Update resepi yg I google kat sini..carik resepi yg simple2 j..nk main2 masak2 cookies pulak..hihi ;P
Nnt kalau tetiba jadi rajin..boleh la try..
Shortbread Cookies
Bahan biskut
240g tepung gandum
100g gula castor
100g serbuk badam
200gm mentega
70g susu tepung
Hiasan diatas
500g coklat masak
125g coklat putih
Cara :
Sapu sedikit mentega diatas loyang cutter. Kemudian alas dengan kertas minyak. Sapu lagi mentega diatas kertas minyak. Ketepikan.
Gaulkan kesemua bahan biskut dengan perlahan-lahan sehingga menjadi sebuku doh yang lembut. Kemudian masukkan ke dalam loyang cutter. Tekan perlahan sehingga rata permukaannya. Tekan ‘cutter’ ke atas adunan tadi. Bakar dengan suhu 180 C selama 12-15 min.
Bila masak, cabutkan alat pemotong biskut (cutter) dan sejukkan biskut. Cairkan coklat masak dan tuang diatas permukaan biskut sehingga rata. Coklat putih yang telah dicairkan dimasukkan dalam piping beg dan lorekkan bentuk zig zag diatas permukaan coklat masak tadi. Kemudian lorekkan dengan lidi untuk hasilkan corak celorang celoreng.
Masukkan semula alat ‘cutter’ ke dalam biskut dan dinginkan biskut dalam peti sejuk selama 10 min. Apabila coklat telah keras, cabut ‘cutter’ dan simpan biskut dalam bekas kedap udara.
Credit to Belionline
Cornflake - 2 kotak nestle corn flakes
Madu - 1 1/2 cawan
Gula - 1 cawan
Majerin planta - 1 cawan
Peanut butter - 1 1/2 cawan
Urai (colouring chocolate rice) - tabur
Cup kertas
Cara-cara :
Panaskan majerin.
Masukkan gula dan madu.
Kacau pelahan-lahan sampai gula hancur.
Masukkan peanut butter, kacau pelahan-lahan.
Tuangkan cornflakes dalam bekas yang besar.
Masukkan sedikit demi sedikit bahan-bahan yang dah masak tu dalam cornflakes.
Kacau pelahan-lahan untuk rata sebatikan antara kedua-dua bahan.
Guna sudu kecil untuk masukkan cornflakes dalam cup kertas.
Taburkan chocolate rice kat cornflakes tu.
Masukkan kat dalam oven dalam 5 minit aje.
Dah masak.
Better masuk oven coz cornflakes tu akan bercantum.
Credit to SaujanaUtama3
Resepi Biskut Arab
500 gm tepung gandum ( goreng kering )
250 gm gula halus
250 gm minyak sapi
Gaulkan tepung dengan gula dan minyak sapi yang telah dicairkan hingga sebati.
Ambil sedikit adunan dan bulat-bulatkan sebesar guli kemudian dileperkan sedikit.
Bakar hingga elok kuningnya. Setelah masak angkat dan disejukkan.
Kemudian digolekkan di atas gula halus/susu tepung.
Resepi Biskut Sarang Semut
6 oz mentega
4 oz icing sugar
6 oz tepung gandum
4 oz tepung custard
1/2 sudu teh baking powder
1/2 sudu vanilla
secukup chocolate rice
secukup paper cup
Pukul gula dan mentega, kemudian masukkan tepung dan
uli hingga sebati. Parutkan adunan ini dan masukkan
kedalam paper cup. dan taburkan chocolate rice
diatasnya. Bakar 150deg 10 mins.
Resepi Biskut Almond London
250 gm mentega/butter
125 gm gula halus
1 biji telur
1 tsp esen vanilla
50 gm serbuk badam (tiada pun tak apa)
200 gm tepung jagung
300 gm tepung gandum
2 sudu tepung beras
1 tsp baking powder
200 gm kacang badam (digoreng tanpa minyak)
50 gm badam cincang (utk hiasan)
+/- 700 gm coklat masakan
1)Pukul mentega dengan gula hingga kembang
2) lepas 2,Masukkan telur, esen vanilla dan dipukul lagi. Masukkan serbuk badam.
3)Pada bekas lain, ayak tepung jagung, tepung beras, baking powder, tepung jagung, lepas masukan dalam adunan no 2, sikit demi sikit.
4)Bentukkan doh menjadi bulat-bulat kecil/lonjong & masukkan kacang didalamnyer.
5) Letakkan diatas dulang pembakar yg telah dilenserkan sedikit mentega
6)Bakar pada suhu 200'c.d selama 20 minit
7)Cairkan coklat masak dengan kaedah "double-boil" Masukkan biskut tadi kedalam mangkuk kertas dan tuang atau celup coklat masak. Taburkan sedikit badam cincang utk hiasan
Biarkan ia kering seketika dan sedia dimakan atau disimpan.
Resepi Biskut Samprit
1/2 cawan butter
1/2 cawan gula kastor
1 biji kuning telur
1 1/2 cawan tepung gandum
2 sudu besar tepung kastard
1 sudu teh esen vanilla
buah ceri untuk hiasan
Cara2 menyediakan
1. butter dan gula dipukul hingga sebati
2. kemudian masukkan kuning telur.
3. masukkan esen vanilla dan tepung kastard.
4. setelah sebati masukkan tepung gandum dan diuli hingga menjadi doh.
5. tekan doh di dalam acuan samprit hingga membentuk seperti bunga. letakkan ceri.
6. bakar dengan suhu 180 darjah celcius selama 20 minit.
Resepi Biskut Chocolate Chip Sedap
Bahan-bahan ( Anggaran 200 keping )
375 gm tepung gandum
95 gm tepung jagung
240 gm gula perang
360 gm mentega / marjerin
4 sb serbuk koko
1 biji telur
6 sb chocolate chips
6 sb chocolate rice
6 sb badam cincang (disangai sedikit)
6 sb kelapa kering / nestum (saya guna nestum)
1 st esen vanila
Pukul mentega dan gula perang hingga lembut.
Masukkan telur, esen vanilla dan gaul sebati.
Ayak tepung gandum dan tepung jagung dan masukkan dalam adunan mentega diikuti dengan choco chip, choco rice, badam dan nestum. Gaul sebati.
Bentukkan mengikut citarasa sendiri dan bakar 20 minit pada suhu 170C
Credit to hakimfaridzul.com
Nota : Cik Lyzz x berapa semangat nk buat sbb oven kat rumah tu kecik.. ;'( Tunggu dia bertukar jd besar br best sket nk buat project masak2 kan?? hihihi..
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
1. Ramadhan kali ni rasa cepat sangat kan??
This year selalu x sempat nk masak masa berbuka. So, selalu beli j kat bazar. Sahur baru masak. X larat jugak nk beli mknn kat bazar j hari2..so, ade tu, during weekend I masak sambal bnyk2 then buat frozen. Bleh digunakan untuk masak sambal ape2 j. Sampai kadang2 nk tumis sayur pon pakai sambal tu sket.. Codapp! Hehehe.. So, now, kalau ada emergency, x sempat nk masak..da ada lauk emergency. Goreng ikan..n bubuh sambal. Taraaaaaaa..
2. Tahun ni raya..mmg x plan nk beli baju raya pon. Both of us.. Sekian. Switch la..baju kenduri kawen Lukman aritu boleh pakai masa raya kat umah ayah. Baju kenduri kawen abang..pakai masa raya rumah mak. hehe..
3. We plan nk beli cermin besar untuk dinding kat rumah tu.. then, en.suami insist nk tukar langsir. & maybe nk beli karpet or sofa oso. Ok la.. n me, nak tambah kabinet lagi sket kat dapur tu n nk beli oven busarrr punyaa! yeay!!
4. Aritu sempat da berbuka ramai2 kat umah mak.usu. Tp belom sempat lagi nk berbuka ramai2 kat umah mak. InsyaAllah, next week we ol balik ye mak. This week mak beramai2 g bercuti kat Hat Yai. Selamat bercuti.. ;)
5. Meja pegawai besar kat hall rumah tu..bila nk tukar ek syg?? ;P
6. Tahun ni abg berniaga Roti John kat Wangsa Maju Bazar. Sonok betul berniaga ni kan..sometime..we pegi sana berbuka ramai2.. Best! Roti John abang mmg superb. En.Suami yg x berapa makan roti john pon jadi suka pulak bila mkn roti john abang. Hik hik hik.. tell u, superb beb. Sesiapa yg nk try, boleh pegi bazar ramadhan wangsa maju, near wangsa walk, opposite to NZ curry house. Stall no.3 ye kawan2.. ;)
7. Raya kali ni will be meaningful since all my siblings are here. I mean..here in Malaysia. ;) Cume Imah pulak x leh balik raya sbb x dpt cuti..xpe la..dekat j KL dgn Perak tu.
8. We are going to visit and beraya dgn atok at Kedah as well!! plan to go Kedah on the 16th-18th Sept. Yippies.. kedah, here we come..
9. Walaupon x shopping baju raya, still nak shopping baju keje. Hehe.. Nak nak nak..aritu da survey kat Nichii, MJ..wahh cantek banget baju kat sana yek.
10. Kuih raya..some da tempah. Tp plan nak buat jugak satu dua jenis. Kuih suji kegemaran En.Suami n xtau kuih ape ek nk buat. Any idea x?
11. 1st time buat butter prawn ms berbuka aritu. Dpt resepi dr Kak D n Sena.. Thanks both.. me like it. ( Combine both resepi..nasib baik jadi jugak butter prawn tu. Huhu )
1. Ramadhan kali ni rasa cepat sangat kan??
This year selalu x sempat nk masak masa berbuka. So, selalu beli j kat bazar. Sahur baru masak. X larat jugak nk beli mknn kat bazar j hari2..so, ade tu, during weekend I masak sambal bnyk2 then buat frozen. Bleh digunakan untuk masak sambal ape2 j. Sampai kadang2 nk tumis sayur pon pakai sambal tu sket.. Codapp! Hehehe.. So, now, kalau ada emergency, x sempat nk masak..da ada lauk emergency. Goreng ikan..n bubuh sambal. Taraaaaaaa..
2. Tahun ni raya..mmg x plan nk beli baju raya pon. Both of us.. Sekian. Switch la..baju kenduri kawen Lukman aritu boleh pakai masa raya kat umah ayah. Baju kenduri kawen abang..pakai masa raya rumah mak. hehe..
3. We plan nk beli cermin besar untuk dinding kat rumah tu.. then, en.suami insist nk tukar langsir. & maybe nk beli karpet or sofa oso. Ok la.. n me, nak tambah kabinet lagi sket kat dapur tu n nk beli oven busarrr punyaa! yeay!!
4. Aritu sempat da berbuka ramai2 kat umah mak.usu. Tp belom sempat lagi nk berbuka ramai2 kat umah mak. InsyaAllah, next week we ol balik ye mak. This week mak beramai2 g bercuti kat Hat Yai. Selamat bercuti.. ;)
5. Meja pegawai besar kat hall rumah tu..bila nk tukar ek syg?? ;P
6. Tahun ni abg berniaga Roti John kat Wangsa Maju Bazar. Sonok betul berniaga ni kan..sometime..we pegi sana berbuka ramai2.. Best! Roti John abang mmg superb. En.Suami yg x berapa makan roti john pon jadi suka pulak bila mkn roti john abang. Hik hik hik.. tell u, superb beb. Sesiapa yg nk try, boleh pegi bazar ramadhan wangsa maju, near wangsa walk, opposite to NZ curry house. Stall no.3 ye kawan2.. ;)
7. Raya kali ni will be meaningful since all my siblings are here. I mean..here in Malaysia. ;) Cume Imah pulak x leh balik raya sbb x dpt cuti..xpe la..dekat j KL dgn Perak tu.
8. We are going to visit and beraya dgn atok at Kedah as well!! plan to go Kedah on the 16th-18th Sept. Yippies.. kedah, here we come..
9. Walaupon x shopping baju raya, still nak shopping baju keje. Hehe.. Nak nak nak..aritu da survey kat Nichii, MJ..wahh cantek banget baju kat sana yek.
10. Kuih raya..some da tempah. Tp plan nak buat jugak satu dua jenis. Kuih suji kegemaran En.Suami n xtau kuih ape ek nk buat. Any idea x?
11. 1st time buat butter prawn ms berbuka aritu. Dpt resepi dr Kak D n Sena.. Thanks both.. me like it. ( Combine both resepi..nasib baik jadi jugak butter prawn tu. Huhu )
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Italy Preview - Day 12, 13 & balik time..
19.06.2010 ( Italy )
Today..nothing much..We prepare untuk balik ke Leeds.
Flight pon awal dlm pukul 11am mcm tu. Tp sampai di Leeds the time will be earlier by one hour kalau x silap.
So, pagi2 lagi we da check out from the hotel. And we go to the city by shutter van provided by the hotel. Soo..good.
Sambil tunggu bas nak ke airport tu we lepak2 kat tepi laut tu..enjoy the scenary before left Italy. Gonna missed this place.. Wehoo
Sampai kat Leeds, Mak and Anne da prepare lunch yg superb sedaaappp.. Thank u mak!
Nasi, ayam masak lemak cili padi, telur bistik, sambal belacan, sayur campur, ikan kering..wow..!! semua org mkn mcm ape ntah.. Haha
Petang tu..we sambung shopping lagi kat Leeds. Last call!! Pheww..
Our flight to Malaysia from Stanstead London Airport is at 11.55pm. So, pagi tu sempat lagi we all shopping kat Carboot sales. Wehaaa... kat sini sempat I beli deep frier murah j..2nd hand punye dalam 2pound j kot. Hehe..
Lepas tu beli barang2 merepek mcm frame gambar yg mcm English style tu..then barang2 perhiasan tembaga. Nak beli purse & handbag..tp x minat pulak. Nak carik breadmaker..xde pulak. Rupenye mak n mak teh da borong dulu. Aiyakk Lagipon puas pikir..kalau beli nk sumbat kat mana sume brg2 tu kan..Bag sume da packing. Sampai x cukup bag lagi. haha..
So, lepas balik dr shopping at carboot tu, we prepare ourself to balik ke London then terus balik ke Malaysia. Bye Bye vacation.. will missed this momment damn much!!
Alhamdulillah..diberi kesempatan untuk trip kali ini. Terima Kasih Ya Allah.. ;) Next year kalau ada rezeki nk pegi Mekah pulak. Buat umrah ke kann.. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin...
P/s ; Nnt I update gambar2 pulak ye.. Chio!
19.06.2010 ( Italy )
Today..nothing much..We prepare untuk balik ke Leeds.
Flight pon awal dlm pukul 11am mcm tu. Tp sampai di Leeds the time will be earlier by one hour kalau x silap.
So, pagi2 lagi we da check out from the hotel. And we go to the city by shutter van provided by the hotel. Soo..good.
Sambil tunggu bas nak ke airport tu we lepak2 kat tepi laut tu..enjoy the scenary before left Italy. Gonna missed this place.. Wehoo
Sampai kat Leeds, Mak and Anne da prepare lunch yg superb sedaaappp.. Thank u mak!
Nasi, ayam masak lemak cili padi, telur bistik, sambal belacan, sayur campur, ikan kering..wow..!! semua org mkn mcm ape ntah.. Haha
Petang tu..we sambung shopping lagi kat Leeds. Last call!! Pheww..
Our flight to Malaysia from Stanstead London Airport is at 11.55pm. So, pagi tu sempat lagi we all shopping kat Carboot sales. Wehaaa... kat sini sempat I beli deep frier murah j..2nd hand punye dalam 2pound j kot. Hehe..
Lepas tu beli barang2 merepek mcm frame gambar yg mcm English style tu..then barang2 perhiasan tembaga. Nak beli purse & handbag..tp x minat pulak. Nak carik breadmaker..xde pulak. Rupenye mak n mak teh da borong dulu. Aiyakk Lagipon puas pikir..kalau beli nk sumbat kat mana sume brg2 tu kan..Bag sume da packing. Sampai x cukup bag lagi. haha..
So, lepas balik dr shopping at carboot tu, we prepare ourself to balik ke London then terus balik ke Malaysia. Bye Bye vacation.. will missed this momment damn much!!
Alhamdulillah..diberi kesempatan untuk trip kali ini. Terima Kasih Ya Allah.. ;) Next year kalau ada rezeki nk pegi Mekah pulak. Buat umrah ke kann.. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin...
P/s ; Nnt I update gambar2 pulak ye.. Chio!
Italy Preview - Day 11
We start our tour at 8am. Had a great night and tight sleep. Did I told u..the room is superb?? hehe.. bilik air pon cantik..tp sayang, x tangkap gambar pulak. Nnt i try google Villa Dori room picture from internet and show u all. ;P I think my BIL did take the picture of their room. They get a bigger room and wallaaaaauuweh. Teruja!!
Mention of Venice, the image that will come to my mind is the beautifully lit canals and graceful gondoliers with the Italiano song..lalala.. This romantic city does however have many more attractions..from the architecture of the buildings, the clean and calm environment,the people,and many more. I personally love Venice and plan to come back again one day. Hehe.. I can say Venice is soooo waterly beauty or "city of water" and not forgotten the yummilicious kebab that we ate here..Wow!! Nyum2
We have a memorable experience in this most romantic city sightseeing, its famous palaces and churches, cruising along Canal Grande or just enjoying the spectacular views from different parts of the city. I likeee...!
Firstly, we direct our steps towards Piazza San Marco. Here, we can see its highlights - Basilica di San Marco and Doge’s Palace as well as several other important buildings that line the square’s side streets. The Piazza S. Marco is the showcase of the republic. The basilica of St. Mark's, the Doge's Palace, and the public space itself are their lavish attention. We did enjoy ourself here soo damn much. Tp I x naik gondola pon..cuaca panas that time..so, mcm x sesuai nk naik gondola tgh2 hari buta tu kan.. We spend much of our time in San Marco Island. Explore all the squares side street and play with the friendly pegions. We also had the opportunity to listen to the live performance of classic Italian song. Then we melawat kilang membuat kaca kristal and also have a quick visit to Hard Rock Cafe of Venice. Hehe..
After that we proceed to Burano and Murano Island..We enjoy the scenary there and had a visit to the glass shops and also to the white lace cotton shops. I x beli ape2pon kat sini.. The price is quit expensive too.. air mineral 1.5 liter pon euro$2 per bottle. Imagine that.. Remember that this is the Metropilitan City. So, harga pon Metropilitan jugak. But i did buy some suvernirs, replica of gondola and shawls.
We balik hotel petang tu..then..at night we oder vegitarian pizza dellivery. Ohh..the taste is not as good as domino's pizza in Malaysia. Ahaks! Or maybe, it really does not suit me. Sbb I tgk org lain ok j makan..hehe.. ( pstt..next time kalau dtg lagi kena spare sos sendiri dr Malaysia. Hehe.. )
Malam tu sambil makan pizza, we play cards together. We kumpul ramai2 at my BIL's room. Spend the quality times.. 1st time I blaja main Pocker card and won the game. Haha.. Enjoy!!
Moral of the story : Walaupon Pizza itu berasal dari Italy, pizza yg dijual kat Malaysia ni jauh lebih sedap dr kat italy nun.. haha.. 1st..maybe because its vegetarian pizza, so kalau rasa beef or chicken sedap la kot. Tp nk carik kedai yg sembelih tu payah la kan. 2nd, sbb dia tomato sos. End..
We start our tour at 8am. Had a great night and tight sleep. Did I told u..the room is superb?? hehe.. bilik air pon cantik..tp sayang, x tangkap gambar pulak. Nnt i try google Villa Dori room picture from internet and show u all. ;P I think my BIL did take the picture of their room. They get a bigger room and wallaaaaauuweh. Teruja!!
Mention of Venice, the image that will come to my mind is the beautifully lit canals and graceful gondoliers with the Italiano song..lalala.. This romantic city does however have many more attractions..from the architecture of the buildings, the clean and calm environment,the people,and many more. I personally love Venice and plan to come back again one day. Hehe.. I can say Venice is soooo waterly beauty or "city of water" and not forgotten the yummilicious kebab that we ate here..Wow!! Nyum2
We have a memorable experience in this most romantic city sightseeing, its famous palaces and churches, cruising along Canal Grande or just enjoying the spectacular views from different parts of the city. I likeee...!
Firstly, we direct our steps towards Piazza San Marco. Here, we can see its highlights - Basilica di San Marco and Doge’s Palace as well as several other important buildings that line the square’s side streets. The Piazza S. Marco is the showcase of the republic. The basilica of St. Mark's, the Doge's Palace, and the public space itself are their lavish attention. We did enjoy ourself here soo damn much. Tp I x naik gondola pon..cuaca panas that time..so, mcm x sesuai nk naik gondola tgh2 hari buta tu kan.. We spend much of our time in San Marco Island. Explore all the squares side street and play with the friendly pegions. We also had the opportunity to listen to the live performance of classic Italian song. Then we melawat kilang membuat kaca kristal and also have a quick visit to Hard Rock Cafe of Venice. Hehe..
After that we proceed to Burano and Murano Island..We enjoy the scenary there and had a visit to the glass shops and also to the white lace cotton shops. I x beli ape2pon kat sini.. The price is quit expensive too.. air mineral 1.5 liter pon euro$2 per bottle. Imagine that.. Remember that this is the Metropilitan City. So, harga pon Metropilitan jugak. But i did buy some suvernirs, replica of gondola and shawls.
We balik hotel petang tu..then..at night we oder vegitarian pizza dellivery. Ohh..the taste is not as good as domino's pizza in Malaysia. Ahaks! Or maybe, it really does not suit me. Sbb I tgk org lain ok j makan..hehe.. ( pstt..next time kalau dtg lagi kena spare sos sendiri dr Malaysia. Hehe.. )
Malam tu sambil makan pizza, we play cards together. We kumpul ramai2 at my BIL's room. Spend the quality times.. 1st time I blaja main Pocker card and won the game. Haha.. Enjoy!!
Moral of the story : Walaupon Pizza itu berasal dari Italy, pizza yg dijual kat Malaysia ni jauh lebih sedap dr kat italy nun.. haha.. 1st..maybe because its vegetarian pizza, so kalau rasa beef or chicken sedap la kot. Tp nk carik kedai yg sembelih tu payah la kan. 2nd, sbb dia tomato sos. End..
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Italy Preview - Day 10
The next day after come back from Dublin..we flew to Italy. This time we wake early to prepare breakfast and to bring some food to Italy. Mak masak nasi lemak, then tapau bihun n sandwich. This time..I bangun lambat. Bangun2 j almost everything was done. Haha..memang x senonoh. So, i prepare air j la untuk sesiapa yg nak. Sorry all. Hari2 tido kat karpet..tetibe aritu lepas subuh naik atas katil, terus x sedarkan diri. Best rupenye tido atas katil tu. Huhu..
Our flight to Italy at 9am. So, after packing our things and get ready ape yg patut..we go to airport by taxi. We will stay at Italy for 3days and 2 nights. So, x leh parking kereta kat airport ye. Mahal. Taxi pon around 20pound per taxi. Tp boleh masuk ramai2 5-6 org pon muat.
Sampai Venice Marco Polo Airport, we take bus to the Venice City . From there, we took bus to our hotel, Villa Dori. I can say..Venice Hotel is the best hotel for this trip. Hoaaaaaaahhh.. Ye la, for this vacation, we only took budget hotel. Tp, in Venice, even this is budgeted hotel..tp sangat cantik dan memuaskan. Yippies...
Sesiapa yg nk travel pegi Venice lepas ni...singgah la di Hotell Villa Dori. Cheap price, comfy and awesome. Eventhough hotel tu is a bit far from the city, they have a shutter van to bring all their guest to the city. And we just need to tell at what time we want to left and when we want they to pick us up. Know what, they are very punctual with time..Believe me.
1st day sampai Italy, En.suami x berapa sihat. So, sampai j hotel, we just spend our time in the hotel room, watch tv, eat bihun and sleep. While the rests..they have their side walking nearby the hotel and also find the shop to buy groceries.
Notes : We did ask the staff at our hotel for the nearest mosque in Italy..guess what he said? " NO such thing".. Hmm.. ;( ( At least at Paris pon ada mosque.. By that, we know that Islam x boleh menapak disini..& it will be very difficult for us to get halal food here. So, just ate tuna sandwich, sardine sanwich, prawn or other seafood sandwich, fruits ( buah2 kat sini sangat lazat okey ) and maggie mee. Hehe..
Sambung esok pulak.. hehe..
The next day after come back from Dublin..we flew to Italy. This time we wake early to prepare breakfast and to bring some food to Italy. Mak masak nasi lemak, then tapau bihun n sandwich. This time..I bangun lambat. Bangun2 j almost everything was done. Haha..memang x senonoh. So, i prepare air j la untuk sesiapa yg nak. Sorry all. Hari2 tido kat karpet..tetibe aritu lepas subuh naik atas katil, terus x sedarkan diri. Best rupenye tido atas katil tu. Huhu..
Our flight to Italy at 9am. So, after packing our things and get ready ape yg patut..we go to airport by taxi. We will stay at Italy for 3days and 2 nights. So, x leh parking kereta kat airport ye. Mahal. Taxi pon around 20pound per taxi. Tp boleh masuk ramai2 5-6 org pon muat.
Sampai Venice Marco Polo Airport, we take bus to the Venice City . From there, we took bus to our hotel, Villa Dori. I can say..Venice Hotel is the best hotel for this trip. Hoaaaaaaahhh.. Ye la, for this vacation, we only took budget hotel. Tp, in Venice, even this is budgeted hotel..tp sangat cantik dan memuaskan. Yippies...
Sesiapa yg nk travel pegi Venice lepas ni...singgah la di Hotell Villa Dori. Cheap price, comfy and awesome. Eventhough hotel tu is a bit far from the city, they have a shutter van to bring all their guest to the city. And we just need to tell at what time we want to left and when we want they to pick us up. Know what, they are very punctual with time..Believe me.
1st day sampai Italy, En.suami x berapa sihat. So, sampai j hotel, we just spend our time in the hotel room, watch tv, eat bihun and sleep. While the rests..they have their side walking nearby the hotel and also find the shop to buy groceries.
Notes : We did ask the staff at our hotel for the nearest mosque in Italy..guess what he said? " NO such thing".. Hmm.. ;( ( At least at Paris pon ada mosque.. By that, we know that Islam x boleh menapak disini..& it will be very difficult for us to get halal food here. So, just ate tuna sandwich, sardine sanwich, prawn or other seafood sandwich, fruits ( buah2 kat sini sangat lazat okey ) and maggie mee. Hehe..
Sambung esok pulak.. hehe..
Dublin, Ireland preview - Day 9
We woke at 3am to prepare some breakfast and some meal to bring along to Dublin.
Today, we gonna have one day trip to Ireland. Wehooo.. ( Tp x best sangat since not all of us will join the trip this time..Mak, Anne, Luqman & Ernee wont join us, but they will continue shopping at Junction 32. ;P ) Our flight from Leeds to Dublin at 8am. So, after prepare egg sandwich and chicken burger, we get ready ourself and things to brings. Mcm biasa, efi will arrange for the transport. We naik kereta n park at airport since this is only one day trip kan.. ( mahal jugak park kereta kat airport Leeds tu. Kalau x silap..around 24-30pound per car approx 13-14hrs )
We depart from house around 5am. Tempreture is below 10'c. Very cold plus got wind. Awwwwwwwww...sejoooookkk. Cakap pon keluar asap kat mulut n bibir pon menggeletar. Hehe..jakun kejap. Like Damia said..."here we have air cond all over the place". Hehe..yes dear. Kat sini sejuk..we no need air cond..but need hitter. To the max! Boleh dikatakan..hitter kat bilik tu on 24hrs. Hahaha...
We reach Ireland after 1 hrs fly from Leeds by Ryan Air..sampai saje airport we took bus to the city. From there we take the tour bus ( the hip on hip off bus )to round all over the Irish place to take a break in Ireland. I can say, it a small place which is very quiet and romantic breaks for us. Hehe..the reason i say that is..there so many park in Ireland. And we saw many couples having their romantic precious time in most of the place in the park.Beside, not so much thing in Ireland..but we did enjoy "lepaking" in the park..with the pegions and eat our meal there. Its like having the picnic in the park. I like it!
After that, we have a side walking to the town..and continue to ride with the tour bus.For your relaxing city break I would say it's Dublin calling. Its more to "country feeling"..country culture..People there are so nice.. and we can see that some local are playing and singging the country song along the road..and they are also have many of country or local festival there.
We also did explore one of the shopping mall there and not forgotten to have a quick visit to hardrock cafe of Dublin. Ekekeke.. ;D
We woke at 3am to prepare some breakfast and some meal to bring along to Dublin.
Today, we gonna have one day trip to Ireland. Wehooo.. ( Tp x best sangat since not all of us will join the trip this time..Mak, Anne, Luqman & Ernee wont join us, but they will continue shopping at Junction 32. ;P ) Our flight from Leeds to Dublin at 8am. So, after prepare egg sandwich and chicken burger, we get ready ourself and things to brings. Mcm biasa, efi will arrange for the transport. We naik kereta n park at airport since this is only one day trip kan.. ( mahal jugak park kereta kat airport Leeds tu. Kalau x silap..around 24-30pound per car approx 13-14hrs )
We depart from house around 5am. Tempreture is below 10'c. Very cold plus got wind. Awwwwwwwww...sejoooookkk. Cakap pon keluar asap kat mulut n bibir pon menggeletar. Hehe..jakun kejap. Like Damia said..."here we have air cond all over the place". Hehe..yes dear. Kat sini sejuk..we no need air cond..but need hitter. To the max! Boleh dikatakan..hitter kat bilik tu on 24hrs. Hahaha...
We reach Ireland after 1 hrs fly from Leeds by Ryan Air..sampai saje airport we took bus to the city. From there we take the tour bus ( the hip on hip off bus )to round all over the Irish place to take a break in Ireland. I can say, it a small place which is very quiet and romantic breaks for us. Hehe..the reason i say that is..there so many park in Ireland. And we saw many couples having their romantic precious time in most of the place in the park.Beside, not so much thing in Ireland..but we did enjoy "lepaking" in the park..with the pegions and eat our meal there. Its like having the picnic in the park. I like it!
After that, we have a side walking to the town..and continue to ride with the tour bus.For your relaxing city break I would say it's Dublin calling. Its more to "country feeling"..country culture..People there are so nice.. and we can see that some local are playing and singging the country song along the road..and they are also have many of country or local festival there.
We also did explore one of the shopping mall there and not forgotten to have a quick visit to hardrock cafe of Dublin. Ekekeke.. ;D
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Masa dalam kereta on the way balik dr bazar ramadhan td..your truely and En.suami terdengar satu topik kempunan dr radio Hot Fm. Cerita pasal "Kempunan" ni ada la sorang mamat ni..dia call la..and kata dia kempunan nk dapat isteri macam Siti Nurhaliza. Sekaliiii dapat bini macam City Square.. kah kah kah
En.Suami I gelak kaw2..bersungguh2 dia gelak..Hahahaha...I pon gelak jugak. Tp i gelak ciput j.rasa kelakar n kesian pon ada.
Me : Why yu gelak..kesian bini dia..dia samakan dgn City Square.. ;(
Siti Nurhaliza tu pon gemuk jugak sekarang ni, what?
En.Suami : ( sambil habis kan sisa sisa gelak dia ..) Ye la..at least Siti Nurhaliza
x gemuk macam City Square...
Me : Aik.. mana yu tau City Square tu lagi gemuk dr Siti Nurhaliza?
En.Suami : Silent..
Me : Entah2 mamat tu pon gemuk macam Time Square..
Me & En.suami:Hahaha..
Dahhh..tu j. ;P Moral of the story..sayangilah pasangan anda..walau ape bentuk sekalipon.. Huhu
Masa dalam kereta on the way balik dr bazar ramadhan td..your truely and En.suami terdengar satu topik kempunan dr radio Hot Fm. Cerita pasal "Kempunan" ni ada la sorang mamat ni..dia call la..and kata dia kempunan nk dapat isteri macam Siti Nurhaliza. Sekaliiii dapat bini macam City Square.. kah kah kah
En.Suami I gelak kaw2..bersungguh2 dia gelak..Hahahaha...I pon gelak jugak. Tp i gelak ciput j.rasa kelakar n kesian pon ada.
Me : Why yu gelak..kesian bini dia..dia samakan dgn City Square.. ;(
Siti Nurhaliza tu pon gemuk jugak sekarang ni, what?
En.Suami : ( sambil habis kan sisa sisa gelak dia ..) Ye la..at least Siti Nurhaliza
x gemuk macam City Square...
Me : Aik.. mana yu tau City Square tu lagi gemuk dr Siti Nurhaliza?
En.Suami : Silent..
Me : Entah2 mamat tu pon gemuk macam Time Square..
Me & En.suami:Hahaha..
Dahhh..tu j. ;P Moral of the story..sayangilah pasangan anda..walau ape bentuk sekalipon.. Huhu
Monday, August 16, 2010
Tips mengatasi bahagian kereta yg berkarat
Hi...iklan sikit. Tengah syiok2 update pasal Euro trip, nk iklan sikit pasal tips menjaga kereta yg berkarat.
Okey...your truely ada cerita pasal Kereta Suria baja Hitam yg ada kesan "scretch" a few week ago kan. Random bad news No.7 Now, from the scratch, I da boleh nampak ada kesan2 karat da mula merebak. ;'( sooo sad. Adussssss...robek hatiku. Siang malam asyik terpikir pasal keta tu. Selagi x betulkan..sedih sangattt... Bukan ape,kesan karat ni, kalau tak dikawal akan merebak, malah nnt kos membaik pulih kesan karat menjadi lebih mahal. Dulu, kereta your truely Proton tu pon mcm tu jugak. Tp sbb selalu berembun, bahagian bumbung tu berkarat. Lepas tu, bnyk kali hantar kedai untuk cat...tak lama, beberapa bulan lepas tu jadi gelembung2 balik..lepas tu, terkupas balik kesan cat. So, continiues maintenance la kat situ kan.
Td, Your Truely google la pasal cara2 nk mengatasi kesan karat ni dr merebak kan. Sayang sangat kereta tu.. Hasil titik peluh 1st time keje pakai duit sendiri. Walaupon now, it be our second car, n comot..tp your truely sayang giler kereta tu. Xpe la..da nasib kan. malang x berbau..hehe
Dari pembacaan, dapat la your truely sedikit tips2 yg boleh share kat sini. Hope leh jadi panduan untuk semua.
1. Jika mengesan tanda karat, buang dengan pisau kecil. Kikis kesan karat itu bersama lapisan cat. Lakukan dengan cermat supaya tidak kena bahagian lain.
2. Bersihkan bahagian itu menggunakan air suam dan sabun pencuci khas kereta untuk menanggalkan kesan ‘wax’ dan daki kotoran.
3. Tutup sebarang lubang yang terjadi menggunakan ‘filler(bahan tampalan) berwarna putih atau warna tanah untuk diratakan di permukaan ini.
4. Apabila kering, gunakan kertas pasir untuk digosokkan pada permukaan yang ditampal tadi untuk merata serta melicinkannya.
5. Apabila telah rata dan bersih, sapukan cat asas bertujuan melindungi logam. Ia boleh memberi perlindungan berpanjangan bagi mencegah karat dari berulang.
6. Setelah cat asas betul-betul kering, barulah boleh disapu cat kereta. Gunakan berus yang disertakan atau berus halus supaya dapat mengawal dan mengecat bahagian itu dengan teliti.
7. Biarkan lapisan pertama ini kering sebelum diulangi sehingga lapisan permukaan kelihatan sama rata dan seimbang.
8. Untuk penjagaan secara umum, langkah berikut boleh dilakukan;
a) Periksa selalu lubang saliran pada rangka, lantai dan bahagian bawah kereta supaya lembapan tidak terperangkap pada bahagian terbabit.
b) Pastikan bahagian bawah kereta disembur dengan pancuran air yang kuat, sebulan sekali.
c) Buangkan objek yang menyerap lembapan dari bahagian dalam kereta untuk mengelakkannya berkarat.
Notes : Agak2 berapa ek cost nk kikis,boh filler, sapu cat asas, cat kereta, cuci kusyen and polish..??? heh heh heh.. patut ke kalau your truely keluarkan duit ASB?? Kena buat cepat..if not, makin teruk la kereta tu nnt..namo namo!! ( sambil geleng2 kepala mcm Maysara bila org nk dukung dia..Haha)
Hi...iklan sikit. Tengah syiok2 update pasal Euro trip, nk iklan sikit pasal tips menjaga kereta yg berkarat.
Okey...your truely ada cerita pasal Kereta Suria baja Hitam yg ada kesan "scretch" a few week ago kan. Random bad news No.7 Now, from the scratch, I da boleh nampak ada kesan2 karat da mula merebak. ;'( sooo sad. Adussssss...robek hatiku. Siang malam asyik terpikir pasal keta tu. Selagi x betulkan..sedih sangattt... Bukan ape,kesan karat ni, kalau tak dikawal akan merebak, malah nnt kos membaik pulih kesan karat menjadi lebih mahal. Dulu, kereta your truely Proton tu pon mcm tu jugak. Tp sbb selalu berembun, bahagian bumbung tu berkarat. Lepas tu, bnyk kali hantar kedai untuk cat...tak lama, beberapa bulan lepas tu jadi gelembung2 balik..lepas tu, terkupas balik kesan cat. So, continiues maintenance la kat situ kan.
Td, Your Truely google la pasal cara2 nk mengatasi kesan karat ni dr merebak kan. Sayang sangat kereta tu.. Hasil titik peluh 1st time keje pakai duit sendiri. Walaupon now, it be our second car, n comot..tp your truely sayang giler kereta tu. Xpe la..da nasib kan. malang x berbau..hehe
Dari pembacaan, dapat la your truely sedikit tips2 yg boleh share kat sini. Hope leh jadi panduan untuk semua.
1. Jika mengesan tanda karat, buang dengan pisau kecil. Kikis kesan karat itu bersama lapisan cat. Lakukan dengan cermat supaya tidak kena bahagian lain.
2. Bersihkan bahagian itu menggunakan air suam dan sabun pencuci khas kereta untuk menanggalkan kesan ‘wax’ dan daki kotoran.
3. Tutup sebarang lubang yang terjadi menggunakan ‘filler(bahan tampalan) berwarna putih atau warna tanah untuk diratakan di permukaan ini.
4. Apabila kering, gunakan kertas pasir untuk digosokkan pada permukaan yang ditampal tadi untuk merata serta melicinkannya.
5. Apabila telah rata dan bersih, sapukan cat asas bertujuan melindungi logam. Ia boleh memberi perlindungan berpanjangan bagi mencegah karat dari berulang.
6. Setelah cat asas betul-betul kering, barulah boleh disapu cat kereta. Gunakan berus yang disertakan atau berus halus supaya dapat mengawal dan mengecat bahagian itu dengan teliti.
7. Biarkan lapisan pertama ini kering sebelum diulangi sehingga lapisan permukaan kelihatan sama rata dan seimbang.
8. Untuk penjagaan secara umum, langkah berikut boleh dilakukan;
a) Periksa selalu lubang saliran pada rangka, lantai dan bahagian bawah kereta supaya lembapan tidak terperangkap pada bahagian terbabit.
b) Pastikan bahagian bawah kereta disembur dengan pancuran air yang kuat, sebulan sekali.
c) Buangkan objek yang menyerap lembapan dari bahagian dalam kereta untuk mengelakkannya berkarat.
Notes : Agak2 berapa ek cost nk kikis,boh filler, sapu cat asas, cat kereta, cuci kusyen and polish..??? heh heh heh.. patut ke kalau your truely keluarkan duit ASB?? Kena buat cepat..if not, makin teruk la kereta tu nnt..namo namo!! ( sambil geleng2 kepala mcm Maysara bila org nk dukung dia..Haha)
Friday, August 13, 2010
Leed Preview - Day 8
Mak and Yeop Kay going back to London. Settle off the missing passport thing at embacy.
At 9am, we going to Castleford Junction 32. Shopping time lagi..kat sini mcm kota shopping. Semua ada..As a consummate bargain hunter I love any opportunity to have a nosey around places that offer good quality goods at bargain prices. Junction 32 is the more shopping oriented venue or can say it is a shopping village offering an array of discounted shops, in the form of Christy's, Gap, Clarks Factory shops, Gaggie, Whitard's, Nike Factory Outlet, Rockport, LaSenza, Next,Sports items, Monsoon,Choclate factory outlett, Mango and Mexx to name but a few.
Best..cume sedia duit bnyk2 j..all branded stuff and perfume is much much cheaper than Malaysia. Yummyy kan?? hahahaha.. So, here, we did shopping yummyly..shopping dgn lazatnye.. En.Suami yg b4 this da beli kasut kat Paris, at Leeds beli Converse pulak, then at Junction 32 beli another one..Hehe..xpe la. The price is sangat cheap compare to Malaysia and the quality is superb too. Why not kan..??
In the evening, we have a sight seeing and site walking nearby our house. Actually we try to find the Laundry shop and to buy some food for dinner as well.. Again..Leeds is wonderful. Sukeeee Leed. kalau ada rezeki nk further study at Leeds la..Amin haha
Night - no program. So, we had a good time to rest.
Mak and Yeop Kay going back to London. Settle off the missing passport thing at embacy.
At 9am, we going to Castleford Junction 32. Shopping time lagi..kat sini mcm kota shopping. Semua ada..As a consummate bargain hunter I love any opportunity to have a nosey around places that offer good quality goods at bargain prices. Junction 32 is the more shopping oriented venue or can say it is a shopping village offering an array of discounted shops, in the form of Christy's, Gap, Clarks Factory shops, Gaggie, Whitard's, Nike Factory Outlet, Rockport, LaSenza, Next,Sports items, Monsoon,Choclate factory outlett, Mango and Mexx to name but a few.
Best..cume sedia duit bnyk2 j..all branded stuff and perfume is much much cheaper than Malaysia. Yummyy kan?? hahahaha.. So, here, we did shopping yummyly..shopping dgn lazatnye.. En.Suami yg b4 this da beli kasut kat Paris, at Leeds beli Converse pulak, then at Junction 32 beli another one..Hehe..xpe la. The price is sangat cheap compare to Malaysia and the quality is superb too. Why not kan..??
In the evening, we have a sight seeing and site walking nearby our house. Actually we try to find the Laundry shop and to buy some food for dinner as well.. Again..Leeds is wonderful. Sukeeee Leed. kalau ada rezeki nk further study at Leeds la..Amin haha
Night - no program. So, we had a good time to rest.
Leeds Preview - Day 7
All of us wake up late..haha..
After took breakfast, we siap sedia to Leeds town. Shopping time.. Suka sangt kat Leeds ni..
City dia calm..x berapa ramai orang..tmpt bersih, cantik dgn bunga2, barang2 murah..best lah..!!
After Shopping time..we go back.. eat nasi for lunch. Pheww...best banget. mcm da lama sangat x dapat makan nasi. Our dishes for that day is chicken curry, serunding, and timun. Nyum2..
By this time only we realised that my MIL's passport was missing. ;'( everybody's is so worry. After call back the Euroline bus office and call the embasy, they decide to flew back to London to settle off the passport thing. So, at 4am in the morning, Mak and Yeop Kay go to London by bus.
All of us wake up late..haha..
After took breakfast, we siap sedia to Leeds town. Shopping time.. Suka sangt kat Leeds ni..
City dia calm..x berapa ramai orang..tmpt bersih, cantik dgn bunga2, barang2 murah..best lah..!!
After Shopping time..we go back.. eat nasi for lunch. Pheww...best banget. mcm da lama sangat x dapat makan nasi. Our dishes for that day is chicken curry, serunding, and timun. Nyum2..
By this time only we realised that my MIL's passport was missing. ;'( everybody's is so worry. After call back the Euroline bus office and call the embasy, they decide to flew back to London to settle off the passport thing. So, at 4am in the morning, Mak and Yeop Kay go to London by bus.
Paris Preview - Day 6
Continue to Tour Paris..remember we buy the ticket which valid for 2days.. hehe
So, this time we go to Opera, Academy Music of Paris, buy Kebab haha...and get ready to go back to London at 2pm.
We choose to have our journey on evening so that we can view both day and night view from Paris to London. Yay lagi..
At7pm we arrived London and then straight away took bus to Leeds at 9pm. Reach Leeds around 12am and from the bus station we took taxi to Woodsley St 177, Efi's Friend house. Tempreture at that time is below 10'c. Tejuuuukkkkkkkkkkkkkk bekuuuuu!!
Continue to Tour Paris..remember we buy the ticket which valid for 2days.. hehe
So, this time we go to Opera, Academy Music of Paris, buy Kebab haha...and get ready to go back to London at 2pm.
We choose to have our journey on evening so that we can view both day and night view from Paris to London. Yay lagi..
At7pm we arrived London and then straight away took bus to Leeds at 9pm. Reach Leeds around 12am and from the bus station we took taxi to Woodsley St 177, Efi's Friend house. Tempreture at that time is below 10'c. Tejuuuukkkkkkkkkkkkkk bekuuuuu!!
Paris Preview - Day 5
After breakfast...we go to the Paris city center to have a tour at Paris.
Firstly, we visit Musee De Lurve a place where the potrait of Monalisa was kept.It is one of the world's largest museums, the most visited museum in the world and a historic monument.
It is a central landmark of Paris also one of the most attractive place to visit in Paris beside the Disneyland. haha..We not going to Disneyland since our time is limit.So, we plan to spend the limited time to go seight seeing and had a tour to Whole Paris.
We took a seight Seeing Bus ( Hip On Hip Off bus ) Euro$ 24/person for 2 days. The bus will bring us to most of the place at Paris, and we can easily hip on and hip off at anywhere that we like. Cool huh??
In the bus also provide the audio tour guide and we also can choose which language that we prefer to listen.
So, bassicaly the bus will round and tour all over Paris. We did stop at several place like Arc de triomphe, Effiel Tower, the other square ape ntah nama dia..tp from there boleh tangkap gambar Effiel Tower la..just nice. and we did lepak at the park..before going off to Hotel. Oh ya..tmn2 kat sana sangat cantik. Rumput2 karpet kat situ mcm rasa nk baring guling2 j..nasib baik ada nmpk anjing 2-3 ekor berkeliaran teman tuan dia jln2..hihi..for sure it will poo poo merata la kan. My BIL n his wife ada la tangkap gambar guling2 kat situ. Jeles jugak..tp En.Suami awal2 give me the "sign"..NO. ;P
From my personal opinion, Paris city is amaizing and beautiful..most of the builing and the parks is beautiful..Ada banyak butiques for branded shops..so, here is shoppingly heaven. Tp side city or their side urbun area are bad..Lebih kurang Malaysia. Kalau jalan dekat underground train station tu..its quit smelly..hoaaa, x boleh tahan.
And I can say, their local ppl there are not friendly. And the worst thing is most of them not speak English.Barang2 and food is quit expensive too. Think that will be the last time i will be in Paris. Will not come again..haha..
Enjoy the pitcha geng..
Paris Preview - Day 4
We arrive Paris at 7am.
After breakfast ala kadar, and also bersiap ala kadar..we heading to Effiel Tower. Nasib baik Public Toilet kat sana quit ok..Ingat nk pegi awal2 ke sana since kalau lambat nnt que panjang untuk naik atas menara tu.
From the bus station we took train Euro Dollar 1.10 per person.
After have some time in Effiel Tower, we check in at Rosney Hotel.
Petang nya kami shopping grocerries at Careffour.. Luckily the Hotel bersebelahan j dgn Carefour.
Malamnye me, En.suami, my MIL, SIL, and BIL and his wife took train to Effiel Tower. We think of enjoying the view of Effiel Tower at night..tp malangnye last train is at 11. So half way..we ol patah balik. hehe...
** This is our first time reach Paris and see the Tower with our own eyes.. Excited sangat.Hehe..Syukur Alhamdulilah diberi kesempatan dan kesihatan untuk sampai di negara orang.. Kota Cinta..mcm cerita Effiel, i'm in luv tu.. Huhu.. lepas ni xtau la bila lak dpt g sini lg..









We arrive Paris at 7am.
After breakfast ala kadar, and also bersiap ala kadar..we heading to Effiel Tower. Nasib baik Public Toilet kat sana quit ok..Ingat nk pegi awal2 ke sana since kalau lambat nnt que panjang untuk naik atas menara tu.
From the bus station we took train Euro Dollar 1.10 per person.
After have some time in Effiel Tower, we check in at Rosney Hotel.
Petang nya kami shopping grocerries at Careffour.. Luckily the Hotel bersebelahan j dgn Carefour.
Malamnye me, En.suami, my MIL, SIL, and BIL and his wife took train to Effiel Tower. We think of enjoying the view of Effiel Tower at night..tp malangnye last train is at 11. So half way..we ol patah balik. hehe...
** This is our first time reach Paris and see the Tower with our own eyes.. Excited sangat.Hehe..Syukur Alhamdulilah diberi kesempatan dan kesihatan untuk sampai di negara orang.. Kota Cinta..mcm cerita Effiel, i'm in luv tu.. Huhu.. lepas ni xtau la bila lak dpt g sini lg..
London Preview - Day 3
We start our tour at 6am.. Continue our London Tour but this time we are going to Madame Tussoude to visit and meet most of the star there.Mingle with our favourite celebrity wax figures..Wee.. ;D
After that...spend a lot of time there..then is shopping time at Oxford St. X shopping bnyk pon.. From the underground train we walk ahead to Primark..hoaaa, rasa macam berjalan 1km. Tp best jugak..cuaca sejuk, so, x berpeluh la. And the most important thing is theres a lots of butiques and shopping center along the road. Haha.. Suka!! :P
Lepas penat habis kan duit..we come back to Victoria Station, and pack some things to bring to Paris and the rest of its, we left at Craydon. Its because we only in Paris for 3 days..no need to bring lotsa things otherwise it become a burden to u right..hehe..( membebel pulak )
10.30pm we a boarding to Paris bu Euroline bus. The bus only ride half way to border of Paris..and the other half, it get into Ferry. Yay.. Naik kapal g paris..hehe
Okey..enjoy da pitchaaa!!











































We start our tour at 6am.. Continue our London Tour but this time we are going to Madame Tussoude to visit and meet most of the star there.Mingle with our favourite celebrity wax figures..Wee.. ;D
After that...spend a lot of time there..then is shopping time at Oxford St. X shopping bnyk pon.. From the underground train we walk ahead to Primark..hoaaa, rasa macam berjalan 1km. Tp best jugak..cuaca sejuk, so, x berpeluh la. And the most important thing is theres a lots of butiques and shopping center along the road. Haha.. Suka!! :P
Lepas penat habis kan duit..we come back to Victoria Station, and pack some things to bring to Paris and the rest of its, we left at Craydon. Its because we only in Paris for 3 days..no need to bring lotsa things otherwise it become a burden to u right..hehe..( membebel pulak )
10.30pm we a boarding to Paris bu Euroline bus. The bus only ride half way to border of Paris..and the other half, it get into Ferry. Yay.. Naik kapal g paris..hehe
Okey..enjoy da pitchaaa!!
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