We arrive Paris at 7am.
After breakfast ala kadar, and also bersiap ala kadar..we heading to Effiel Tower. Nasib baik Public Toilet kat sana quit ok..Ingat nk pegi awal2 ke sana since kalau lambat nnt que panjang untuk naik atas menara tu.
From the bus station we took train Euro Dollar 1.10 per person.
After have some time in Effiel Tower, we check in at Rosney Hotel.
Petang nya kami shopping grocerries at Careffour.. Luckily the Hotel bersebelahan j dgn Carefour.
Malamnye me, En.suami, my MIL, SIL, and BIL and his wife took train to Effiel Tower. We think of enjoying the view of Effiel Tower at night..tp malangnye last train is at 11. So half way..we ol patah balik. hehe...
** This is our first time reach Paris and see the Tower with our own eyes.. Excited sangat.Hehe..Syukur Alhamdulilah diberi kesempatan dan kesihatan untuk sampai di negara orang.. Kota Cinta..mcm cerita Effiel, i'm in luv tu.. Huhu.. lepas ni xtau la bila lak dpt g sini lg..
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