
The wedding is on Saturday night. Malam tu pon after kenduri we still lepak2 and sembang2 at my house sampai midnight.
kesian jugak kat En.suami since he had to wake early tommorow for class.
Ngee...sebagai isteri yg baik..lepas solat subuh, I terus x tido balik.
I was afraid, kalau I sambung tido..alamat, En.Suami overslept la nnt.
So, I decide to clean up the kitchen and prepare the breakfast.
I rebus Japanese Ubi kayu and buat air nescafe saje..hehe.
Basuh pinggan mangkuk yg mlm tadi punya..then masa I nk kejutkan En.Suami tu I dengar org mandi kat shower.Good2..
Lepas sarapan ala kadar, pukul 7.30am..en.Suami da pegi class...
Then, I sambung balik clean up the kitchen and prepare the ingrediant to fried bihun for MIL and SIL.
Xnak goreng awal2 sangat..nnt by the time derang nk mkn da sejuk pulak.
Sambil tu tgk cartoon kat TV and facebooking. I dengar mak tgh mengaji kat dlm bilik tu.
Huhu..lama da I x mengaji..teruk sungguh kan..
Tak lama tu, emak pon keluar and we had breakfast together. I mkn lagi..hehe 2 kali breakfast.
Then emak ckp dia nk balik awal to discuss the wedding thingy with Pak Teh. Dalam pukul sepuluh..mak and my SIL da balik..
Tinggal la the lonely me kat rumah tu..
Ingat nak tido..tp cam x boleh tido pulak.
Nak tgk tv pon mcm xde cerita menarik. Nak tgk DVD mcm xde mood pulak nk tgk sengsorang without En.Suami.
Nak masak for lunch pon mcm awal sangat..wahh..busan gila tahap gaban.
Last2 I tgk tv jer la..cerita apa pon x tau.
Lepas tu masak tgh hari..
Lepas tu tgk tv balik
Lepas tu baru mandi
then tgk tv balik
tgk internet sambil tgk tv jugak
haha...gila kentang.
Bila En.suami nak graduate ni?? hahaha ( Baru pegi kelas sehari da tanya bila nk grad.. ) Yinnadeyyyy!!!
Nota Little Lizzy : Dina sangat comel when she said she eat "cow meat" at the kenduri. hehehe..
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Kalau boleh buat..kenapa nak beli??
Hehehe.. ni I nk share resepi simple2 bagi yg xde bnyk masa nk masak yg beria2.. Mudah, sedap and only takes less than 1/2 hour jer to make it. Wish u all happy trying..
Resepi Egg Tart dengan puff pastry.
Untuk Crust
300 gram tepung gandum
150 gram marjerin / mentega
1 biji telur (size L / size A)
3 camca besar gula
1 camca teh garam
Untuk Filling
2 biji telur (size M/B)
4 camca besar gula
1 camca teh esen vanila
2 cawan air suam
5 camca besar susu pekat manis
4 camca besar tepung kastard
1. Adun semua bahan - bahan untuk crust hingga menjadi doh
2. Balut doh dengan platik pembalut dan simpan dalam peti sejuk selama 30 minit
3. Setelah cukup 30 minit,canai doh dan potong atau cetak mengikut kehendak anda
4. Terapkan pada muffin pan (sekiranya takde acuan tart yang metal tu)
5. Bakar dlm ketuhar selam 10 minit atau 15 minit atau sehingga kekuningan sedikit pada suhu 160 degree celcius
6. Bancuh kesemua bahan - bahan untuk filling dan tuang ke dalam crust tadi. 3/4 penuh
7. Bakar semula tart tadi sehingga fillingnyer betul - betul masak. (dalam anggaran 10 minit)
8. Biar sejuk dalam tin muffin selama 5-10 minit sebelum dikeluarkan.
Tips : Kalau x guna custard.. juz egg, milk, sugar n vanilla essence pon boleh.. try la, sedaapp!!
Resepi Speghetti Carbonara
Spaghetti 1/2 packet (5 org makan)
1 1/2 kotak kecil susu segar
2 sudu tepung gandum (dibancuh air)
2 sudu besar plain yogurt
Lada hitam serbuk kasar
1 kiub ayam1 sudu besar butter
2 sudu besar parmesan cheese (serbuk)
2 ketul bawang putih (dicincang)
Daging kisar (goreng dulu dgn sedikit minyak)
Cendawan butang (potong 2)
Mozarella cheese (jika ada)
Garam secukup rasa
Oregano/basil ( optional )
1- Rebus spaghetti. Sudah masak, terus basuh dgn air sejuk. Asingkan
2- Dalam mangkuk, campur susu, tepung gandum, yogurt, lada hitam, parmesan cheese. Kacau sebati.
3- Panaskan kuali, masukkan butter. Tumis bawang putih + kiub ayam. Then masuk bahan Daging kisar/ cendawan/ udang/ayam or apa saje yg anda suka. Kacau lagi.
4- Masuk bancuhan susu tadi. Atas api perlahan, pukul bancuhan dgn pemukul telur. Kacau hingga pekat. Jika terlalu pekat, tambah air masak.
6- Siap. Hidang dgn spaghetti.
Tips : Nak sedap, tabur sedikit mozarella cheese, bakar dlm microwave (medium, 4 minit). Mozarella akan menjadikan hidangan lebih cheesy.Selain tu..boleh juga campur dgn oregano/basil dan juga vege like broccoli/carrot/peas untk rasa yg lebih umpphh!
Senang kan?? worth trying.. buat la experimen masak2 kat rumah.. So, boleh pastikan family tersayang dijamin dpt mkn makanan berkhasiat, bersih, jimat dan 100% halal. Tak gituew CikTemah?? kikiki..
Nota Little Lizzy : with refer to the topic "Kalau boleh buat..kenapa nak beli??" tapi.. kalau tak jadi..kita BELI!!!! hahaha...
p/s : Resepi asal...cik lettle lizzy me google and alter ikut citarasa diri sendiri. ;D
Hehehe.. ni I nk share resepi simple2 bagi yg xde bnyk masa nk masak yg beria2.. Mudah, sedap and only takes less than 1/2 hour jer to make it. Wish u all happy trying..
Resepi Egg Tart dengan puff pastry.
Untuk Crust
300 gram tepung gandum
150 gram marjerin / mentega
1 biji telur (size L / size A)
3 camca besar gula
1 camca teh garam
Untuk Filling
2 biji telur (size M/B)
4 camca besar gula
1 camca teh esen vanila
2 cawan air suam
5 camca besar susu pekat manis
4 camca besar tepung kastard
1. Adun semua bahan - bahan untuk crust hingga menjadi doh
2. Balut doh dengan platik pembalut dan simpan dalam peti sejuk selama 30 minit
3. Setelah cukup 30 minit,canai doh dan potong atau cetak mengikut kehendak anda
4. Terapkan pada muffin pan (sekiranya takde acuan tart yang metal tu)
5. Bakar dlm ketuhar selam 10 minit atau 15 minit atau sehingga kekuningan sedikit pada suhu 160 degree celcius
6. Bancuh kesemua bahan - bahan untuk filling dan tuang ke dalam crust tadi. 3/4 penuh
7. Bakar semula tart tadi sehingga fillingnyer betul - betul masak. (dalam anggaran 10 minit)
8. Biar sejuk dalam tin muffin selama 5-10 minit sebelum dikeluarkan.
Tips : Kalau x guna custard.. juz egg, milk, sugar n vanilla essence pon boleh.. try la, sedaapp!!
Resepi Speghetti Carbonara
Spaghetti 1/2 packet (5 org makan)
1 1/2 kotak kecil susu segar
2 sudu tepung gandum (dibancuh air)
2 sudu besar plain yogurt
Lada hitam serbuk kasar
1 kiub ayam1 sudu besar butter
2 sudu besar parmesan cheese (serbuk)
2 ketul bawang putih (dicincang)
Daging kisar (goreng dulu dgn sedikit minyak)
Cendawan butang (potong 2)
Mozarella cheese (jika ada)
Garam secukup rasa
Oregano/basil ( optional )
1- Rebus spaghetti. Sudah masak, terus basuh dgn air sejuk. Asingkan
2- Dalam mangkuk, campur susu, tepung gandum, yogurt, lada hitam, parmesan cheese. Kacau sebati.
3- Panaskan kuali, masukkan butter. Tumis bawang putih + kiub ayam. Then masuk bahan Daging kisar/ cendawan/ udang/ayam or apa saje yg anda suka. Kacau lagi.
4- Masuk bancuhan susu tadi. Atas api perlahan, pukul bancuhan dgn pemukul telur. Kacau hingga pekat. Jika terlalu pekat, tambah air masak.
6- Siap. Hidang dgn spaghetti.
Tips : Nak sedap, tabur sedikit mozarella cheese, bakar dlm microwave (medium, 4 minit). Mozarella akan menjadikan hidangan lebih cheesy.Selain tu..boleh juga campur dgn oregano/basil dan juga vege like broccoli/carrot/peas untk rasa yg lebih umpphh!
Senang kan?? worth trying.. buat la experimen masak2 kat rumah.. So, boleh pastikan family tersayang dijamin dpt mkn makanan berkhasiat, bersih, jimat dan 100% halal. Tak gituew CikTemah?? kikiki..
Nota Little Lizzy : with refer to the topic "Kalau boleh buat..kenapa nak beli??" tapi.. kalau tak jadi..kita BELI!!!! hahaha...
p/s : Resepi asal...cik lettle lizzy me google and alter ikut citarasa diri sendiri. ;D
Monday, January 25, 2010
Perkara tak boleh terima diri
Caranya mudah kalau mahu berjaya. Tak kira lah dlm apa juga..termasuk dlm memulakan persahabatan. Jangan membuatkan orang lain menanam sedikit pun rasa prejudis terhadap you, dalam apa jua perkara pun. Sebab tu impresi pertama sangat penting. You screw the first impression, safely say you are done and out.
Beginilah. Kalau bagi contoh situasi lebih senang nak faham. I kenal sama seorang kenalan baru, maka bermula lah sesi suai kenal kami serba ringkas, berkongsi perihal latar belakang sikit sebanyak.I ni simple..I x pernah nk pilih dgn siapa I nak kawan dgn siapa x xnk kawan or what so ever..itu sangat childish. Tp dalam sesuatu perkenalan yg baru..apa yg penting sekali ialah komunikasi. No point kalau U bercakap sangat perlahan dan lemah gemalai sampai I x paham langsung apa yg U cakapkan. And lebih penting..setiap kali hendak memulakan acara suai kenal dgn u, I rasa tension sbb kena berdiri and dekatkan telinga kat mulut U untuk dengar apa yg u cakap kan..
Eh, common la.. I dont aspect you to jerit2 or what...just enough kalau i boleh clearly dengar n paham whatever U say dalam jarak not more than 3-4 kaki from U.
I know..u memang perempuan melayu terakhir dan sangat lemah lembut. My point here..u still can continue your lemah lembut, but please make it clear enuf.. can't you???Bila I say "sorry, i cant here what u r saying?" or " sorry,can u speak louder?", I mengharapkan you kuatkan ur sound so that I can understand your word. Malangnya, you still bercakap seperti mengunyah mknn or as if you sedang baca jampi terkumat kamit. Aiyoo..xdengar lew awak.
Disebabkan banyak kali I sound you kepada perkara yg sama, at last I jadi fed up.You pon lama2 mesti jadi bosan dgn I..or mesti dlm hati U ckp " ape la pekak badak sangat minah ni.." haha..Then, I will try my best to not attached with u. Sorry for that..its for our own best. I don't want to be looked like "org pekak" when every conversation with you will go by " haa??"
So sorry ye kenalan baru.. I just cannot into you.
Wonder, mcm mana nak ckp dgn this girl kalau kuar jalan2 kat shopping mall ek? X boleh ajak awak g shopping la camtu..kalau nk hang out, kena kat tmpt sunyi2..tmn bunga or tmn tasik titiwangsa. Eiiyeeewww!! Pelik la dating ngn girlfren kat tmn bunga..ha ha ha then..ckp bisik2 pulak tuh..
OMG.. I am really not that type. Big Sorry..
Nota Little Lizzy : Communication skill juga sangat penting in your career peeps. That most important key point to success in your professional life. Think about it and cheers!! ;D
Caranya mudah kalau mahu berjaya. Tak kira lah dlm apa juga..termasuk dlm memulakan persahabatan. Jangan membuatkan orang lain menanam sedikit pun rasa prejudis terhadap you, dalam apa jua perkara pun. Sebab tu impresi pertama sangat penting. You screw the first impression, safely say you are done and out.
Beginilah. Kalau bagi contoh situasi lebih senang nak faham. I kenal sama seorang kenalan baru, maka bermula lah sesi suai kenal kami serba ringkas, berkongsi perihal latar belakang sikit sebanyak.I ni simple..I x pernah nk pilih dgn siapa I nak kawan dgn siapa x xnk kawan or what so ever..itu sangat childish. Tp dalam sesuatu perkenalan yg baru..apa yg penting sekali ialah komunikasi. No point kalau U bercakap sangat perlahan dan lemah gemalai sampai I x paham langsung apa yg U cakapkan. And lebih penting..setiap kali hendak memulakan acara suai kenal dgn u, I rasa tension sbb kena berdiri and dekatkan telinga kat mulut U untuk dengar apa yg u cakap kan..
Eh, common la.. I dont aspect you to jerit2 or what...just enough kalau i boleh clearly dengar n paham whatever U say dalam jarak not more than 3-4 kaki from U.
I know..u memang perempuan melayu terakhir dan sangat lemah lembut. My point here..u still can continue your lemah lembut, but please make it clear enuf.. can't you???Bila I say "sorry, i cant here what u r saying?" or " sorry,can u speak louder?", I mengharapkan you kuatkan ur sound so that I can understand your word. Malangnya, you still bercakap seperti mengunyah mknn or as if you sedang baca jampi terkumat kamit. Aiyoo..xdengar lew awak.
Disebabkan banyak kali I sound you kepada perkara yg sama, at last I jadi fed up.You pon lama2 mesti jadi bosan dgn I..or mesti dlm hati U ckp " ape la pekak badak sangat minah ni.." haha..Then, I will try my best to not attached with u. Sorry for that..its for our own best. I don't want to be looked like "org pekak" when every conversation with you will go by " haa??"
So sorry ye kenalan baru.. I just cannot into you.
Wonder, mcm mana nak ckp dgn this girl kalau kuar jalan2 kat shopping mall ek? X boleh ajak awak g shopping la camtu..kalau nk hang out, kena kat tmpt sunyi2..tmn bunga or tmn tasik titiwangsa. Eiiyeeewww!! Pelik la dating ngn girlfren kat tmn bunga..ha ha ha then..ckp bisik2 pulak tuh..
OMG.. I am really not that type. Big Sorry..
Nota Little Lizzy : Communication skill juga sangat penting in your career peeps. That most important key point to success in your professional life. Think about it and cheers!! ;D
Tips putus cinta : Tenangkan hatimu
Ketahuilah bahawa…
1. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang tidak serupa dengan kita, supaya kita dapat menjadi penilai yang baik.
In relationship..mesti ada pros and contra nya. That why la..bila kita sedang in a relationship with someone..we need to analyst. Jgn la terlalu hanyut dgn "cinta" tu sampai segala yg buruk atau x betul pada pasangan kita hanya pandang sebelah mata. Dengan harapan.. anda dapat mengubahnya pada satu masa nanti. Bila si dia sudah menjadi milik anda. By right..yes. Kalau you seorang lelaki..you memang ada hak itu. Tp sejauh mana penerimaan bakal isteri you tu nanti. Takut nanti dia rasa terkongkong dan boleh menyebabkan punca perbalahan.
Makanya...semasa dalam menjalinkan perhubungan.."in relationship" dgn si dia..cuba you test sejauh mana dia boleh ikut cakap you. Especially bab2 basic..like solat, tutup aurat, cara sosial.
Kalau you success, even if it is just a small things...means that, you memang layak untuk si dia.
Dan kalau perkara2 kecil dan basic principle pon you x boleh nk nasihat..means that dia bukan jodoh yg baik untuk you. Or maybe u ol need more times to know each other.Ye lah, bab solat, dan tutup aurat misalnya..kalau you suruh pon bukan untuk kepentingan you kan..untuk diri dia juga. Jadi, secara logiknya..kalau perintah Tuhan pon dia sanggup ketepikan..inikan pula dia mahu mengikut arahan you once u ol get married later. Think wise..bercinta memang la manis..tp, kawen sepatutnya jadi lebih manis. Bila you berkahwin..bnyk hati yg u akan attached. Parent in law...your parent lagi..adik beradik ipar duai. Semua ati u nk kena jaga.Kalau u fail untuk membentuk si dia..mampu kah si dia yg u cintai itu menyempurnakan hasrat parent u.
Mampu ke si dia respect family u sedangkan dia sdr x respect agama dan Tuhan dia. Think twice..
Dia bukan untuk you..tapi Allah temukan u ol berdua..supaya u lebih matang untuk menilai erti kehidupan.Dapat menilai..yg mana baik dan buruk.. So, jadi lah penilai yg baik kerana Allah dan redha lah hati u..bahawa...dia memang bukan untuk u
2. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang tidak sama fikirannya dengan kita,
supaya kita sedar bahawa kita hanyalah makhluk yg sentiasa mengharapkan pertolongan ALLAH.
Dalam relationship..kita saling melengkapi antara satu sama lain. Maka jadikan lah your differences betw your partner tu sebagai sesuatu yg melengkapi. Cuba berfikiran positif..Namun, kalau masih tidak mendapat keserasian, you have to admit, he/she is not mean to you. And only Allah know whose best for you, good for your family and whose suit you for your religion. Sentiasalah berdoa pohon kepada Allah supaya pertemukan jodoh yg baik untuk you. Insya Allah.. berkat doa you untuk memilih jodoh yg baik untuk keluarga dan agama, pasti dikabulkan. ;D
3. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang tidak memahami keadaan diri kita, supaya kita dapat KASIH SAYANG YANG TERBAIK, KHAS UNTUK DIRI KITA.
Pernah dengar ungkapan " nobody's perfect"? So, dalam setiap perhubungan..kita bukan lah hendak mencari mr/mrs perfect, but we try to find our mr/mrs.right. It is how you look at the imperfection in a person. We all want love. Then, when we get it, we become afraid and start to run in the opposite direction.Take a moment to see clearly who this perfect person is to you.Each person is the perfect person just as they are. When you begin finding the beauty in everyone, then the right one for you just walks through the door. .Its not that, he/she is imperfect.But it is just he/she is not your "Jodoh".
Remember that, jodoh, mati, rezeki semua nya Allah yg tentukan.
So that, if you have problems with your partner atau you baru sahaja berputus cinta dgn seseorang..ingat lah kasih sayang Allah kepada you yg tidak akan putus2. Sbb kasih sayang Nya adalah yg terbaik dan terAgung. Pasti ada hikmah disebalik semua kejadian2 yg berlaku.
4. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang tidak sempurna, supaya kita sedar bahawa ALLAH MAHA PEMURAH & PENYAYANG kerana mengingatkan kita bahawa dia bukanlah pilihan yang hebat untuk kita dan kehidupan kita pada masa depan.
Yakin dan percayalah.. Yg penting selalu lah bersangka baik dgn ketentuan Allah.. POSITIVE okey??
Nota kaki Cik Little Lizzy Me : Sejak akhir2 ni..I selalu nampak people around me yg seem like terlalu asyik atau hanyut dgn "cinta" mereka. Harap2 mereka2 ni x membuat keputusan yg melulu. Biar lah lambat..asalkan berkat. And yg penting sekali..theres no turning back in marriage life. Pesanan ikhlas dari Cik Little Lizzy Me, pikir masak2 dulu..buat penilaian berdasarkan akal fikiran dan seluruh pancaindera selain drpd doa kepada Allah untuk petunjukNya. Dapat kan restu keluarga..semoga perhubungan itu diberkati sampai akhir hayat. Amin..
Out of berjuta2 org yg you jumpa dalam hidup you...hanya satu j yg you nk kena pilih untuk jadi suami/isteri you..So, da abis pikir dah?? hehe...thrill kan?
Ketahuilah bahawa…
1. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang tidak serupa dengan kita, supaya kita dapat menjadi penilai yang baik.

In relationship..mesti ada pros and contra nya. That why la..bila kita sedang in a relationship with someone..we need to analyst. Jgn la terlalu hanyut dgn "cinta" tu sampai segala yg buruk atau x betul pada pasangan kita hanya pandang sebelah mata. Dengan harapan.. anda dapat mengubahnya pada satu masa nanti. Bila si dia sudah menjadi milik anda. By right..yes. Kalau you seorang lelaki..you memang ada hak itu. Tp sejauh mana penerimaan bakal isteri you tu nanti. Takut nanti dia rasa terkongkong dan boleh menyebabkan punca perbalahan.
Makanya...semasa dalam menjalinkan perhubungan.."in relationship" dgn si dia..cuba you test sejauh mana dia boleh ikut cakap you. Especially bab2 basic..like solat, tutup aurat, cara sosial.
Kalau you success, even if it is just a small things...means that, you memang layak untuk si dia.
Dan kalau perkara2 kecil dan basic principle pon you x boleh nk nasihat..means that dia bukan jodoh yg baik untuk you. Or maybe u ol need more times to know each other.Ye lah, bab solat, dan tutup aurat misalnya..kalau you suruh pon bukan untuk kepentingan you kan..untuk diri dia juga. Jadi, secara logiknya..kalau perintah Tuhan pon dia sanggup ketepikan..inikan pula dia mahu mengikut arahan you once u ol get married later. Think wise..bercinta memang la manis..tp, kawen sepatutnya jadi lebih manis. Bila you berkahwin..bnyk hati yg u akan attached. Parent in law...your parent lagi..adik beradik ipar duai. Semua ati u nk kena jaga.Kalau u fail untuk membentuk si dia..mampu kah si dia yg u cintai itu menyempurnakan hasrat parent u.
Mampu ke si dia respect family u sedangkan dia sdr x respect agama dan Tuhan dia. Think twice..
Dia bukan untuk you..tapi Allah temukan u ol berdua..supaya u lebih matang untuk menilai erti kehidupan.Dapat menilai..yg mana baik dan buruk.. So, jadi lah penilai yg baik kerana Allah dan redha lah hati u..bahawa...dia memang bukan untuk u
2. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang tidak sama fikirannya dengan kita,
Dalam relationship..kita saling melengkapi antara satu sama lain. Maka jadikan lah your differences betw your partner tu sebagai sesuatu yg melengkapi. Cuba berfikiran positif..Namun, kalau masih tidak mendapat keserasian, you have to admit, he/she is not mean to you. And only Allah know whose best for you, good for your family and whose suit you for your religion. Sentiasalah berdoa pohon kepada Allah supaya pertemukan jodoh yg baik untuk you. Insya Allah.. berkat doa you untuk memilih jodoh yg baik untuk keluarga dan agama, pasti dikabulkan. ;D
3. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang tidak memahami keadaan diri kita, supaya kita dapat KASIH SAYANG YANG TERBAIK, KHAS UNTUK DIRI KITA.
Pernah dengar ungkapan " nobody's perfect"? So, dalam setiap perhubungan..kita bukan lah hendak mencari mr/mrs perfect, but we try to find our mr/mrs.right. It is how you look at the imperfection in a person. We all want love. Then, when we get it, we become afraid and start to run in the opposite direction.Take a moment to see clearly who this perfect person is to you.Each person is the perfect person just as they are. When you begin finding the beauty in everyone, then the right one for you just walks through the door. .Its not that, he/she is imperfect.But it is just he/she is not your "Jodoh".
Remember that, jodoh, mati, rezeki semua nya Allah yg tentukan.
So that, if you have problems with your partner atau you baru sahaja berputus cinta dgn seseorang..ingat lah kasih sayang Allah kepada you yg tidak akan putus2. Sbb kasih sayang Nya adalah yg terbaik dan terAgung. Pasti ada hikmah disebalik semua kejadian2 yg berlaku.
4. Memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yang tidak sempurna, supaya kita sedar bahawa ALLAH MAHA PEMURAH & PENYAYANG kerana mengingatkan kita bahawa dia bukanlah pilihan yang hebat untuk kita dan kehidupan kita pada masa depan.
Yakin dan percayalah.. Yg penting selalu lah bersangka baik dgn ketentuan Allah.. POSITIVE okey??
Nota kaki Cik Little Lizzy Me : Sejak akhir2 ni..I selalu nampak people around me yg seem like terlalu asyik atau hanyut dgn "cinta" mereka. Harap2 mereka2 ni x membuat keputusan yg melulu. Biar lah lambat..asalkan berkat. And yg penting sekali..theres no turning back in marriage life. Pesanan ikhlas dari Cik Little Lizzy Me, pikir masak2 dulu..buat penilaian berdasarkan akal fikiran dan seluruh pancaindera selain drpd doa kepada Allah untuk petunjukNya. Dapat kan restu keluarga..semoga perhubungan itu diberkati sampai akhir hayat. Amin..
Out of berjuta2 org yg you jumpa dalam hidup you...hanya satu j yg you nk kena pilih untuk jadi suami/isteri you..So, da abis pikir dah?? hehe...thrill kan?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
"Wajib Tonton" Sherlock Holmes
For those who enjoy watching or reading "Detektif Conan" series.. you must not missed to watch this movie..
Its quit late to promote this tho..haha. I know I know i'm kinda late.. maybe movie ni pon suda tak ditayangkan lagi di cinema.
So, cerita "wajib tonton" ini harus lah ditonton ya.
Beside Avatar..this is another 'cool' movie that I enjoy to the max recently. I have a thought to post this movie review long ago..tp asyik lupa jer.
Sorry peeps..next time I promise to update my movie review soonest possible.
P/s : Sherlock Holmes is another movie character that I admire most selepas Si kekasih gelapku Captain Jack Sparrow. Mereka sangat "COOL" hokeeeyy..
Tp bab yg busuk2 x mandi tu..alergic sangat. Suka yg wangi2 saja especially yg bau "Dunhill Blue Desire". Lalala...
For those who enjoy watching or reading "Detektif Conan" series.. you must not missed to watch this movie..
Its quit late to promote this tho..haha. I know I know i'm kinda late.. maybe movie ni pon suda tak ditayangkan lagi di cinema.
So, cerita "wajib tonton" ini harus lah ditonton ya.
Beside Avatar..this is another 'cool' movie that I enjoy to the max recently. I have a thought to post this movie review long ago..tp asyik lupa jer.
Sorry peeps..next time I promise to update my movie review soonest possible.
P/s : Sherlock Holmes is another movie character that I admire most selepas Si kekasih gelapku Captain Jack Sparrow. Mereka sangat "COOL" hokeeeyy..
Tp bab yg busuk2 x mandi tu..alergic sangat. Suka yg wangi2 saja especially yg bau "Dunhill Blue Desire". Lalala...

Nah, tgk ni..Howwttt kan kan kan??
Nota little lizzy : Next movie that I am looking for is.."Tooth Fairy". Nak tgk abang body kental2, tegap2 Mr.The Rock berkaraktor ala2 "cute" and "kelakar".
Tgk iklan kat tv mcm besttttt jer..
I'm not single.. but available.. Boleyy tak?? Kah kah kah..
Merahsiakan status perhubungan?
I have one thing that I wonder when everytime I ask " you-dah-ada bf?" or "r u single?" question..then the answer that I get is.. "NO.." tp obviously satu dunia tahu betapa closed you with the guy..sampai that guy pon sanggup buat macam2 untuk you sampai gaji pon boleh tinggal -ve semata2 untuk you. Bila tanya lagi..the answer is " we-teman-tapi-mesra-lah". Bukanlah nk busy body kan.. But from my observation there's a few consequences why girl merahsiakan status relationship dia dgn so called bf dia tu..
Firstly, mungkin they are in an open relationship. Ada skeeeetttttttt crush each other but stil not sure. Mungkin lelaki yg ada skarang ni cukup hensome..tp in monetary x berapa establish. Or..ada look, ada duit...tp attitude kureng sket. And the girl still nk test market. Kalau ada lagi yg lebih "Hot"..maybe dia tidak akan menolak. In other case...kalau x dapat Jans yg Hot pon..she still have so called bf td kan.. Perempuan.. perangai kau hina kerana menyebabkan ramai yg akan patah hati bila terjebak dgn perhubungan try-and-error you tu. Lebih2 lagi kalau you try the innocent guy yg betul2 nk cari pasangan sehidup semati. And after all, you tinggalkan dia sbb ada lagi jans yg lebih HOT muncul dlm hidup you. Where else, you buat mamat innocent tu as your 'spare tyre'. Sbb you tahu, if you fail with other guy, there is 'the innocent guy' yg setia tunggu you kat luar tu. Itu sangat devilish, tahu.
The reason she will answer the status question by "i-am-single-&-we-teman-tapi-mesra-lah".. is mainly dia mahu sweet talk atau sudah aim mana2 guy around you to test her market. Be careful..x semestinya this type come from category yg daring2 saja..kadang2, perempuan lemah lembut, pakai tudung pon ada jugak species mcm ni.
Secondly, the girl memang suka pada this guy. He treat her well, caring her, always give hand when needed..spent most of the time together..but at the same time he also did the same thing to his other girl friends as well..then the girl get confused of what is their r/ship. The guy sometime touches her heart and feeling by naughty joke like imagine if they get married one day, theme color for their wedding and so on. The thing is..there is no declaration betw the two. They still in an open relationship where the guy are free to date any guys out there and vise versa. I might say they have feeling inside each other..but no one want to start it first or afraid of loosing if one of them ask for more than friend relationship. Mcm lagu "main tarik tali" Eliyana tu..hihi..
So, this also another reason why girl answer the status by "i-am-single-&-we-teman-tapi-mesra-lah". Deep inside..there's still a HOPE for the guy to be more than friend r/ship..Believe me. ;P My advice...selidik betul2..jgn sampai jadi minah perasan pulak ye..
There also some cases where when the girl says she is single..but nobody will believe her. This especially applicable to the one who have a good look and good job. When she say.."i-am-single"..people around her will reply ...
Merahsiakan status perhubungan?
I have one thing that I wonder when everytime I ask " you-dah-ada bf?" or "r u single?" question..then the answer that I get is.. "NO.." tp obviously satu dunia tahu betapa closed you with the guy..sampai that guy pon sanggup buat macam2 untuk you sampai gaji pon boleh tinggal -ve semata2 untuk you. Bila tanya lagi..the answer is " we-teman-tapi-mesra-lah". Bukanlah nk busy body kan.. But from my observation there's a few consequences why girl merahsiakan status relationship dia dgn so called bf dia tu..
Firstly, mungkin they are in an open relationship. Ada skeeeetttttttt crush each other but stil not sure. Mungkin lelaki yg ada skarang ni cukup hensome..tp in monetary x berapa establish. Or..ada look, ada duit...tp attitude kureng sket. And the girl still nk test market. Kalau ada lagi yg lebih "Hot"..maybe dia tidak akan menolak. In other case...kalau x dapat Jans yg Hot pon..she still have so called bf td kan.. Perempuan.. perangai kau hina kerana menyebabkan ramai yg akan patah hati bila terjebak dgn perhubungan try-and-error you tu. Lebih2 lagi kalau you try the innocent guy yg betul2 nk cari pasangan sehidup semati. And after all, you tinggalkan dia sbb ada lagi jans yg lebih HOT muncul dlm hidup you. Where else, you buat mamat innocent tu as your 'spare tyre'. Sbb you tahu, if you fail with other guy, there is 'the innocent guy' yg setia tunggu you kat luar tu. Itu sangat devilish, tahu.
The reason she will answer the status question by "i-am-single-&-we-teman-tapi-mesra-lah".. is mainly dia mahu sweet talk atau sudah aim mana2 guy around you to test her market. Be careful..x semestinya this type come from category yg daring2 saja..kadang2, perempuan lemah lembut, pakai tudung pon ada jugak species mcm ni.
Secondly, the girl memang suka pada this guy. He treat her well, caring her, always give hand when needed..spent most of the time together..but at the same time he also did the same thing to his other girl friends as well..then the girl get confused of what is their r/ship. The guy sometime touches her heart and feeling by naughty joke like imagine if they get married one day, theme color for their wedding and so on. The thing is..there is no declaration betw the two. They still in an open relationship where the guy are free to date any guys out there and vise versa. I might say they have feeling inside each other..but no one want to start it first or afraid of loosing if one of them ask for more than friend relationship. Mcm lagu "main tarik tali" Eliyana tu..hihi..
So, this also another reason why girl answer the status by "i-am-single-&-we-teman-tapi-mesra-lah". Deep inside..there's still a HOPE for the guy to be more than friend r/ship..Believe me. ;P My advice...selidik betul2..jgn sampai jadi minah perasan pulak ye..
There also some cases where when the girl says she is single..but nobody will believe her. This especially applicable to the one who have a good look and good job. When she say.."i-am-single"..people around her will reply ...
" U LIAR..",
" really?? x percaya lah..",
" takkan cantik mcm ni xde bf..tipu lah.."
Kepada org2 diluar sana..tolong lah percaya pada this kind of girl. Kesian mereka. My advice..go socialize more. Get more friends and get your life. Sabar...jgn jadi cheapsales sudah la. Take a depth breath..and enjoy your life.
Psssssttttt.. Orang kata, perempuan HOT mcm you ni..selalu nya org laki takut nk dekat. Kalau ada pon..abg2 misai lebat j la yg berani. Sbb dia juga ada poket yg lebat..Kau ada??? Walaupon abang misai not-single..xpe la. Belasah j la. Sbb takut jadi andartu..Tu la, dulu2 kau kau kau jans yg single mingle tu x mau tackle. Last2...abg misai jugak yg dapat..hehe.
Last but not least.. no doubt. Ramai jugak girl2 out there.. yg mengaku single even da ada bf. Labih worst..yg da kawen beranak pinak pon masih mengaku bujang. Hehe.. Especially kalau body shape..x lari jauh. Malah makin mantap akibat kawen. Kannn.. Kadang2 they give reason..they are not liar, but the guy did not ask their status. So, they keep silent.
Bab tipu menipu ni..memang perangai jahanam. Lebih2 lagi kalau you isteri orang, itu memang doubly jahanam. You x perlu ada concept scandle diluar perkahwinan you. Kalau ada problem rumahtangga, jgn sampai cari jalan penyelesaian mudah like this. No point..kalau you bahagia sangat dgn scandle you diluar, tp rumahtangga u hancur. Please keep in mind..why you marry him at the first place. Kalau x boleh sangat..setle off cara baik..darpd terus tambah dosa berbakul2. Tak gitu??
Kesimpulannya...when girl says, "i-am-single".. at least u ada serba sedikit idea untuk analisa..in which type she categorised.
Nota Little Lizzy : Hidup ini singkat sebenarnya bila kita cuba lihat daripada perspektif yang panjang. Namun lumpur apa pun yang you pijak, lintahnya juga lain-lain. Jadi, hati-hatilah.
Nota Little Lizzy : Frankly speaking..I pon dulu masa single orang x percaya when I told them I'm single.. Tp I x HOT...tu pasal la xde abg misai lebat dtg m'ngurat. Huhu..
Friday, January 15, 2010
Solar Eclipse in 15.01.2010
Solar Eclipse in 15.01.2010
Today ada gerhana matahari. We, ( which is me, kak zura n kak pidah) cam excited j nk tunggu n tengok.
But sadly speaking, from my ofice..the angle did not allow us to see the sun. Cess..but we still can feel it by looking at the weather outside which is mendung suam2 kuku gitu.
Tp..penat gak tinjau2 kat langit..xnmpak pon "gerhana cincin" nya. haha..
Apepon..salah satu bukti kebesaran Allah..
Noted : Opps...its just gerhana separa. So xde la bentuk cincin tu yeh? keh keh keh
Today ada gerhana matahari. We, ( which is me, kak zura n kak pidah) cam excited j nk tunggu n tengok.
But sadly speaking, from my ofice..the angle did not allow us to see the sun. Cess..but we still can feel it by looking at the weather outside which is mendung suam2 kuku gitu.
Tp..penat gak tinjau2 kat langit..xnmpak pon "gerhana cincin" nya. haha..
Apepon..salah satu bukti kebesaran Allah..
Noted : Opps...its just gerhana separa. So xde la bentuk cincin tu yeh? keh keh keh
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Resepi Fried Chicken, Mashed Potato & Coleslaw ala KFC

Suku biji kobis ( untuk makan 2 orang )
1biji carrot ( kecil )
Mayonis 4sudu
1 sudu gula
garam secukup rasa
sedikit cuka / air limau nipis
4 sudu susu tepung ( Tp Little Lizzy me guna susu pekat manis sbb xde susu tepung )
Cara membuat :
Cincang kobis dan carrot. Then masukkan semua bahan dalam satu bekas serta gaulkan sebati. Simpan dalam peti sejuk selama 1/2 jam. Ataupon biarkan semalaman lagi sedap.
Bahan2 ni..kalau suka manis..boleh la tambah dan kurangkan sikit ikut citarasa sendiri. Confirmed sedap..try la..
Cik Little Lizzy Me buat coleslaw ni mlm semalam. So, mkn hari ni..rasa dia lebih ummpph sbb all the ingrediant da blend together!!
Ambil 2-3 biji kentang sederhana besar. Rebus sampai empuk then lenyek2 kan sampai lumat. Lepas tu boleh la bulat2 kan and letak tepi.
Untuk gravy :
2batang daun saderi - cincang ( Cik Little Lizzy Me pakai daun sup j..sbb xde daun saderi.Hehe )
1 biji bawang besar ( Cincang )
4 kiub ayam
2 sudu sos cili
2 sudu sos tiram
sedikit margerin
2 sudu tepung gandum
air satu mug
Sedikit serbuk lada hitam
garam secukup rasa
Kicap pekat ( untuk warna )
Cara membuat sos mashed potato :
Rebus daun saderi, bawang besar dan kiub ayam bersama air selama sepuluh minit. Tapis rebusan tadi dan asingkan.
Cairkan margerin dalam kuali..then masukkan tepung gandum. Kacau rata dan make sure tepung gandum x melekat or bergentel2 dlm kuali. Masukkan air rebusan tadi sedikit demi sedikit. Kemudian, masukkan sos cili dan sos tiram. Kacau rata..masukkan garam dan serbuk lada hitam secukup rasa. ( make sure rasa dulu sblm masuk garam sbb sos tiram dan kiub ayam da masin ). Last sekali masukkan setitik dua kicap pekat untuk gelapkan sikit warna nya. Masaklah sampai pekat mana yg U ol suka..then tuangkan atas kentang td..ready to eat. Yummyy!!
Bahan2 :
Tepung gandum
1 sudu tepung jagung
2-3 sudu rempah kari
garam secukup rasa
( gaulkan rata semua bahan diatas dan letak dalam piring lebar )
1-2 b1ji telur ( pukul telur sampai kembang sedikit )
Cara Membuat Fried Chicken :
Panaskan minyak dalam kuali. Pastikan minyak bnyk ye and api cukup panas. We nak buat deep fried chicken. Celup ayam yg sudah dibersihkan kedalam telur, then celupkan kedalam tepung sebelum goreng. Perlahankan api sedikit..dan tutup kuali supaya ayam masak rata. Balik2 kan ayam sehingga warna bertukar kepada golden brown. Ready to served.

Worth give a try..... buat sendiri, lagi puas hati. ;P
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
What makes my suis suddenly shut down!!!!!
FYI, perkara yg paling I tak tahan sekali is when dealing with a "Hot Tampered" or "short fius" person. No matter who they are.
For me, there is still a way to settled thing in nice and proper way. X perlu nak gangster2, jerit2 or campak2 barang to show your anger.
Let me clear the things..I sebenarnye paling tak tahan kalau berhadapan dgn org2 yg having soooo short fius..I understand la if u are easily hurt ke..sensitif ke..moody person or what so ever..
Especially if U are mad with somebody else, please please please lah.. dont involved people around U as well.
U sudah marah or mad to other person..so, why nak lepaskan kemarahan U tu pada orang2 yg berada di sekeliling U. Kesian la pada I serta orang2 lain yg tak bersalah.
Lebih2 lagi bila U start hempas2 barang or jerit2 membebel and at the same time as if U want the whole world to know that u tgh marah to that person.
Yes..in relationship..i am the kinda person who are really open to hear all my friends problems. If possibles, I will give an advice or supports as far as I can.
But...but...but.. please la.
I rela dengar all your problems and so forth. But satu j yg I x boleh cope..u boleh share your problems with me..but please dont share with me your hot tempered.
Because, in that cases..I dont have any problems with you..okey. Talk to me like your friend..not your enemy.
I am soo mad and cannot stand this. Kadang2...bila I datang and great you as usual..u okey. But sometimes...u are not okey..then give me "that" look. As if i have to understand everytime when u gimmi "that" look..means that U sedang not in the mood to talk with anybody including me as your friend. Or u gimmi the "look" with dahi berkerut2...sapa pon u x layan..and bila buat kerja sambil hempas2 barang..then..once U da okey, U say sorry because at that point..U sedang marah with someone..Hey, apa ni????? U fikir, I xde hati ke.. xde perasaan ke? or is that the pay that I have to bare..for our friendship?? Sbb I ni kawan U, U rasa U da boleh buat sesuka hati pada I ke?
For many cases yg I jumpa..Bila enemy U datang..U senyap pulak. As if..U suda malas nk cakap or U x teringin pon nk pandang & bercakap with them.
This is really not fare my dear friend. Dgn kami, U beria2 moody, marah2, hempas2 barang..but with your enemy..U diam pula.
Selalunya..I memang x kan layan. I will back off. If you like to share your problem with me..do it proper way my dear. My heart will always open to you but at the same time I also have a heart that I shud take care, I deserved some respect from U as your friend. Did'nt I? In many cases, I boleh sabar..I boleh tahan and tarik nafas dalam2 and keep in mind, that U still my friend and U are not doing this purposedly. U are under ur anger's control. But sadly..I x boleh tahan sampai bila2. I am not that kind. Hati I ni pon kecik..kalau asyik2 berkecil hati dgn U..lama2 hati I makin kecik and at last I langsung x ada hati untuk U lagi.
I may not have short fius like U...but fius I ni pon pandai shut down jugak.
So, friend.. b4 I shut down my fius.. please do good with me. I will return 100times good to you. But If U makes me mad, I will do nothing, but let U sinking and left u behind. Cozt I have to take care my heart for my other friends who really appreciates me as their friends.
Love u all my dear friends.. Muaaaahhh..
Little Lizzy Notes : Sorry for allowing my adrinaline hormone do the bloging.
But peeps, am I too mean?? If U were me...what would u do?
FYI, perkara yg paling I tak tahan sekali is when dealing with a "Hot Tampered" or "short fius" person. No matter who they are.
For me, there is still a way to settled thing in nice and proper way. X perlu nak gangster2, jerit2 or campak2 barang to show your anger.
Let me clear the things..I sebenarnye paling tak tahan kalau berhadapan dgn org2 yg having soooo short fius..I understand la if u are easily hurt ke..sensitif ke..moody person or what so ever..
Especially if U are mad with somebody else, please please please lah.. dont involved people around U as well.
U sudah marah or mad to other person..so, why nak lepaskan kemarahan U tu pada orang2 yg berada di sekeliling U. Kesian la pada I serta orang2 lain yg tak bersalah.
Lebih2 lagi bila U start hempas2 barang or jerit2 membebel and at the same time as if U want the whole world to know that u tgh marah to that person.
Yes..in relationship..i am the kinda person who are really open to hear all my friends problems. If possibles, I will give an advice or supports as far as I can.
But...but...but.. please la.
I rela dengar all your problems and so forth. But satu j yg I x boleh cope..u boleh share your problems with me..but please dont share with me your hot tempered.
Because, in that cases..I dont have any problems with you..okey. Talk to me like your friend..not your enemy.
I am soo mad and cannot stand this. Kadang2...bila I datang and great you as usual..u okey. But sometimes...u are not okey..then give me "that" look. As if i have to understand everytime when u gimmi "that" look..means that U sedang not in the mood to talk with anybody including me as your friend. Or u gimmi the "look" with dahi berkerut2...sapa pon u x layan..and bila buat kerja sambil hempas2 barang..then..once U da okey, U say sorry because at that point..U sedang marah with someone..Hey, apa ni????? U fikir, I xde hati ke.. xde perasaan ke? or is that the pay that I have to bare..for our friendship?? Sbb I ni kawan U, U rasa U da boleh buat sesuka hati pada I ke?
For many cases yg I jumpa..Bila enemy U datang..U senyap pulak. As if..U suda malas nk cakap or U x teringin pon nk pandang & bercakap with them.
This is really not fare my dear friend. Dgn kami, U beria2 moody, marah2, hempas2 barang..but with your enemy..U diam pula.
Selalunya..I memang x kan layan. I will back off. If you like to share your problem with me..do it proper way my dear. My heart will always open to you but at the same time I also have a heart that I shud take care, I deserved some respect from U as your friend. Did'nt I? In many cases, I boleh sabar..I boleh tahan and tarik nafas dalam2 and keep in mind, that U still my friend and U are not doing this purposedly. U are under ur anger's control. But sadly..I x boleh tahan sampai bila2. I am not that kind. Hati I ni pon kecik..kalau asyik2 berkecil hati dgn U..lama2 hati I makin kecik and at last I langsung x ada hati untuk U lagi.
I may not have short fius like U...but fius I ni pon pandai shut down jugak.
So, friend.. b4 I shut down my fius.. please do good with me. I will return 100times good to you. But If U makes me mad, I will do nothing, but let U sinking and left u behind. Cozt I have to take care my heart for my other friends who really appreciates me as their friends.
Love u all my dear friends.. Muaaaahhh..
Little Lizzy Notes : Sorry for allowing my adrinaline hormone do the bloging.
But peeps, am I too mean?? If U were me...what would u do?
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Kenapa dia bukan cinta hati saya..
Dalam hidup...x semua yg kita impikan tu semestinya jadi kenyataan.
Dalam hidup...x semua yg kita impikan tu semestinya jadi kenyataan.

Ada seorang sahabat datang kpd I...and berkongsi masalah hati dia bersama I.
Kawan I minat pada sorang guy ni since zaman kolej lagi. Tp sampai sekarang, that guy tak tau pon yg kawan I ni suka pada dia.
Lepas kolej, they all lost contact kejap..and now jumpa balik in facebook.
So, lepas risik2...she found out yg this guy still single. my friend ask me, how to tell the guy about her feeling. Malu la kan..nnt kalau kena reject lagiii la malu.
Pasal sang hati itu...sesiapa pon susah nk duga. Its like a gambling..sometime..u may loose and pls remind, kalau nasib u baik..u juga boleh menang besar.
Mcm main teka nombor yg empat itu. Ada orang beli nombor tu bedasarkan car reg number yg terlibat dgn accident, no kereta orang yg baru beli kereta for the 1st car in his/her life..or nombor2 kejadian2 yg super extra-ordinary drpd biasa like tarikh kejadian tsunami ke..kejadian bunuh membunuh ke..no kenderaan yg langgar binatang, ape ke.. ( aww..i like sound familiar with 4 digit gambling.. kah kah kah..Dont have that thought okey.. I've friend who tell me all those. Sometimes..co-incidently, nombor2 tu naik la. )
The point here..is to be creative. Seperti juga dalam perhubungan.
Try la to be creative juga..For example if u have a crush with one guy..and u dont know how to start and at the same time u dont want to break the rule..that for u, it is not right for woman to start the relationship 1st. Then, u may try other way..yg tidak menjelik kan. Mcm u boleh menonjolkan diri u dalam apa bidang yg u buat. You juga boleh join apa2 program, activity or class where the guys involve. Dalam masa yg sama, u try get his attention by showing ur capability towards the program, try solve problem dalam project yg u all involved ke..maksudnya..tunjuk kan attitude serta diri u yg 1st class. Kalau boleh, buat dia rasa kagum, respect and adore u..So, if nasib u baik..he will approaches u untuk jadi wanita idaman dia.X perlu lah, nk gedik2 depan laki, buat gaya n suara manja, pakai sexy dgn body language yg melentok2..sbb for me, thats cheap sales!! Barangkali orang akan ckp...jgn la selalu jual mahal, nnt x laku..okey, u may reply to them..Mana ada jual mahal..jual murah2 pon tak..yeahh, its NOT FOR SALES!! huhu..
Okey..katakan..the guys yg u suka tu..notice u. But u did not received any approach from him. Hint la dia..like u want to be his friend. Read this carefully..jgn gelojoh..bear in mind..u just want him to be your FRIEND okey..even your heart may ask for "more than friend" relationship. point here is..jgn la terlalu berharap. Nnt kalau x jadi..patah hati..lagi parah.
Be his friend..and dalam masa yg sama u boleh selidik who he is. What is his status? available but not single, single but not available? baru lepas putus cinta ke..sedang crush dgn someone else ke..lain2 boleh la semak atau buat revision melalui kawan2 dia. Kalau boleh, jgn la jadi bestfriend pulak. Sometimes, ppl hard to change the bestfriend r/ship into the next level. So, jadi la kawan hye2 bye2 jer.. ( by this...he will notice u are good in attitude, friendly but not easy type. )
Be cool and give him a hint skett demi sedikit. Or just like biar dia terfikir2 pasal U or pasal your statement. Sometimes..u boleh touch sket2 bab hati ni as a joke. Like for example kalau he ask u of why still single or why xde bf..u can make a joke while reply to him.." tunggu U la kottt..." tp... kena cepat2 cover that statement by " hehe...xde la gurau jer..then u may say the reason la..takde jodoh lagi..or belom jumpa org yg sesuai ke..nk tunggu habis study ke..bla bla" ( with that..u da sentuh hati dia, sikit laa...tu pon kalau point yg no.1 n no.2 tadi sudah ada la.jgn la daring sangat...belom ada apa2, u da ckp pasal kawen2 ni dgn dia pulak tu. Kang x pepasal dia cop u sebagai...GEDIK! Oh tidak..) Hint yg i maksudkan..ialah..u hint him yg u da ready pon untuk ada comitment..tp masih belom jumpa the right person. Or..u pon boleh gurau2 suruh dia tolong carikan u someone yg suit u. Mungkin dia akan ofer diri sendiri untuk u..sapa tahu kan??
Tips penting..tgk respond dia bila u buat joke or hint dia something like above. Kalau nampak mcm +ve..u boleh teruskan. Kalau nampak dia -ve atau kurang senang dengan gurauan U tu..makna nya U masih x cukup hebat lagi di mata si dia. Jadi please stop it...if not, u hanya akan buat dia rasa lagi menyampah dgn u pula.
Nota kaki : Orang yg baik..jodohnya adalah dgn org yg baik juga. So, maybeu x cukup baik untuk si dia..or mungkin ada yg lebih baik dr si dia untuk U.. ( kata2 semangat ni harus di simpan dalam hati setiap masa hokey)
Barangkali..dia juga ada skettt "rasa" kepada U, tp malu atau takut atau xtau how to start. So, dgn memberi dia sedikit demi sedikit hint..boleh juga membuka ruang untuk si dia membuat next approach. Who knows kan?? My point here is, kalau si dia lihat U boleh selamba begurau tentang isu2 hati dan perasaan dan with the hint2 yg U signal him..mungkin boleh menerbitkan rasa selesa untuk si dia for next step.. betul tak?
Kalau U sudah jadi kawan si dia..walaupon sekadar kawan hye2 bye2...rajin2 lah hantar sms forward or email fwd kepada si dia. Biar dia selalu ingat kat U. Kalau ada respond pada email yg u kasi tu drpd si dia..that is a +ve hint drpd dia untuk anda. Maksudnya, dia baca setiap email2 U, dan bukan lihat itu sekadar junk mail and ignore shj. ;P
From my observation..if si dia dah mula ada "rasa" kpd anda..all perkara yg remeh temeh are counted. Termasuk lah..status2 u yg merapu dalam Facebook pon dia akan comment. Seperti si dia juga hendak mmbuatkan U selalu terfikir kan si dia. Contoh kalau U just buat status in Facebook mcm ini.. " lapar..", then dia org pertama yg akan comment on that status, " kesiannye..nak I teman?", or kalau nk nmpk brutal sket " kalau lapar pegi la masak.. ". At least u know..he look at your email, sms or status even it is nothing much but junk mail. Dia akan lebih berminat membaca mail ringkas daripada U berbanding mail panjang berjela daripada orang lain.. hehe
Selain itu..U juga perlu lah berdoa bnyk2 pada Allah supaya permudahkan urusan U dgn si dia...kalau betul2 dia adalah jodoh U. Doa supaya Allah buka kan hati si dia untuk U..and doa supaya Allah redha kan hati U kalau si dia memang bukan untuk U. Juga doa supaya Allah beri petunjuk untuk U dan juga si dia jalan yang sebaik nya untuk U ol berdua.
After all, let says..he is not mean to U, walaupon u try your best untuk get his attraction, kalau memang sudah ditakdirkan..dia bukan untuk U, by this U kena la redha. Jodoh mati bukan kerja kita sbg manusia.. U jangan lah transform-kan diri sendiri kepada seorang bitter loser pula. Fair enough, you sudah kalah..mulakan hidup baru. Fikirkan perkara-perkara yang boleh membuatkan diri you positif.
You know, dalam hidup, bila you jatuh, you diberi dua options. Pertama, you try to be better and aim higher. Kedua, you sink below and fall further. Sbb kadang2 dalam hidup ni..kita tak nampak kebaikan yg ada didepan mata..tp sibuk nak kejar ketidakpastian yg jauh disana. Thats life..cuma kita perlu enjoy untuk treasure out journey.
Sebab tu la..kalau kita x dapat menggapai bintang di langit..cukup lah sekadar kelip2 di malam hari. Drpd kite terus berjalan tanpa cahaya...
Little Lizzy Notes : Kalau nk jalan malam2..sila bawak tourch light ye. Jgn jalan dalam gelap..Bahaya hokey!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Last Vacation for 2009 - CAMERON HIGHLAND ( Part 3 )
Day 3.. ( Kok Lim Strawberry Farm - The Galleria Time Tunnel Gallery - Butterfly Farm - Brinchang Market )

We bangun lambat this day...lepas solat subuh...then tido balik sampai pukul 10am as if it was had for us to leave this place..
Today is our last day here...so, bnyk tempat nak singgah sebenarnye. Nak pegi beli sayur2 n strawbery untuk Ayah and Ummi pulak.
Lepas tu nk singgah rumah sepupu Mak nearby the Taman Sedia where the place that we stay. Alang2 dah sampai sana..Mak suruh kami ziarah rumah sedara mara. Lagipon, lepas kawen memang x pernah jumpa Pakcik Aznun tu lagi.
After packing...we off to breakfast. We eat at food court nearby..at that time, they already serve nasi and lauk2 untuk mkn tgh hari. He he he.. so, we having our brunch there. Sedap jugak..ada ulam2 yg bnyk disamping fresh salad yg beranika jenis. Seronok betul tinggal kat Cameron ni..kalau dapat beli tanah kat sini kan best. Mesti kulit muka I boleh jadi licin kan sbb selalu mkn fresh salad, fresh vege n buah2, mandi air bunga & hirup udara segar hari2. Perghh... mimpi la kan..
Lepas mkn we balik ke our chalet untuk amik barang2. At first we plan nk self plucking the strawbery from Cik Nah's farm..tp they all pulak da bersiap2 nk balik kg. So, x jadi la..
We self plucking at Kok Lim Strawberry Farm as it was along the way back at main trunk road between Kea Farm and Brinchang.

It shares the same building with The Galleria Time Tunnel Gallery. The entrance fees is RM5 per adult if I'm not mistaken. It has a simple layout stretching from the entrance to one of the building. The galleria has collected as much antiques and paraphernalia as they could find related to Cameron Highlands stretching way back to the early beginnings. However, we both are not entering this gallery even I have thought in mind that it was an interesting place to go tho..tp we sempat la explore sikit kat luar tu..ada la barang2 antik..and also the interesting old photographs of Cameron Highlands depicting Tanah Rata, Brinchang and several other places in the early days.
**If you want to learn a little more about history and have a nostalgic moment with the old knick-knacks and old photographs about Cameron Highlands, then do visit it. **
While waiting for the self plucking guider come back from his lunch time..we lepak at the suvernir shop nearby. Sambil duduk rehat2 kat the cafe I ternampak the Cameron Highland Photo Contest. Then, I said to En.Suami, why not to give a try..x rugi apa pon.Suka2..Just kena beli the Travel Guide for RM2 because the entry form is inside the travel guide. The rule is simple, all photos must be taken in Cameron Highlands between 15th August 2009 and 15th January 2010 and can be either an indoor or outdoor shot. The condition is to show a happy moment with loved ones or friends while on holiday in Cameron Highlands regardless whether you are amateur or professional photographers. Participating photographers can use
either conventional cameras with colour film or digital cameras. All submissions must be accompanied with the original negatives or CD with the original images captured in RAW / JPEG format. And not forgotten the digital image manipulations which alter, change or misrepresent the true situation or content of the images are strictly unacceptable. Enhancement of a photo shall be confined to plus or minus of colour, saturation, contrast and brightness. Yippieess..senang kan..and we already submit our picture. Hope u guys pray for us. ;D
1st Prize - 1 HP/Compaq Notebook
2nd Prize - 1 Olympus 590 Digital Camera
3rd Prize - 1 Canon IXUS 95 Compact Digital Camera
Consolation prizes includes hotel stay, hampers and mystery gift.


As an overall, we are very happy to end the year 2009 by the memorizing vacation like this.
The fresh weather and joyful there freshened up our mind and brush up all the hard things happen in our working and daily life, for us to have a great start for new year 2010.
May this coming year ahead bring us more blessing from Allah for the happiness, lotsa loves and prosperities in our life. Aminn..
Day 3.. ( Kok Lim Strawberry Farm - The Galleria Time Tunnel Gallery - Butterfly Farm - Brinchang Market )
We bangun lambat this day...lepas solat subuh...then tido balik sampai pukul 10am as if it was had for us to leave this place..
Today is our last day here...so, bnyk tempat nak singgah sebenarnye. Nak pegi beli sayur2 n strawbery untuk Ayah and Ummi pulak.
Lepas tu nk singgah rumah sepupu Mak nearby the Taman Sedia where the place that we stay. Alang2 dah sampai sana..Mak suruh kami ziarah rumah sedara mara. Lagipon, lepas kawen memang x pernah jumpa Pakcik Aznun tu lagi.
After packing...we off to breakfast. We eat at food court nearby..at that time, they already serve nasi and lauk2 untuk mkn tgh hari. He he he.. so, we having our brunch there. Sedap jugak..ada ulam2 yg bnyk disamping fresh salad yg beranika jenis. Seronok betul tinggal kat Cameron ni..kalau dapat beli tanah kat sini kan best. Mesti kulit muka I boleh jadi licin kan sbb selalu mkn fresh salad, fresh vege n buah2, mandi air bunga & hirup udara segar hari2. Perghh... mimpi la kan..
Lepas mkn we balik ke our chalet untuk amik barang2. At first we plan nk self plucking the strawbery from Cik Nah's farm..tp they all pulak da bersiap2 nk balik kg. So, x jadi la..
We self plucking at Kok Lim Strawberry Farm as it was along the way back at main trunk road between Kea Farm and Brinchang.
**If you want to learn a little more about history and have a nostalgic moment with the old knick-knacks and old photographs about Cameron Highlands, then do visit it. **
While waiting for the self plucking guider come back from his lunch time..we lepak at the suvernir shop nearby. Sambil duduk rehat2 kat the cafe I ternampak the Cameron Highland Photo Contest. Then, I said to En.Suami, why not to give a try..x rugi apa pon.Suka2..Just kena beli the Travel Guide for RM2 because the entry form is inside the travel guide. The rule is simple, all photos must be taken in Cameron Highlands between 15th August 2009 and 15th January 2010 and can be either an indoor or outdoor shot. The condition is to show a happy moment with loved ones or friends while on holiday in Cameron Highlands regardless whether you are amateur or professional photographers. Participating photographers can use
1st Prize - 1 HP/Compaq Notebook
2nd Prize - 1 Olympus 590 Digital Camera
3rd Prize - 1 Canon IXUS 95 Compact Digital Camera
Consolation prizes includes hotel stay, hampers and mystery gift.
Panjat..jgn x panjat..En.Suami Enjoying himself plucking the strawberies.
Okey....after bergembira ceria memetik buah strawbery..we sempat beli sayur2 sket before go the the next checkpoint.Then, we ahead to butterfly farm. Yg ni pon along the way balik jugak..Entrence fees is RM5 per adult. Beside the butterfly...there an area where they place many of the exotic animal ataupon boleh dikatakan binatang/serangga hutan..Ade mcm2 jenis ular, labah2, scorpians, ulat gonggok yg sangat besar..and many more.
At first I thought I will be excited kalau duduk dalam taman rama2. But I was wrong..where I actually soooo afraid of butterfly. Wierd huh?? ye la...memang pon..bnyk sangat




butterfly..and the size is big. Selalu nampak 2-3 ekor j...tp yg ni dalam satu bilik ada lebih
kurang beratus2 ekor..maybe nk mencecah ribu2 kot. Eee....geli. Sekejap saja...saya sudah mau keluar. Hohoho..
Melihat binatang2 exotic and serangga hutan itu pon saya tidak berapa gemar. En.suami j yg mcm enjoy sket jumpa binatang2 tu sume. Apepon...landscape butterfly farm ni ok la jugak. Mcm tmpt2 lain judak..ada bunga2 n pokok2 cactus yg bnyk. But there are still some area where they are still in progress for upgrading the landscape i think. Apepon..we still enjoy it where it is the last point before we went off to the low land.
Melihat binatang2 exotic and serangga hutan itu pon saya tidak berapa gemar. En.suami j yg mcm enjoy sket jumpa binatang2 tu sume. Apepon...landscape butterfly farm ni ok la jugak. Mcm tmpt2 lain judak..ada bunga2 n pokok2 cactus yg bnyk. But there are still some area where they are still in progress for upgrading the landscape i think. Apepon..we still enjoy it where it is the last point before we went off to the low land.
As an overall, we are very happy to end the year 2009 by the memorizing vacation like this.
The fresh weather and joyful there freshened up our mind and brush up all the hard things happen in our working and daily life, for us to have a great start for new year 2010.
May this coming year ahead bring us more blessing from Allah for the happiness, lotsa loves and prosperities in our life. Aminn..
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Last Vacation for 2009 - CAMERON HIGHLAND ( Part 2 )
Day 2 ( Tea Plantation & tea tree - Big Red Strawberry Farm - Rose Valley - Market at Brinchang )
Bangun pagi... \o/ huarrrggghh...
uiiii sejuk gila. Rasa mcm x boleh bangun. Bila fikir nk kena amik air sembahyang...laaaggggiii la ngerii!! Sejuk woo.. even ada water heater..tetap x berapa panas. Issskk!!
Lepas siap2..pakai baju sama color ( the second day..our theme color is yellow pulak, santeek!! ), we gerak cari kedai untuk breakfast. Sbb sejuk2...rasa nk mkn kat kedai mapley. Nak mkn roti non chese ke..with hot curry..pastu kena pulak dgn nescafe tarik..aduyaii. Sambil cari kedai mamak berhampiran, we ahead to Brinchang this time..sbb kat Brinchang bnyk tmpt2 menarik nk pergi. At first, En.Suami tersilap masuk simpang..then I nampak sign board "Big Red Strawberry Farm, Taman Agro Tourism" terus suruh En.Suami masuk tempat tu.. En.Suami x habis2 membebel la sbb we x breakfast lagi kan..hehe..I reply him, nevermind
Okey....back to the story..beside the cafe there is a survenior shop. I did buy the home made strawberry jam, strawberry choco, Cow Boy hat for En.Suami and the big red fresh strawberry.
before we go back. Otherwise..it is not fresh anymore when we reach lowland. We already plan to buy those vegetables and the strawberry on the last day on the way before we go back to Manjung. But but but...those fresh salad..especially which are baruuuu saje abang2 Nepal tu petik..looked liked shouted at me.."buy me..buy me..!!" So, that I buy..hehe. X sampai hati menghampakan sayur2 itu. ( Drama betul Cik Little Lizzy me nih..;P)
Some of the flowers like this Gerbera Daisy and Gloxinia are strikingly elegant. We are tempted to buy the flowers but decided not to as the flowers will most likely end up a horrible death at our lowland home :P. So, lupakan saja hasrat murni tu..Jangan membazir beli pokok bunga ye kengkawan..beli mende lain xpe.
Walking further down ( we park our car a.k.a Mr.Suria baja Hitam on top of the hill, so, we have to walk further down to explore the farm), we come across a fish pond with these lovely Koi swimming playfully in the crystal clear water.
without a trip to the tea plantations right? hehe.. This is one of the "must visit" list. But at that day, the factory is closed, so we only enjoy the good scenic view of the tea plantation.
Nothing much can say about the Tea plantation so I lets the picture talk by themselves. Enjoyyyyy its.
Seperti berada di taman larangan..huhu..( Drama lagi..!! ). As this is my first time sampai kat Rose Valley ni..so, it was my "Oh-My-God" time..never been in the place where Roses is everywhere..and also other types of flowers. Yg best nye...the landscape is soooo wonderful.
Kat luar tu..along the road, ada jual2 sayur, jagung, strawberi and bla2..
Perut pon da lapar...so, we beli ubi rebus n jagung..( again...xde jual nasi kat gerai2 tu. Terus terfikir mcm nk bukak gerai mkn j kat tepi jalan, di Cameron Highland ni. Huhu..) Sempat jugak beli jagung sket untuk buah tangan Mak n Ummi. Dan kami juga beli madu tualang...yg sangat lah murah disana. Sape2 nk pergi cameron, bilang sama aku ya dong..aku mao kirimin madu sama lo. Bisa ngak??
Menyesal beli dua botol j..patut kena turuti sikap tamak dlm diri tu...beli 15 botol sekaligus..hah??
Sebotol da kasi kat mak...lagi sebotol, we punya. Amalan minum sesudu per day elok untuk kesihatan disamping boleh awet muda.
Tau tak??
ha...tau takpe..
Sebelom balik, we singgah kat Pasar Brinchang..beli limau cameron j sbb memang plan nk beli sayur mayur ni esok b4 we off from here. n mkn tgh hari kat situ.Masa tu da nk petang pon..so, mkn petang la..ekekeke..letih suda. Berjalan naik bukit turun bukit, panjat tangga la bagai..Balik tu, lepas solat, terus zzzzzzzzzz..sampai maghrib. ;P
Malam tu baru we ol keluar mkn kat Tanah Rata. Xde bnyk aktiviti sangat waktu malam di Cameron ni..so, dok dlm bilik j..Nasib baik En.suami bawak lappy dia. So, tgk movie la, apa lagi. ( Kat challet Cik Nah tu hanya ada TV1 & TV2 saje...too bad ;( )
Nota Little Lizzy : Gambar, nnt I upload key.
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